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The Schoolgirls' Own Library
Available Books:5
Latest Book:The Schoolgirls' Own Library 52 | Uploaded: Jun 28, 2020
Schoolgirls' Own Library was published by The Amalgamated Press based at Fleetway House in Farringdon Street, London. The girls' equivalent of Schoolboys' Own Library.
It was first published on October 1922 and it ran until June 1940 for a total of 733 issues, before becoming another casualty of war-time paper shortages.
A second series was published between, October 1946 to September 1963, for a further total of 410 issues.
Like its companion, it consisted mainly of reprinted stories from other Amalgamated Press magazines like, School Friend, Schoolgirls' Own and Schoolgirls' Weekly.
The most popular stories were of Morcove School by Marjorie Stanton and Cliff House by Hilda Richards (Charles Hamilton).
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The Schoolgirls' Own Library

52 The Schoolgirls' Own Library 052 68 Friardale | paw broon Jun 28, 2020 64.00 2233 22
66 The Schoolgirls' Own Library 066 62 Unknown | paw broon Jul 19, 2012 36.00 5561 78
298 The Schoolgirls' Own Library 298 68 Friardale | paw broon Jun 28, 2020 63.00 1671 21
741 The Schoolgirls' Own Library 741 37 minotaur Dec 11, 2014 38.00 3871 41
742 The Schoolgirls' Own Library 742 37 minotaur Dec 11, 2014 39.00 4798 43
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