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Book Cover For More Fun Comics 16
More Fun Comics 16 (10 of 24)
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   By papoopsy
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Additional Information
PublicationDecember 1936 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: monthly
CoverXmas Number
SynopsisKid bear-trapping Santa Claus.
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Santa Claus
FeaturingJohnson Smith & Co.
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesInside front cover.
FeaturingJohnson Smith & Company
CreditsLetters: typeset
Comic StoryThe Resbian Affair, Part 3 (3 pages)
SynopsisSandra attempts to rescue Lorenz from a Resbian prison.
FeaturingSandra of the Secret Service
ContentGenre: Adventure; Detective-mystery | Characters: Sandra; Lorenz
ContentGenre: Humor; Children | Characters: Pincus
ContentGenre: Humor
CreditsLetters: typeset
Comic StoryPrince of Patrania, Part 14 (2 pages)
SynopsisSpike and his friends reach dry land ahead of their former captors.
FeaturingSpike Spalding
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Spike Spalding; Pincus; The Sailor
Comic StoryEpisode 6 (2 pages)
SynopsisThe four await an audience with the king which is cancelled at the last minute.
FeaturingThe Three Musketeers
ContentGenre: Adventure; Historical | Characters: D'Artagnan; Athos; Porthos; Aramis; De Treville
Notesadapted from the Alexandre Dumas novel
SynopsisKoth, an alien marooned on Earth when his spaceship crashed, is preparing to wipe out the population.
ContentGenre: Adventure; Fantasy
NotesJerry Siegel's penname is spelled Legar on this issue, rather than Leger as it is on all other Dr. Occult features.
Comic StorySea Gold [Part 1] (2 pages)
SynopsisGrim begins telling tales of his younger years.
FeaturingCaptain Grim
ContentGenre: Adventure; Historical | Characters: Captain Grim; Capt. MacPherson; Buck Wilson; Tyner (introduction, villain)
NotesScript was formerly credited to Tom Cooper, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Cooper was a writer.
Comic StoryEpisode 15 (2 pages)
SynopsisIvanhoe and Rowena are rescued from the burning castle, while The Templar abducts Rebecca.
ContentGenre: Adventure; Historical | Characters: Ivanhoe; The Black Knight; Cedric; Rowena; The Templar; Rebecca; Athelstane (death); Ulrica
Notesadapted from the Sir Walter Scott novel
SynopsisPep has to play football after fighting off hooligans who attempt to prevent him from reaching the game.
FeaturingPep Morgan
ContentGenre: Adventure; Sports | Characters: Pep Morgan
NotesScript was formerly credited to Creig Flessel, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Flessel was a writer on this strip.
FeaturingFun Club
CreditsLetters: typeset
Comic StoryGold Gulch, Part 3 (2 pages)
SynopsisAn Indian sells the boys a pot which causes nothing but trouble.
FeaturingPelion and Ossa
ContentGenre: Humor; Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Pelion; Ossa
NotesDuotone in red and black.
Comic StoryCaptain Hale, Gun-Runner, Part 3 (2 pages)
SynopsisDewey has discovered that Captain Hale is gun-running.
FeaturingMidshipman Dewey
ContentGenre: Adventure; Historical | Characters: Dewey; Captain Hale; Dorgan; Blackbirder; Captain Smith
NotesScript was formerly credited to Tom Cooper, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Cooper was a writer.
Comic StoryFang Gow of China [Part 16] (2 pages)
SynopsisBarry and LeGrand escape from the sewers, but Fang Gow disappears.
FeaturingBarry O'Neill and Fang Gow of China
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Barry O'Neil; Fang Gow; LeGrand
Comic StoryPeople of the Red Planet, Part 2 (2 pages)
SynopsisMark is assigned the case of finding Professor Hillary, but he is being tailed by Sarno's men.
FeaturingMark Marson of the Interplanetary Police
ContentGenre: Adventure; Science Fiction | Characters: Mark Marson; Sgt. Monty Montague; Sarno; Hillary's daughter
NotesScript was formerly credited to Tom Hickey, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Hickey was a writer.
Comic StoryIn the Wilderness, Part 4 (2 pages)
SynopsisLost in the woods, Tom and Jack meet Harry Mattson, a wanted man.
FeaturingThe Bradley Boys
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Tom Bradley; Jack Bradley; Harry Mattson (introduction)
NotesDuotone in red and black. Script was formerly credited to Creig Flessel, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Flessel was a writer on this strip.
Comic StoryThe Holdup, Part 8 (2 pages)
SynopsisJake is taken to Slick Carter's hideout and held prisoner.
