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More Fun Comics
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Book Cover For More Fun Comics 15
More Fun Comics 15 (9 of 24)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By AlanNaldrett111
Interesting issue with two stories, Dr. Occult and Radio Squad, by a Pre-Superman Siegel and Schuster. Also "Whit" Whitney Ellsworth, the movie liason between DC and the movies including the Batman and Superman serials, and the Superman TV series. He was also an editor, writer, and artist for DC and has a story in this issue.
Additional Information
PublicationNovember 1936 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: monthly
SynopsisKid getting mule to kick a field goal.
ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingJohnson Smith & Co.
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesInside front cover.
FeaturingJohnson Smith & Company
CreditsLetters: typeset
FeaturingAlger's Variety Show
ContentGenre: Humor
Comic StoryThe Resbian Affair, Part 2 (3 pages)
SynopsisSandra attempts to rescue a fellow Gavonian spy from prison.
FeaturingSandra of the Secret Service
ContentGenre: Adventure; Detective-mystery | Characters: Sandra; Lorenz
Comic StoryPrince of Patrania, Part 13 (2 pages)
FeaturingSpike Spalding
ContentGenre: Adventure; Children | Characters: Spike Spalding; Pincus; The Sailor
Comic StoryIsland Adventure, Part 5 (2 pages)
FeaturingWoozy Watts
ContentGenre: Adventure; Humor | Characters: Woozy Watts
SynopsisSearching for a magical belt inside an Egyptian pyramid, Occult and Zator are attacked by a giant wielding a scimitar, but Occult kills him. They find the magic belt, but when Koth learns of this he is filled with rage and orders their death within two minutes.
ContentGenre: Adventure; Fantasy
NotesA box in the final panel of the last page promotes the next story: "Next issue: What happens when Occult starts using the magic belt?"
Comic StoryIn the Wake of the Wander [Part 13] (2 pages)
SynopsisFilson escapes and swims to the nearby beach. The native Kango uses Filson's own blow gun to kill him with a poison dart, and so the mystery of "The Death That Leaves No Mark" is finally solved.
FeaturingCaptain Grim
ContentGenre: Adventure; Historical | Characters: Captain Grim; Filson (villain); Kango
NotesScript was formerly credited to "Tom Cooper [as Mac Fergus]", but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Cooper was a writer.
Comic StoryEpisode 14 (2 pages)
SynopsisDe Bracey's castle is under siege and the gate is breached by the Black Knight. They battle and the Knight is victorious. Ivanhoe and Rebecca become aware that the castle is burning, when the Templar bursts in and abducts her.
ContentGenre: Adventure; Historical | Characters: De Bracey; Ivanhoe; The Black Knight; Locksley; Cedric; Bois-Gilbert; Rebecca; the Templar
SynopsisPep is smitten with the Dean's daughter, which distracts him on the football field.
FeaturingPep Morgan
ContentGenre: Adventure; Sports | Characters: Pep Morgan; the Dean's daughter; Doug; Benny; Tubs Miller
NotesScript was formerly credited to Creig Flessel, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Flessel was a writer on this strip.
FeaturingFun Club
CreditsLetters: typeset
Comic StoryGold Gulch, Part 2 (2 pages)
FeaturingPelion and Ossa
ContentGenre: Humor; Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Pelion; Ossa
Comic StoryThe Bedouin Adventure, Part 14 (2 pages)
SynopsisWing and Lynn are recaptured by the Arabs led by Ali Ben Saad. Before their planned fate can be put in motion a warning comes that the sentry has spied thousands of Legionnaires marching on the camp.
FeaturingWing Brady
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Wing Brady; Ali Ben Saad (villain); Lynn Harding; Lieutenant Canfield
NotesScript was formerly credited to Tom Hickey, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Hickey was a writer.
Comic StoryFang Gow of China [Part 15] (2 pages)
SynopsisBarry and Le Grand are trapped underground by Fang Gow, but when part of Paris is blown up they escape. Barry takes a gun from a fallen guard and confronts Fang Gow, who pulls a gun from his sleeve. But Barry is faster and the villain falls.
FeaturingBarry O'Neill and Fang Gow of China
ContentGenre: Adventure; Crime | Characters: Barry O'Neil; Fang Gow; Le Grand
FeaturingThrilling True Stories
ContentGenre: Adventure; Non-fiction
Comic StoryIn the Wilderness, Part 3 (2 pages)
FeaturingThe Bradley Boys
ContentGenre: Adventure; Children | Characters: Tom Bradley; Jack Bradley
NotesScript was formerly credited to Creig Flessel, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Flessel was a writer on this strip.
