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Date | Number: v14 3 | Lang: English (en)
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Notescontains a Kath King comic story
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Cavalcade v14 3 (46 of 90)
   By nenslo
First Kath King story.
   By The Australian Panther
Kath King is on CB+ page 51. Phil Belbin did both Kath King and Private Eye 'Flash Cain' here in Cavalcade. One adventure is here. Since they are both quite rare, this is quite the treasure trove. Somebody, maybe me - but please don't hold your breath - should extract them and make some Archives. Just found this: [Also in 1947 artist Phil Belbin joined KG Murray as an artist and cartoonist and his spectacular illustrations began to appear along with those of Jack Waugh. Jack Gibson remained a key artistic contributor too, with many regular features and spot illustrations. The whole bevy of familiar postwar authors began to appear: Darcy Niland, Raymond Slattery, James Holledge and Dulcie Deamer, to name a few. In April 1948 Cavalcade introduced comic strip plotlines of current RKO movies: the first was The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, drawn by Belbin, followed in May by Out of the Past. Other movies given this treatment by Belbin were Magic Town, Night Song, Return of the Bad Men, The Bishop’s Wife, The Miracle of the Bells, I Remember Mama, Fort Apache, If You Knew Suzie, Rachel and the Stranger and The Velvet Touch. In April 1949 Phil Belbin was given the opportunity to draw “Cavalcade’s new picture mystery”. This was Flash Cain, private detective. Many of these strips were scripted by Ray Heath. In August 1951 Flash Cain gave way to Kath King of Kismet Cove, a beautiful girl writer and reporter, drawn by Belbin and scripted by Sydney Ockenden. Kath King lasted until October 1953, and that was the end of comic strips in Cavalcade, although Australian-drawn cartoons continued to appear.]
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