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Baffling Mysteries
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Book Cover For Baffling Mysteries 5
Baffling Mysteries 5 (1 of 24)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By samvfox
These are artistic great drawings machine lettering easy to read, stories are a little flat though sam v fox
   By Mike0831
I liked the use of the one-horned goatman gravestone impression.
   By bailwritte
Pretty cool stories. I like this sort of novell form hooror/adventure stories
Additional Information
PublicationNovember 1951 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: bi-monthly
CoverVolcano of Vengeance
CreditsLetters: typeset (Leroy lettering)
ContentGenre: Fantasy
Comic StoryVolcano of Vengeance (7 pages)
SynopsisTod Sloane, field man for the North American Museum, investigates Mount Pataxo, located in a small Central American country. In this volcano, an age-old but benign cult of godlike "goatmen" has survived. The superstitious locals want to sacrifice Sloane to prevent volcanic eruption. He is saved by the goatmen and their queen Arni. Sloane manages to disperse the locals superstition and wins a valuable artifact.
CreditsLetters: typeset (Leroy lettering)
ContentGenre: Fantasy
Comic StoryPhantom Snow Queen (7 pages)
SynopsisSki-jump sensation Irma Monroe has a vision of death the night before her fabulous nightly ski-jump at the New Hampshire Snowtop Lodge. She races to New York to see a psychiatrist about this. Meanwhile a skeletal phantom does all the work for her. Her boyfriend is worried. Going to New York he finds her comatose in a hospital, where she was brought after falling down an elevator shaft. Hearing the voice of her lover, Irma recovers. Mystery!
CreditsLetters: typeset (Leroy lettering)
ContentGenre: Fantasy
Comic StoryThe Lady Was a Tiger (7 pages)
SynopsisBonita Jackson, wife to big-game-hunter Stuart, falls ill in the jungles of Western India and is brought to mysterious Dr. Zander, the only help available. Zander is mad and injects tiger blood into the veins of the unsuspecting woman. The lady turns into a tiger and runs off into the jungle. The worried husband follows her, gets in danger and is rescued by his tigeress. Husband confronts doctor, doctor draws gun, tiger leaps in and kills doctor.
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Comic StoryBaffling Mysteries [#1] (1 page)
Synopsis"The Danube river flows through small towns in lower Germany." Two pranksters scare a ferryman on Halloween. They disguise as death ("We are Death!") ?!? They ferry off into Nowhere.
FeaturingBaffling Mysteries
CreditsLetters: typeset (Leroy lettering)
ContentGenre: Fantasy
Text StoryUnderwater Mystery (2 pages)
SynopsisThe travel liner "Arcadia" goes down off the coast of New York. A husband and his wife struggle against drowning and experience wild fantasies. A creature named Zrynyi strangles them. They are rescued, Zrynyi lying dead beside them. Wild visions - or were they?!
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Comic StoryBaffling Mysteries [#2] (1 page)
Synopsis"The buried treasure of Captain Kidd..." Man strolling on beach finds pirate treasure. Captain Kidd appears, man stabs him and runs to the police. On the crime scene, the Captain has changed into the body of an innocent beachchomber.
FeaturingBaffling Mysteries
CreditsLetters: typeset (Leroy lettering)
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Comic StoryTerror in the Coal Pits (7 pages)
SynopsisNurse Jarvis encounters a mine foreman in the Pennsylvania hills, who leads her to a group of men, caught in a cave-in. They give her instructions about a hidden, rich vein. Reporting this event in town, she is baffled to hear that the cave-in took place ten years ago, all the men were lost and the mine expired. The nurse and the mine owner's son investigate and discover an entrance to the cave-in. They marry and strike it richly.
CreditsLetters: typeset (Leroy lettering)
ContentGenre: Fantasy
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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