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Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa

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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #100 on: February 24, 2021, 07:07:04 PM »


Alfred Eugene Abranz -

George Baker -

Albert Bertino -

Preston Erwin Blair -

Carleton Wilcox Boyd -

Jack Morin Bradbury -

Paul Arnold Deighton Busch -

Philp Duncan -

Morris Gollub -

Robert Dyer Grant -

John Franklin Grundeen -

Ralph Clifford Heimdahl -

Harry Alfred Holt -

Allan Miles Hubbard -

Kenneth Vernon Hultgren -

Ubbe Ert Iwerks -

Theodore Lynn Karp -

Walter Crawford Kelly -

Henry King Ketcham -

Ward Walrath Kimball -

John Ryan Kinney -

Thomas Vernon Massey -

John Richard McDermott -

Frank McSavage -

Cyrus Robert Moore -

Paul Russell Murry -

Daniel Alexander Noonan -

Virgil Franklin Partch -

Curtiss Dustin Perkins -

Jose Antonio Rivera -

Julius Svendsen -

Riley Allen Thomson -

Reuben Timmins -

Stanley Lewis Walsh -

Alfred Owen Williams -

Lots of comic books drawn by several in this crew!  Fred Abranz: Sangor, Western; Al Bertino: Disney Overseas; Preston Blair: Sangor, ACG, Western; Jack Bradbury: Sangor, Western, Disney Overseas; Mo Gollub: Western; Bob Grant: Western, Disney; Frank Grundeen : Disney Comics Div; Ralph Heimdahl: Western, Disney Comics Div, McCombs; Harry Holt: Sangor; Al Hubbard: Sangor, Western, Disney Overseas;
Ken Hultgren: Western, Disney, Sangor, Archie; Ub Iwerks: Flip The Frog, David McKay; Lynn Karp: Sangor, Western, Disney, Fawcett; Walt Kelly: Centaur, DC, Western,  EC, Own Pub(Pogo); Hank Ketcham: Avon, Standard, Fawcett; Jay Kinney: DC, Comics Studio, Kitchen Sink; Tom Massey: Western; Frank McSavage: Sangor, Western, Disney; Bob Moore: Lev Gleason, Western, Disney Overseas; Paul Murry: Disney, Western, Lafave Newspaper Features, Disney Overseas; Dan Noonan: Parents Magazine Press, Western, Pogo (ind.); Virgil Partch: Fawcett, Western, News America Syndicate, North America Syndicate; Curtiss Perkins: Sangor, Better/Nedor; Tony Rivera: Western; Julius Svendsen: Disney, Western;  Riley Thom(p)son: Disney Comics Div, Western; Reuben Timmins: St. John; Stan Walsh: Disney, Western, Kitchen Sink; Bill Williams: Sangor, ACG, Western, DC, Fawcett, Trojan, Marvel, Tower, Charlton
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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #101 on: February 24, 2021, 08:05:02 PM »

Of course theres also Carl Barks who mentioned Disney on his draft card, but hes not listed as animator, which is why he didnt pop up in my searches at first. Instead, he?s listed as *In-betweener*, *Writer*, and *Story Director*. Probably a lot more I missed too.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 08:32:51 PM by Electricmastro »
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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #102 on: February 24, 2021, 08:26:09 PM »

Heimdahl also created the public domain Minnie Soo for McCombs. I wonder how many who read it back then suspected there to be Disney history behind it.

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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #104 on: March 15, 2021, 12:05:23 AM »

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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #105 on: March 15, 2021, 06:33:56 AM »

William Arthur Scott Jr. (1914-1999):

Topix #v6#4 (January, 1948):

One of the few features I like in Topix.  Scott was good enough to work for Disney.
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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #106 on: March 16, 2021, 10:10:32 AM »

Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine Number 2503 recently featured the "Stalwart Swinburne" story from Ha Ha Comics #35 (Nov 1946). Scripted by Hubie Karp and illoed by Al Hubbard.

Hubie Karp also wrote most of the early "Fox and Crow" for DC.
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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #107 on: March 17, 2021, 12:01:47 AM »

Pappy's Golden Age Comics Blogzine Number 2503 recently featured the "Stalwart Swinburne" story from Ha Ha Comics #35 (Nov 1946). Scripted by Hubie Karp and illoed by Al Hubbard.

Hubie Karp also wrote most of the early "Fox and Crow" for DC.

