Although the comic book jungle has its male heroes, such as
Thun'da and Kaanga it is a realm where women are the rulers, Tarzan excepted.
In 1937, a Jungle Queen debuted in the British magazine Wags #1.
Sheena, created by Will Eisner and Jerry Iger then made her U.S. appearance the next year in
Jumbo Comics #1, appearing in every issue until April 1953. In 1942, she made history by
becoming the first female with her own title. As can be seen from the titles beneath Sheena spawned
a whole new genre, the Jungle Girl.
Amongst our fictional characters there are a few real life stars, including Dorothy Lamour the 'Sarong Queen'. Making a brief appearance is the larger than life Frank Buck, a hunter and animal collector.
He was also the author of 'Bring 'Em Back Alive', an actor, director and producer. In the 1930s and 40s he starred in numerous jungle adventure movies.
Another movie star, Sabu was the son of an Indian elephant driver. He had his big break, at the age of 13, in the 1937
British film Elephant Boy and other roles followed. Sabu died of a heart attack, aged just 39.
We have 65 titles and 1,551 issues in our 'Jungle Category' for you to enjoy.
Jungle Comics, Books and Radio Shows
Cave Girl |
Available: | 4 Books |
Publishing History |
Issues: | 4 |
From: | 1953 |
To: | 1954 |
Seq: | 1 - 4 |
Publisher: | Magazine Enterprises |
Categories: | Leading Ladies | Jungle |
Description: | (1953 series)
Issues: #1-4
Note- Also part of the A-1 series (#82, 96, 112 & 125)
Artists on this title include Bob Powell. |
Jo-Jo Comics / Jo-Jo Congo King |
Available: | 31 Books |
Publishing History |
Issues: | 29 |
From: | 1946 |
To: | Jul 1949 |
Seq: | 1 - 29 |
Publisher: | Fox Feature Syndicate |
Categories: | Humor | Jungle |
Description: | JO-JO COMICS, 1946 Series.
No. 1, [Spring] 1946 - no. 6, Apr-May 1947.
JO-JO [CONGO KING], 1947 Series.
No. 7(a), Jul 1947 - no. 29, Jul 1949
Note: original series was funny animal genre before switching titles and genres to jungle adventure. The 1947 ... |
Jumbo Comics |
Available: | 173 Books |
Publishing History |
Issues: | 167 |
From: | Sep 1938 |
To: | Mar 1953 |
Seq: | 1 - 167 |
Publisher: | Fiction House |
Categories: | Mixed Bag | Jungle |
Description: | JUMBO COMICS (Fiction House) 1938 Series.
No. 1, Sept 1938 - no. 167, Mar 1953.
Created by S.M. Iger, Jumbo Comics became the first comic book title published by Fiction House. Thurman T. Scott, head of the Pulp producing company, was interested in getting ... |
Jungle Comics |
Available: | 188 Books |
Publishing History |
Issues: | 163 |
From: | Jan 1940 |
To: | 1954 |
Seq: | 1 - 163 |
Publisher: | Fiction House |
Categories: | Jungle |
Description: | No. 1, Jan 1940 - No. 163, Summer 1954 |
Jungle Jim |
Categories: | Jungle | Adventure |
Description: | Jungle Jim first saw the light of day in 1934 as an American newspaper comic strip chronicling the adventures of Asia-based hunter Jim Bradley, who was nicknamed Jungle Jim. The character also trekked through radio, film, comic book and television adaptations. ... |
Jungle Stories |
Section: | Pulp Magazines |
Categories: | Jungle |
Description: | Jungle Stories was a pulp magazine published by Glen-Kel Publishing, a division of Fiction House based in New York, USA.
Published quarterly from 1938 to 1954, it ran for a total of 59 issues.
Essentially a character pulp, each issue featured a lead novel about ... |
Kaanga Archives |
Section: | Jungle Compilations |
Categories: | Jungle |
Description: | Kannga first appeared in Jungle Comics #01 (January 1940) published by Fiction House. He appeared in all 163 issues of Jungle Comics. He appeared in his own title as well, Kaanga Comics, which ran for 20 issues.