Comic StoryEpisode 5 (2 pages)
SynopsisKeeping his tryst with the three musketeers for successive duels, D'Artagnan is waylaid by five of the Cardinal's private Guard. He and the other three fight and drive them off. The King is pleased to hear of this and asks to see these men to congratulate them on their prowess.
FeaturingThe Three Musketeers
ContentGenre: Adventure; Historical | Characters: D'Artagnan; Athos; Porthos; Aramis; De Treville; Captain Jussac; The King
FeaturingTouchdown! Pigskin Puns
ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingBrad Hardy
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Brad Hardy; Prince Kardos; Helgar
NotesScript was formerly credited to Tom Hickey, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Hickey was a writer.
FeaturingJust Suppose
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Erikson; Filui Orsene
Comic StoryCaptain Hale, Gun-Runner, Part 2 (2 pages)
FeaturingMidshipman Dewey
ContentGenre: Adventure; Historical | Characters: Dewey; Captain Hale; Dorgan; Blackbirder; Captain Smith
NotesScript was formerly credited to Tom Cooper, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Cooper was a writer.
Comic StoryAlaskan Adventure, Part 1 (2 pages)
FeaturingBob Merritt
ContentGenre: Adventure; Aviation | Characters: Bob Merritt; Red; Shorty; Buzz; Lefty
Comic StoryPeople of the Red Planet, Part 1 (2 pages)
FeaturingMark Marson of the Interpanetary Police
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Mark Marson (introduction); Monty Montague; Sarno; Hillary's daughter; Dorais; Captain Waldo
Comic StoryThe Half-Breed, Part 5 (2 pages)
SynopsisBuckskin Jim is among a group building a settlement in a lush valley. Riding out to shoot a buffalo for meat, Jim meets two Indian braves who take him back to their camp. The chief takes a liking to Jim and inducts him into the tribe.
FeaturingBuckskin Jim
ContentGenre: Adventure; Western-frontier | Characters: Buckskin Jim; Pete; Little Wolf
NotesScript was formerly credited to Tom Cooper, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Cooper was a writer.
FeaturingTalk About Talkies
CreditsLetters: typeset
SynopsisLinda is kidnapped and a ransom note delivered to her guardian with the warning noy to contact the authorities. Ned decides to call in the F.B.I.
FeaturingLittle Linda
ContentGenre: Drama; Children | Characters: Linda Silas Flint; Ned
SynopsisBobby and Binks gaze into the magic crystal and see the adventure of Darius, King of Persia, invading Athens in 490 B.C.
FeaturingThe Magic Crystal of History
ContentGenre: Non-fiction | Characters: Bobby; Binks
NotesScript previously credited to Fleming on no known evidence.
Comic StoryDamsel in Distress, Part 12 (2 pages)
FeaturingJack Woods
ContentGenre: Adventure; Western-frontier | Characters: Jack Woods; Dolores; Don Miguel; Pancho Villa (villain)
Comic StoryThe Hold-Up, Part 7 (2 pages)
FeaturingAlong the Main Line
ContentGenre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Jake; Ed; Slick Carter; Malverne; Dawkins
NotesScript was formerly credited to Tom Cooper, but Keith Chandler has found no information to support the idea that Cooper was a writer.
SynopsisClimbing down into a rock crevice in an attempt to save Betty, Don, Queen Zira and Betty herself are swept down a swift running stream. They emerge in a strange land, which the queen says must be that ruled by her cousin Laswan.
FeaturingDon Drake on the Planet Saro
ContentGenre: Adventure; Sword And Sorcery | Characters: Don Drake; Queen Zira; Betty; Laswan (villain); Krenon (villain)
Comic StoryEpisode 4 (2 pages)
FeaturingPirate Gold
ContentGenre: Adventure; Historical | Characters: Captain Dennis; Jeff Roberts; Pedro
NotesElven was previously suggested as possible scriptwriter, but the Who's Who, in combination with a long piece on the artist in Alter Ego #162 (January 2020), seems to refute this.
Comic StoryHunting (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Hubert
Notespantomime; wordless comic
SynopsisSandy is masquerading as the Tiger to save Doris Bailey, but is outed by Myrna. When the Tiger has Sandy in a huge jar filling up with water, Myrna saves him by firing at the jar and breaking it. She explains that the Tiger is her father, and she wanted him put into psychiatric care, not prison.
ContentGenre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Burke; Purple Tiger Gang [Myrna]
FeaturingSam the Porter
ContentGenre: Humor
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesInside back cover.
FeaturingNew Comics
NotesInside back cover.
AdvertisementBig Prizes
FeaturingThe Crowell Publishing Co.
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesInside back cover.
AdvertisementFactory to You (1 page)
FeaturingRemington Rand
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesBack cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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