One problem with judging a book like this is that it seems like the usual standards one would apply work against the material.
The story isn't necessarily fictional, it might be, but it has to seem real which works against overly fanciful, or clever, story-telling and seem a bit... dullish (for lack of a better word).
Same with the art. The artist can't get too wild, or fancy, for fear of overwhelming the collection of facts passing as a story.
So the end result is okay art that does it's job and writing that gets across the point it's trying to make, but both are otherwise unmemorable by themselves.
So if I were looking for reference material about railroad police, this would be good. If I were looking for a good story about railroad police... I'd have to look elsewhere.
And if you're having trouble getting through this book try to imagine the story being narrated by Jack Webb from Dragnet.