Hubie was animator, Lynn Karp's and cartoon and comic strip writer, Bob Karp's brother.  All three did some work for Ben Sangor's Studio, and Sangor's ACG Giggle and Ha Ha Comics, as well as Ned Pines' Better/Nedor/Standard's Coo Coo, Goofy, Happy, Barnyard, and SuperMouse Comics.  Brother Bob wrote Al Taliaferro's Donald Duck newspaper strip, and also lots of Disney Comics stories for Western Publishing,
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #108 on: March 17, 2021, 08:27:13 AM »

Via Lyons we have just had a children's book by J. R. Bray, considered the father of Animation posted.
Here is an early film of his first animated cartoon. 
The Artist's Dream (J.R. Bray, 1913)
Start about 4:20 if you like.
Here is a slightly later one.
Bobby Bumps at the Circus (1916) J.R. Bray Studios, Earl Hurd

And Here's Windsor McCay in 1918
Sinking of the Lusitania (1918) Winsor McCay, with an improvised score by HESPERUS

Those pioneers did amazing things.
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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #109 on: April 18, 2021, 04:46:51 PM »

Not sure if Raymond Bert Bloss (1915-1978) ever did any work for comic books.
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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #110 on: May 14, 2021, 12:19:27 PM »

Goobert Ghost, written and drawn by animator Kay Wright, from Giggle Comics #1 (Oct 1943).
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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #111 on: May 30, 2021, 03:09:50 AM »

Of course theres also Carl Barks who mentioned Disney on his draft card, but hes not listed as animator, which is why he didnt pop up in my searches at first. Instead, he?s listed as *In-betweener*, *Writer*, and *Story Director*. Probably a lot more I missed too.

No.  Nothing is missing.  Back in those early days a storyboard artist was listed as a story writer.  Barks came to Disney in 1935 as a trainee.  He quickly was hired as an in-betweener.  While working for that low pay level, he augmented his meagre income by moonlighting at drawing gags for productions other than those on which he was working.  He wrote and drew so many excellent gags and scenarios (some of which were the highlights of their scenes) that Walt decided to move him to the Storywriting Department.  He remained writing story scenes and drawing their storyboards, and later, directing 7-minute Donald shorts until the end of his time at The Disney Studio in late spring 1942, when his allergies exacerbated by the air conditioning was making it almost impossible to work.  He had already drawn two long comic books for Western Publishing at the behest of Disney Studios (Pluto Saves The Ship, and Donald Duck in Pirate Gold).  He decided to move out to near the desert (Hemet CA), and raise chickens and write and draw Donald Duck stories for Western publishing.  So, he never worked at any other job within The Disney Studios.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2021, 12:01:04 AM by Robb_K »
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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #112 on: July 01, 2021, 09:44:52 AM »

Anyways, was looking at comparison of Ben Solomon?s signed art to a lot of the non-Ernie Hart, unsigned funny animal art from Quality Comics, and while maybe I?d have to compare more, I?ve been starting to suspect that quite a bit of the art had been drawn by animator William Pattengill.

Pattengill?s signed art from Ha Ha Comics #2 (November 1943):

Giddy Goose:

The last one in particular leads me to think whichever artist drew this also drew for EC, in addition to being quite prolific, because the goat character and the general design of hair seems similar to the goat character and hair on the fawn from Animal Fables #1 (July 1946):

That E.C. page just above, from Little Danny Demon was drawn by Burton Geller, who was hired to draw most of E.C.'s funny animal and other young children's comic books.  Apparently, he also drew the Giddy Goose story for Quality.  Because he had so much work with E.C., but still wanted to have other clients, so he wouldn't be left in the lurch if or when his E.C. work would dry up (which it later did), Geller worked well ahead of his schedule for E.C.  He actually had completely finished their Tiny Tot Comics issues through #13, and probably #14, as well the original finished art for about 2/3 of that book was auctioned off), by the time that series was cancelled just after #10 sold poorly.  So, he was almost four, or actually four complete issues ahead!  Animal Fables, Dandy, and Land of The Lost, ALL ended around that time in late 1947, when E.C. decided to end their experiment with comic books for very young children.  Luckily, Geller got work with Quality and rustled up a few other jobs. 

In answer to a question you asked a while back, about an early and mid 1940s funny animal animation-style artist who put the name Ganz to signify ownership of businesses, ostensibly as a sneaky way to sign his work, - I believe that was Dave Gantz, who worked as an in-house staff artist with Timely for the War years and a few after, and also for Sangor for a couple years, and I think I've seen his name connected with another of New York's smaller comic book packaging studios (Funnies,Inc., Baily's, Fago's, Jason, or Ferstadt's).

