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Out of the Shadows
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NotesThere is more information about this book at the bottom of the page
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Out of the Shadows 10 (6 of 10)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By FinFangFoom
This is a favorite 50s comic book motif for me ! I never get tired of giant humanoid spider creatures with a hapless victim snared in it's web--great scan thanks !
Additional Information
PublicationOctober 1953 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: Quarterly
NotesArt id by Ger Apeldoorn.
CoverWe Vowed Till Death Do Us Part
CreditsPencils: George Roussos | Inks: George Roussos | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
NotesArt id by Ger Apeldoorn.
Comic StoryDestroy My Enemy (7 pages)
SynopsisMeek Elmer Grimes commands a murderous pirate-genie in a bottle. Fulfilling a death contract the genie turns on his master.
CreditsPencils: Nick Cardy | Inks: Nick Cardy
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Comic StoryRoom of Terror (1 page)
SynopsisIn a library room four students encounter an alien apparition.
CreditsPencils: Gene Fawcette | Inks: Gene Fawcette
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Comic StoryWeird Watson
SynopsisThe Shadow-like Watson buys himself an alligator for a pet.
ContentGenre: Humor
Comic Story'Til Death Do Us Part (6 pages)
SynopsisThe husband of a dominating wife is sent over to inquire about the rich neighbors. The two secluded living sisters share a dark secret, which ruins everbody's lives.
CreditsPencils: Mike Sekowsky | Inks: Mike Peppe
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
NotesArt id by Ger Apeldoorn.
Text StoryHarvest of Hate (2 pages)
SynopsisWhen Mercer Taunton refuses to hold his end of the bargain with the voodoo priestess Mamma Dandaou, he has to pay a horrible price.
CreditsScript: Irving Werstein | Pencils: John Celardo | Inks: John Celardo? | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Notestext with spot illustrations.
Comic StoryThe Sergeant (2 pages)
SynopsisA sergeant is killed in World War II, but returns from the dead to lead his platoon through enemy lines to safety.
CreditsPencils: Jack Katz | Inks: Jack Katz? | Job #: B -1718
ContentGenre: War
Comic StoryRevenge of the Little People (8 pages)
SynopsisThe circus midget "Major" Martin marries the lovely trapeze artist Lila, but is betrayed by her and killed for his money. Lila is haunted by apparitions of ghost midgets, who sabotage her act and let her drop to certain death.
CreditsPencils: John Celardo? | Inks: John Celardo
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Comic StoryThe Corpse That Lived! (3 pages)
SynopsisA woman is buried with her jewels. When grave robbers open the coffin, the lady stirs again. She recovers and lives happily ever after. The woman is said to have been the mother of novelist Sir Walter Scott.
CreditsPencils: Alex Toth | Inks: Mike Peppe
ContentGenre: Non-fiction
NotesArt id by Ger Apeldoorn, confirmed by the Alex Toth index (
Comic StoryThe Fettered Phantom (1 page)
SynopsisA ghost leads a writer to the place where he has been slain and buried.
CreditsPencils: Gene Fawcette | Inks: Gene Fawcette
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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