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File nameKitty_001__St._John___Oct_1948___JVJ_Two_Dar_.cbr
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SourceThis book was scanned from a copy in the JVJ Archive.
NotesThere is more information about this book at the bottom of the page
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Book Cover For Kitty 1
Kitty 1 (17 of 22)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By Mark Braun
VERY Trina Robbins!
   By crashryan
I like the art overall but Kitty's strange chin bugs looks like she's supposed to be slightly overweight, though the rest of her says this is definitely not the case.
   By nenslo
"Japanese invasion money, officially known as Southern Development Bank Notes, was currency issued by the Japanese Military Authority, as a replacement for local currency after the conquest of colonies and other states in World War II." - Wikipedia So, worth as much as Confederate money, for the same reason.
   By The Australian Panther
I don't usually look too hard at this kind of book, but I always check the posts and Nenslo's comment made me check it out. Then I saw Lilly Renee's name on the cover! I like it a lot. As for the chin, she may have had a real person for a model?
Additional Information
PublicationOctober 1948 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: Six times a year (February, April, June, August, October, December).
ContentGenre: Children; Teen | Characters: Kitty
SynopsisKitty can't afford a new dress for the formal so she gets a job as a salesclerk in a dress shop.
ContentGenre: Humor; Teen | Characters: Kitty; Dad; brother; Wanda
ActivityKitty's Cut-Outs (1 page)
ContentGenre: Fashion
NotesPaper doll activity featuring a cut-out of Kitty and various outfits.
SynopsisKenny and Muggsy try to earn money by cleaning a "haunted" house.
ContentGenre: Humor; Teen | Characters: Kenny; Muggsy; Ronnie
ActivityKitty's Cut-Outs (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Fashion
NotesPaper-doll activity, more clothes for the Kitty cut-out.
Text StoryTwo Hamburgers With (2 pages)
CreditsScript: Connie Williams | Letters: typeset
FeaturingJack Potts
ContentGenre: Humor
NotesThis is probably a reprint from an early Chesler comic.
SynopsisSally designs a dress for a contest to be judged by movie star Gerald Kliegeyes.
ContentGenre: Humor; Teen | Characters: Sally; Sue; Gerald Kliegeyes; Bud
Notes"Klieg eyes" refers to an eye condition caused by exposure to high-intensity lights (klieg lights) used in motion picture production.
ActivityKitty's Cut-Outs (1 page)
ContentGenre: Fashion
NotesAnother page of paper-doll activity art, this time with hats and gloves for an image of Kitty's head.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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