« Last Edit: July 01, 2021, 10:10:28 AM by Robb_K »
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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #113 on: August 22, 2022, 06:48:54 PM »

Here is a list of artists who worked for Bernard Baily's Studio (which operated from 1943 through the end of 1946:

        1943-46 Packaged comics for: CAMBRIDGE HOUSE; RURAL HOME PUBLISHING (many imprints)   > 43 44 45 46
        1943-46 Packaged comics for: JAY BURTIS; NARRATIVE; DC COMICS   > 43 44 45 46
        1943-46 Packaged comics for: LINDSAY BAIRD; BAILY PUBLICATIONS; FEATURE COMICS   > 43 44 45 46
        1943-46 Packaged comics for: NEAL PUBLICATIONS ; NOVACK COMICS; SWAPPER'S QUARTERY   > 43 44 45 46
        1943-46 Packaged comics for: R.B. LEFFINGWELL; CROYDEN; FAWCETT COMICS; MARVEL COMICS   > 43 44 45 46
    Studio personnel
        ALBRIGHT, NINA (pen/ink/) 1945-46   > 45 46
        AMES, LEE (pen/ink/) 1944-45 unconfirmed   > 44 45
        APPEL, GEORGE H. unconfirmed   
        BAILY, BERNARD (own/) 1943-46-   > 43 44 45 46 47 48
        BAKER, BRUCE c1945 unconfirmed   > 45
        BALDWIN, W. F. c1946 unconfirmed   > 46
        BARRY, DAN (dir/pen/ink/) 1946   > 46
        BRIEFER, DICK 1945 unconfirmed   > 45
        COHEN, MILTON (pen/ink/) c1945   > 45
        COOPER, SAM (pen/ink/) c1945   > 45
        DEL BOURGO, M. (pen/ink/) c1943   > 43
        FERGUSON, HOWARD (let/) 1944   > 44
        FRAZETTA, FRANK (pen&ink/) 1944   > 44
        FROEHLICH, AUGUST (pen/ink/) c1944-46   > 44 45 46
        FROHMAN, BURT (pen/ink/) 1946   > 46
        GALE, JERRY (wr/) c1943-45 confirmed by Marvin Levy   > 43 44 45
        GATTUSO, PAUL (pen/ink/) mid-1940s   > 44 45 46
        GIUNTA, JOHN (pen/ink/) 1944   > 44
        GOLDEN, ROBERT unconfirmed   
        HENNING, BILL (pen/ink/) c1944-45   > 44 45
        HICKS, ARNOLD (pen/ink/)   
        HOLLINGSWORTH, ALVIN (pen/ink/) mid-1940s   > 44 45 46
        INFANTINO, CARMINE (pen/ink/) c1945   > 45
        JOURDAIN (pen/ink/)   
        KANE, GIL (pen/ink/) 1946   > 46
        KIEFER, HENRY C. (pen/ink/) 1945   > 45
        LEAV, MORT unconfirmed   
        LEE, LESTER (wr/) 1945 possibly part of the team LEE/SCHERTZ   > 45
        LEVY, MARVIN (ink/bkgrd/) 1943-46   > 43 44 45 46
        LITTLE, FRANK (wr/pen/ink/) 1944-45   > 44 45
        MORGAN, FRED (pen/ink/)   
        PADDOCK, MUNSON (pen/ink/) 1945   > 45
        POST, HOWARD (pen/ink/) 1945-46   > 45 46
        PROSS, AL (pen/ink/) c1945   > 45
        RABOY, MAC (co-own/) c1944-45   > 44 45
        RICE, PIERCE (pen/) 1943   > 43
        SCHERTZ (pen/ink/) 1945-46 part of team LEE/SCHERTZ   > 45 46
        SHERMAN, HAROLD (pen/ink/) 1945-46   > 45 46
        STAHL, AL (pen/ink/) 1945   > 45
        STALLMAN, MANNY (pen/ink/) 1945   > 45
        STONER, E. C. (pen/ink/)   
        TIRMAN, IRVING (pen/ink/) c1943-45   > 43 44 45
        TYLER, AL (pen/ink/)   
        VOIGHT, CHARLES (pen/ink/) c1945-c46   > 45 46
        WARREN, ALONZO c1945 unconfirmed   > 45
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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #114 on: August 24, 2022, 04:26:58 AM »

