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Book Cover For Nightmare 9
Nightmare 9 (9 of 23)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By Rintintin
Some really good / bad Black & White art. The high moments are worth it. (multiple artists) Especially the story 300th Birthday Party, wow, the line work and use of grays. (spoilers: Cecille turns out to be so shallow!!!) The previous stories are neat too, but that one is impressive & there's some garbage in there.
Additional Information
PublicationOctober 1972 | Price: 0.60 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: bi-monthly
CoverSkull-Forest of Old Earth!
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
FeaturingMr. Pook
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense | Characters: Mr. Pook
NotesFrontispiece and titlepage. Introduces a horror host, later named Mr. Pook, for Nightmare. The contents page features the first mention of the term "horror-mood" in this title.
Comic StoryMarkheim (7 pages)
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
NotesArt credited to Duran, with a signature that looks like D. Duran, but the D could be a stylised J.
Comic StoryThe Nightmare World Of James Edgar: Call Them Ghouls, Call Them Trolls, Call Them Things (3 pages)
FeaturingNightmare World
CreditsScript: James Edgar (credited)
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
NotesFrom a dream by James Edgar. "Nightmare World" began a semi-regular series in which readers sent in their nightmare, which were then adapted into stories.
Comic StoryThe Guillotine (1 page)
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Comic StoryZoo for the Beasts of the Universe (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Science Fiction
NotesCintron’s professional debut.
Letters PageLunatic Letters’ Page [+ Editorial] (2 pages)
CreditsLetters: typeset
Comic StoryThe Skull Forest of Old Earth (7 pages)
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
NotesThe Shoggoths series begins, with Hewetson using H. P. Lovecraft’s Shoggoths as villains, although the stories themselves are new, not adaptations. Hewetson’s Shoggoths didn’t physically resemble Lovecraft’s descriptions either.
Text ArticleThe Abominable Dr. Phibes (2 pages)
CreditsPencils:? (photographs) | Inks:? (photographs) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
NotesText article with photos.
Text ArticleDr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde (2 pages)
CreditsPencils:? (photographs) | Inks:? (photographs) | Letters: typeset
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Comic StoryThe 300th Birth Day Party (5 pages)
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Comic StoryThe Gargoyle Trilogy (11 pages)
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
NotesThe three parts of the story are titled: The Grotesque Gargoyle: The 1st Tale; And Starts 2: The Idiot Gargoyle!; and ..Now Starts the 3rd... the Darkness Gargoyle... Although the gargoyles are identical, this story has nothing to do with the Human Gargoyles series. Next issue with the Gargoyles is Nightmare #10. Part 1 of 9?
Comic StoryThe Night in the Wax Museum (8 pages)
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
NotesThe artist’s name is variously spelled with one or two L’s.
Comic StoryDracula (1 page)
CreditsPencils:? (photograph) | Inks:? (photograph)
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
Comic StoryThe Werewolf Within (9 pages)
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
NotesThere was no feature logo in this story, but this was the first appearance for the Darkkos Manse (called Darkkos Mansion in the last page of the story).
Publisher advertisementhorror-suspenseAd for Nightmare #10 (1 page)
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
NotesNext issue advertisement.
Text StoryThe Thing in the Alley (1 page)
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Horror-suspense
NotesBack cover. Due to a printer's error this story also appears in Warren's Eerie #42 in the same month. Art originally intended for Skywald's unpublished Science Fiction Odyssey #1.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
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