Classed as one of the most successful of the comic ... |
Nyoka the Jungle Girl |
Available: | 129 Books |
Publishing History |
Issues: | 76 |
From: | 1945 |
To: | Jun 1953 |
Seq: | 2 - 77 |
Publisher: | Fawcett |
Categories: | Jungle | Leading Ladies |
Description: | NYOKA THE JUNGLE GIRL (Fawcett) 1945 Series.
No. 2, Winter 1945 - no. 77, Apr 1953.
Continued from JUNGLE GIRL (Fawcett) no. 1, 1942. |
O Cavaleiro Andante |
Available: | 4 Books |
Publishing History |
Issues: | 106 |
From: | 1954 |
To: | 1963 |
Seq: | 1 - 106 |
Non-English: | Portuguese Language Books |
Categories: | Adventure | Jungle | Crime | Automobiles |
Description: | Printed and published in Portugal, these books contained a mixture of stories from other European publications including, Sexton Blake. Regular issues and specials were released. |
Ramar of the Jungle |
Available: | 4 Books |
Publishing History |
Issues: | 4 |
From: | Sep 1955 |
To: | Sep 1956 |
Seq: | 2 - 5 |
Publisher: | Charlton |
Categories: | Jungle | Adventure | Spinoff |
Description: | RAMAR OF THE JUNGLE (Charlton) 1955 Series.
No. 2, Sep 1955 - no. 6, Sep 1956.
Continues from RAMAR OF THE JUNGLE (Toby) no. 1, 1954.
Rulah, Jungle Goddess |
Available: | 11 Books |
Publishing History |
Issues: | 11 |
From: | Aug 1948 |
To: | Jun 1949 |
Seq: | 17 - 27 |
Publisher: | Fox Feature Syndicate |
Categories: | Jungle | Leading Ladies |
Description: | RULAH, JUNGLE GODDESS (Fox) 1948 Series.
No. 17, Aug 1948 - no. 27, Jun 1949.
Formerly ZOOT COMICS (Fox) 1946 Series;
Continued as I LOVED TRUE CONFESSION STORIES (Fox) 1949 Series.
Note: Issues #21 & 21 contain stories or illos used in Seduction of the Innocent. |
Tarzan - Lord of the Jungle |
Categories: | Jungle |
Description: | After his first run which lasted between 1932-1936, the radio listening audience had to wait until 1951 to again hear the adventures of Tarzan, and then it was only syndicated on the West coast on the Mutual Don-Lee network. The series, a product of Commadore ... |
Tarzan - Tarzan of the Apes |
Categories: | Jungle |
Description: | Edgar Rice Burroughs' "Tarzan of The Apes" first appeared on radio on September 12, 1932 in a syndicated serial that lasted for 286 episodes. Sadly only the first 77 episodes are known to have survived, meaning we are suddenly cut off mid-stream.
The ... |
Tarzan - The Diamond of Asher |
Categories: | Jungle |
Description: | This serial started on May 14, 1934, airing Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, consisting of 39 15-minute episodes. Tarzan was played by Carlton KaDell, the show was directed by Fred Shields and narrated by John McIntire.
Although originally broadcast in 1934, ... |
Tarzan - The Fires of Tohr |
Categories: | Jungle |
Description: | Tarzan and the Fires of Tohr was the second serial produced by Burroughs. Due to delays the show only played on ten stations, including Hawaii, Canada and Australia. The 39 episodes originally aired during 1936. Here is the original synopsis:
"While investigating ... |
Terrors of the Jungle (1952) |
Available: | 3 Books |
Publishing History |
Issues: | 5 |
From: | May 1952 |
To: | Feb 1953 |
Seq: | 17 - 21 |
Publisher: | Star Publications |
Categories: | Jungle | Adventure |
Description: | Oddly, even though the issue numbering is higher, this series comes before the books of the same title with lower issue #s. |