Here is a list of Jason Comic Art Studio's studio personnel and publishers and comic series produced for:
   JASON COMIC ART art studio; packager    
   Packaged or supplied comics
       ADVENTURES OF JO-JOY IN A PRESENT FOR SANTA. . .~ 1953 premium for W.T. GRANT    > 53
       ATOMAN 1946    > 46
       BENNY BEAR    
       BILL AND KOO    
       DIZZY AND DAFFY    
       FRISKY FABLES    
       JEEP COMICS 1948    > 48
       KO KOMICS 1945    > 45
       KOKO AND KOLA    
       LAW AGAINST CRIME 1948    > 48
       MARVIN THE GREAT 1946 in ATOMAN    > 46
       NUTTY COMICS c1945-c47    > 45 46 47
       PADDY AND CHUCK    
       POP-POP 1945    > 45
       PUNCH AND JUDY    
       SPOOKY MYSTERIES 1946    > 46
       THREE RING    
       TICK TOCK TALES    
       WINKIE & NITE OWL    
       1940s For: JAMBOREE; LEFFINGWELL    > 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
       1945-46 For: ROUND PUBLISHING; SPOTLIGHT; SPARK    > 45 46
       1945-49 For: NOVELTY COMICS    > 45 46 47 48 49
       1945-55 For: ACE; BETTER; D.S.; EC; HARVEY; HILLMAN; CIRCUS    > 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
       1946-48 For: STREET AND SMITH; YOUR GUIDE; CROYDEN; MARVEL    > 46 47 48
       1946-51 For: MAGAZINE ENTERPRISES    > 46 47 48 49 50 51
       1951 For: STANHALL    > 51
   Studio personnel
       BANKER, GEORGE c1946 name found on back of original art prepared by studio for NUTTY COMICS; possibly artist or letterer    > 46
       BERUBE, PHIL (pen/ink/) 1945-60    > 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
       BRYANT, DAVID c1946 name found on back of original art prepared by studio for NUTTY COMICS; possibly artist or letterer    > 46
       CABRAL, JAMES name on back of original comic art from JCA; possibly artist or letterer    
       CALPINI, ORESTES (pen/ink/) mid-1940s    > 44 45 46
       CHAMBERS, ELLIS (pen/ink/) mid-1940s unconfirmed    > 44 45 46
       DELGADO, GILBERT c1946 name found on back of original art prepared by studio for NUTTY COMICS; possibly artist or letterer    > 46
       FILLION, ERNEST c1946 name found on back of original art prepared by studio for NUTTY COMICS; possibly artist or letterer    > 46
       FRUBELL, ROBERT c1946 name found on back of original art prepared by studio for NUTTY COMICS; possibly artist or letterer    > 46
       GALLANT, YVETTE c1946 name found on back of original art prepared by studio for NUTTY COMICS; possibly artist or letterer    > 46
       GOLDEN, TOM (pen/ink/) 1940s unconfirmed    > 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
       HALL, HENRY c1946 name found on back of original art prepared by studio for NUTTY COMICS; possibly artist or letterer    > 46
       HERSEY, ALLISON c1946 name found on back of original art prepared by studio for NUTTY COMICS; possibly artist or letterer    > 46
       HOUGH, GAIL c1946 name found on back of original art prepared by studio for NUTTY COMICS; possibly artist or letterer    > 46
       HUDSON, BILL (wr/pen/ink/) 1945-47    > 45 46 47
       JASON, LEON (own/dir/ed/) 1945-55-    > 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
       KAJUTI, CAROL c1946 name found on back of original art prepared by studio; possibly artist or letterer    > 46
       LITTMANN, PETER name on back of original comic art from JCA; possibly artist or letterer    
       MAFFINI, EDWARD c1946 name found on back of original art prepared by shop for NUTTY COMICS    > 46
       MAFFINI, EDWARD name on back of original comic art from JCA; possibly artist or letterer    
       MORTON, JAY (wr/) 1940s manager?    > 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
       OTTENHEIMER, FRED (wr/pen/ink/) unconfirmed    
       POST, HOWIE (pen/ink/) unconfirmed    
       RILEY, LARRY (pen/ink/) 1945    > 45
       RYAN, DOROTHY c1946 name found on back of original art prepared by shop for NUTTY COMICS; possibly artist or letterer    > 46
       RYAN, DOROTHY name on back of original comic art from JCA; possibly artist or letterer    
       SILVERMAN, LAWRENCE (pen/ink/) 1946-49    > 46 47 48 49
       SPARACO, HAROLD c1946 name found on back of original art prepared by shop for NUTTY COMICS; possibly artist or letterer    > 46
       SPARACO, HAROLD name on back of original comic art from JCA; possibly artist or letterer    
       TARAS, MARTIN (pen/ink/) 1945    > 45
       WOOD, PAT (pen/ink/) c1945
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Re: Comic Book Artists who came from Animation & Vice Versa
« Reply #115 on: August 24, 2022, 02:35:00 PM »

Thanks Robb, for the work you've done and for the lists!  :)
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