FeaturingAlong the Main Line
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Jake; Ed; Slick Carter; Malverne; Dawkins
NotesScript was formerly credited to Tom Cooper, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Cooper was a writer.
FeaturingLionel Trains
CreditsLetters: typeset
SynopsisBrad organizes a jail break.
FeaturingBrad Hardy
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Brad Hardy; Prince Kardos; Helgar
NotesScript was formerly credited to Tom Hickey, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Hickey was a writer.
FeaturingJust Suppose
ContentGenre: Non-fiction | Characters: Henry VIII; Andrew Jackson
NotesDuotone in red and black.
Comic StoryThe Menace of Little Wolf, Part 1 (2 pages)
SynopsisLittle Wolf forces Jim into a fight.
FeaturingBuckskin Jim
ContentGenre: Adventure; Western-frontier | Characters: Buckskin Jim; Little Wolf
NotesScript was formerly credited to Tom Cooper, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Cooper was a writer.
Comic StoryAlaskan Adventure, Part 2 (2 pages)
SynopsisBob investigates an extinct volcano crater with his rocket plane.
FeaturingBob Merritt and His Flying Pals
ContentGenre: Adventure; Aviation | Characters: Bob Merritt; Prospector Jake; Saunders
Comic StoryThe Bedouin Adventure, Part 15 (2 pages)
SynopsisAli Ben Saad displays his captives to the Foreign Legion, hoping to stave off an attack on his fortress.
FeaturingWing Brady
ContentGenre: Adventure; Aviation | Characters: Wing Brady; Ali Ben Saad (villain); Lynn Harding; Lieutenant Canfield
NotesScript was formerly credited to Tom Hickey, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Hickey was a writer.
FeaturingSam the Porter
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Sam the Porter
FeaturingDo You Know?
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
NotesDuotone in red and black.
FeaturingTalk About Talkies
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentCharacters: Jane Withers (photo)
Notesmovie reviews
Publisher advertisementYou Asked for It
FeaturingDetective Comics
NotesHouse ad for Detective Comics #1 with cover date of December 1936, though actual issue is dated March 1937.
Statement of OwnershipStatement of Ownership
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesNicholson Publishing Company; 373 Fourth Avenue, NY, NY. Editor: Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson; Bus Manager Fred B Jeske, 420 Desoto Ave St. Louis, MO; owners: More Fun Inc; Nicholson Publishing; Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson Printed in St Louis MO. Managing Editor: Whitney Ellsworth
Comic StoryDamsel in Distress, Part 13 (2 pages)
SynopsisJack and his friends are under siege and await rescue by federal troops.
FeaturingJack Woods
ContentGenre: Adventure; Western-frontier | Characters: Jack Woods; Dolores; Don Miguel; Pancho Villa (villain)
SynopsisBobby and Binks gaze into the crystal once again and see Hannibal's conquest of the middle east, and his eventual downfall.
FeaturingThe Magic Crystal of History
ContentGenre: Adventure; Historical | Characters: Bobby; Binks; Hannibal; P. Cornelius Scipio
NotesScript was formerly credited to Homer Fleming, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Fleming was a writer on this strip.
Comic StoryKidnaped! (2 pages)
SynopsisLinda leaves a clue to her location.
FeaturingLittle Linda
ContentGenre: Drama; Children | Characters: Ned Flint; Watson; X-42; Linda
SynopsisLaswan turns traitor to his own side in hopes of usurping power.
FeaturingDon Drake on the Planet Saro
ContentGenre: Adventure; Sword And Sorcery | Characters: Don Drake; Queen Zira; Betty; Laswan (villain); Krenon (villain)
Comic StoryIsland Adventure, Part 6 (2 pages)
SynopsisWatts follows puzzling directions he has found that lead him to a house he's not supposed to enter.
FeaturingWoozy Watts
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Woozy Watts
Comic StoryEpisode 5 (2 pages)
SynopsisA stranger on the island saves Captain Dennis and Jeff's lives.
FeaturingPirate Gold
ContentGenre: Adventure; Historical | Characters: Captain Dennis; Jeff Roberts; Pedro; the Stranger
NotesScript was formerly credited to Sven Elven, but no information in either the Who’s Who or the long article on Elven in Alter Ego #162 (January 2020) support the idea that he was a writer on this strip.
Comic StoryFighting for Chivalry (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Hubert
Notespantomime; wordless comic
SynopsisSandy has to disarm a madman with a reporter's "help".
ContentGenre: Crime; Detective-mystery
FeaturingAlger's Variety Show
ContentGenre: Humor
AdvertisementFactory to You (1 page)
FeaturingRemington Rand
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesInside back cover.
FeaturingMartin-Cole Company
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesBack cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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