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Image for Jungle Comics, Books and Radio Shows

Although the comic book jungle has its male heroes, such as Thun'da and Kaanga it is a realm where women are the rulers, Tarzan excepted.

In 1937, a Jungle Queen debuted in the British magazine Wags #1. Sheena, created by Will Eisner and Jerry Iger then made her U.S. appearance the next year in Jumbo Comics #1, appearing in every issue until April 1953. In 1942, she made history by becoming the first female with her own title. As can be seen from the titles beneath Sheena spawned a whole new genre, the Jungle Girl.

Amongst our fictional characters there are a few real life stars, including Dorothy Lamour the 'Sarong Queen'. Making a brief appearance is the larger than life Frank Buck, a hunter and animal collector. He was also the author of 'Bring 'Em Back Alive', an actor, director and producer. In the 1930s and 40s he starred in numerous jungle adventure movies. Another movie star, Sabu was the son of an Indian elephant driver. He had his big break, at the age of 13, in the 1937 British film Elephant Boy and other roles followed. Sabu died of a heart attack, aged just 39.

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Jungle Comics, Books and Radio Shows


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Cover For Thun'da
Available: 8 Books
Publishing History
Issues: 6
From: 1952
To: 1953
Seq: 1 - 6
Publisher:Magazine Enterprises
Description:(1952 series) 1952 - 1953 Issues: #1-6 Notes: Part of ME's A-1 Comics series. Issue #1: Also A-1 Comics #47. #2: A-1 #56. #3: A-1 #73. #4: A-1 #78. #5: A-1 #83. #6: A-1 #86. Artists on this title include Frank Frazetta & Bob Powell
Tiger Girl Archives
Cover For Tiger Girl Archives
Available: 3 Books
Section:Jungle Compilations
Categories:Jungle | Adventure | Leading Ladies
Description:Tiger Girl first appeared in Fight Comics #32 (June 1944) published by Fiction House. She appeared a further 33 times in Fight comics, plus 12 appearances in Jungle Girls and 11 appearances in Jungle Comics. Tiger Girl, also known as Princess Vishnu, was a jungle ...
Tom-Tom the Jungle Boy
Cover For Tom-Tom the Jungle Boy
Available: 4 Books
Publishing History
Issues: 4
From: 1958
To: 1963
Seq: 1 - 10
Publisher:I. W. Publishing / Super Comics
Categories:Humor | Funny Animals | Jungle
Cover For Ultus
Available: 14 Books
Publishing History
From: 1943
Non-English:Spanish Language Books
Categories:Adventure | Jungle
The Union Jack
Cover For The Union Jack
Available: 36 Books
Publishing History
Issues: 193
From: Jan 1880
To: Sep 1883
Seq: 1 - 193
Section:British Story Papers
Categories:Adventure | Jungle | Mixed Bag
Description:Union Jack was published by The Amalgamated Press based at Fleetway House in Farringdon Street, London. This first run was originally published on 1st January 1880 to 25th September 1883, for a total of 193 issues. The paper focused on adventure stories set around ...
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
Los Vengadores de la India
Cover For Los Vengadores de la India
Available: 3 Books
Publishing History
Issues: 3
Seq: 1 - 3
Section:Selección Aventurera
Categories:Adventure | Jungle
Cover For Vooda
Available: 3 Books
Publishing History
Issues: 3
From: Apr 1955
To: Aug 1955
Seq: 20 - 22
Categories:Jungle | Leading Ladies
Wambi, Jungle Boy
Cover For Wambi, Jungle Boy
Available: 22 Books
Publishing History
Issues: 18
From: 1942
To: 1952
Seq: 1 - 18
Publisher:Fiction House
Categories:Jungle | Children / Teenagers
White Princess of the Jungle
Cover For White Princess of the Jungle
Available: 8 Books
Publishing History
Issues: 5
From: Jul 1951
To: Nov 1952
Seq: 1 - 5
Publisher:Avon Periodicals
Categories:Jungle | Leading Ladies
Description:WHITE PRINCESS OF THE JUNGLE, 1951 Series. No. 1, Jul 1951 - no. 5, Nov 1952
Wild Boy
Cover For Wild Boy
Available: 9 Books
Publishing History
Issues: 8
From: 1950
To: Oct 1952
Seq: 10 - 8
Categories:Jungle | Children / Teenagers
Description:(1951 Series) Feb-Mar 1951 - Aug 1953? Issues published: 10 [1]-8 Tracking: Continued as Wild Boy of the Congo (St. John, 1953 series) #9 onward.
Wild Boy of the Congo
Cover For Wild Boy of the Congo
Available: 6 Books
Publishing History
Issues: 6
From: Oct 1953
To: Jun 1955
Seq: 9 - 15
Publisher:St. John
Categories:Jungle | Children / Teenagers
Cover For Yorga
Available: 15 Books
Non-English:Spanish Language Books
Categories:Jungle | Adventure | Animal
Description:Published by Ediciones Hispano Americana, Barcelona. 1950. With thanks to
Zago, Jungle Prince
Cover For Zago, Jungle Prince
Available: 4 Books
Publishing History
Issues: 4
From: Sep 1948
To: Mar 1949
Seq: 1 - 4
Publisher:Fox Feature Syndicate
Description:ZAGO, JUNGLE PRINCE (Fox) 1948 Series. No. 1, Sep 1948 - no. 4, Mar 1949. Continues as MY STORY TRUE ROMANCES IN PICTURES (Fox) 1949 Series.
Zegra, Jungle Empress
Cover For Zegra, Jungle Empress
Available: 4 Books
Publishing History
Issues: 4
From: Oct 1948
To: Apr 1949
Seq: 2 - 5
Publisher:Fox Feature Syndicate
Categories:Jungle | Leading Ladies
Zoot Comics
Cover For Zoot Comics
Available: 17 Books
Publishing History
Issues: 18
From: 1946
To: Jul 1948
Seq: 1 - 16
Publisher:Fox Feature Syndicate
Categories:Mixed Bag | Humor | Jungle
Description:ZOOT COMICS (Fox) 1946 Series. No. 1, 1946 - no. 16, Jul 1948. Continues as RULAH, JUNGLE GODDESS (Fox) 1948 Series. Note: series changed from humor genre to jungle adventure as of issue no. 7, when it commenced the feature Rulah until the title changed.
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