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Exciting Comics 4 - Version 1 (5 of 85)
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   By ghmcleod
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Additional Information
PublicationJuly 1940 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: monthly
ContentGenre: Adventure; Science Fiction | Characters: The Space Rovers [Ted Hunt; Jane Martin]
Comic StoryThe Lost Valley of Mars (10 pages)
SynopsisA mishap on their way back to Earth causes Ted and Jane to pass by Mars where they spy a damsel in distress.
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: The Space Rovers [Ted Hunt; Jane Martin]; Mara (introduction); Martians; Xark (villain, introduction)
Comic StoryTed Crane and the Voice from the Flames (8 pages)
SynopsisBetty has been kidnapped by an evil scientist and Ted Crane comes to her rescue.
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: An evil scientist (villain, introduction, death); Takima (introduction); Ted Crane; Prof. Hawkins; Betty Hawkins
Comic StoryThe Phony Mask (6 pages)
SynopsisThe Mask is on the trail of a criminal commiting crimes who is posing as the Mask.
ContentGenre: Crime; Superhero | Characters: The Mask [Tony Colby] (District Attorney); Sandra Cummings (Broadway star, death); Dr. Lawrence Reid (villain, introduction, death); Slug Custon (villain); Pat O'Rooney; Bill Kallem; Butch; Dick Granville; Jim Boughton; Carol Smith
Comic StoryThe Theft of the Tank Plans (10 pages)
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: Dr. John Thesson [Son of the Gods]; Daggett (villain, introduction); Mr. Wheeler; Jane Wheeler
Comic StoryThe Bootleggers (8 pages)
SynopsisDan Williams and Gail Parker break up a bootleg enterprise.
ContentGenre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Dan Williams, Private Investigator; Chris Toomey (villain, introduction); Gail Parker
Text StoryOutlaw Ransom (1 page)
CreditsPencils:? (2 spot illustrations) | Inks:? (2 spot illustrations) | Colors:? (2 spot illustrations) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Buck Sanders; Joe Marsh; Bill Smith; Chuck Wilson; Tom Jones; Mr. Sanders
SynopsisSgt. King is sent undercover to retrieve the formula for a new bomb created by the Nazis.
ContentGenre: War | Characters: Nazis (villain); Sgt. Bill King; Schmidt; Herman
Comic StoryThe Firebugs (7 pages)
ContentGenre: Superhero | Characters: The Sphinx [Ellsworth Forrester]; Twist (villain, introduction); Hoppy Moran (villain, introduction); Ann Neville; Cochrane
NotesArt credits revised from Kin Platt ? to Thayer ?, per Alter Ego #111 (July 2012).
Text StorySergeant Tommy (1 page)
SynopsisTommy Harper thinks of a way to save the fort that is under attack by local inhabitants while most of its regiment is away.
CreditsPencils:? (spot illustration) | Inks:? (spot illustration) | Colors:? (spot illustration) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Military | Characters: Tommy Harper; Capt. Harper; Lt. Gray; Mrs. Gray
Comic StoryThe Corpse in the Cave (6 pages)
SynopsisJake Norris, utilizing underhanded methods, tries to take the Circle 3 ranch.
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Sylvia Field; Rodney Field; Jake Norris; Capt. McDowell; Jim Hatfield; Bradley; Pete Jones; Texas Rangers
Comic StoryMickey wins! (1 page)
SynopsisMickey daydreams that he is a great horse rider; reality proves differently.
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Make-Believe Mickey
SynopsisMickey imagines himself as a great juggler.
ContentGenre: Humor | Characters: Make-Believe Mickey
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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