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Watcha Watchin'?

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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2010, 05:33:09 PM »

I finally got around to watching the last episode of Dollhouse. Interesting concluded series. It could have an annual movie like Alien Nation did which would be cool. I almost gave up on Dollhouse early on thinking it was going to be nearly the same show every time. Boy was I wrong as it developed into a visual novel that had a Beginning -middle- and end. I loved Stargate and Atlantis gave up on Universe as too dark. I guess the popularity of the dark Battlestar Galactica made them decide to go that direction. Not for me I did not like the new Galactica although I loved the old. I also gave up on Fringe.

I loved Dollhouse. I really think there were some interesting directions they could have taken that series. I was disappointed it couldn't find an audience, but sticking it on Friday nights was a death nell.

Never liked Fringe, although I gave it 1 1/2 years. I think the only reason I came back for Season 2 was because it looked like Spock might become a regular, and he didn't.
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2010, 05:56:06 PM »

We seem to have the same taste Jedi. I am glad I did not give up on Dollhouse it turned out good. I think having a conclusion can make a series a lot better not drawing a non story.  I wanted to like Fringe but it just lacked something
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paw broon

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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #27 on: May 13, 2010, 04:18:32 PM »

I said I'd watched the first White Collar but I've given up on it already.  My wife and I both thought it was very weak with little or no tension.  Saw a couple of episodes of Castle but it's formulaic and I'd probably only watch more if there was nothing else to do and that's not going to happen.
Here, the new season of Lewis ( the follow on from Morse) has been enjoyable - and complicated. A cast of luminaries in last week's episode.  Tried Luther, the new detective show because it was described as a good procedural.  And it wasn't.  Neither a procedural nor particularly good.  He's a renegade, loose cannon cop who does stupid things.  The psycho was good and chilling.  So, tonight, during dinner, we're listening to cricket on Radio 4 as England take on Sri Lanka in W.Indies in the 20/20.  And later a satire news show and the wonderful Outnumbered. (I hope I've got the listings right).  Anyone ouside U.K. isn't going to be able to see this, I think, and if you're here and haven't seen it, do so now. 
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #28 on: May 13, 2010, 09:38:17 PM »

Don't get to watch much, but "Mentalist" and "Leverage" are two favorites. Paw was right- "Hustle" was better but had a very limited run in the US. (AMC network, I think.) Don't get BBC-America, but I can get the new Dr. Who episodes on free On-Demand service. I really liked David Tennant as the Doctor and was fully prepared to hate Matt Smith in the role, but so far he's been quite good. I also like the updated Tardis and new "feel" as well. Let's face it- where else can you find Spitfires mixing it up with a Dalek cruiser? Cheers, Jeff
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2010, 01:57:02 PM »

Matt Smith has done a good job as the doctor so far. I am enjoying the series.
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paw broon

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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2010, 03:12:39 PM »

Bowers, we intend to sit down this evening with a glass of wine to watch The Mentalist. As for the good Doctor, I like Matt Smith in the role and thought the first part of the Weeping Angels story was pretty scary.  Not so sure about the new rainbow Daleks, though.  Do I sense a marketing ploy?  And, as I mentioned Outnumbered earlier, I should report that last night's episode was the funniest yet.  And so excrutiatingly embarrassing a couple of times it was hard to keep my eyes on the screen.  Laughed so much I got indigestion.
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #31 on: May 14, 2010, 11:08:12 PM »

Paw,we just get a trickle of Brit shows on our side of the pond. Public Broadcasting does pick up a lot of the mysteries. I enjoy "Lewis". The comedies we get are usually a year or two behind. Hey, is "The Royal" still running? Love the soundtrack music on that show! Have to agree with you about the new colored Daleks being a possible marketing ploy. So what if we go out and buy mini-Dalek action figures for our kids and grandkids... and they turn out to be real and the next wave of the Dalek invasion? ARGHHH!!!
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Captain Audio

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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2010, 01:17:31 AM »

Since the alternative universe Walter showed up on "Fringe" we've taken to calling the first Walter Bishop "Altered Walter" and the second "Alternate Walter".
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #33 on: May 17, 2010, 02:33:31 PM »

Yeah, no real complaints with Matt Smith as the Doctor so far, or Amy   :-*
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paw broon

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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #34 on: May 17, 2010, 02:57:52 PM »

"Hey, is "The Royal" still running? Love the soundtrack music on that show!"  bowers.

The simple answer is, I'm not sure.  All sorts of odd things going on with our main commercial chanel, ITV.  They cut back on a number of series incl. The Bill and, I think, The Royal.  Reason I'm not too sure is that STV, which is the ITV station in Scotland, has money problems and decided to bodyswerve a number of shows that were supposed to be nationwide.  Our cable service fortunately now seems to include the English broadcasts. You probably didn't want to know all that, but there you are.
If you enjoyed the soundtrack on The Royal, try Heartbeat, preferably the early ones. There must be a station showing it over there.
We've got a 4 part series on BBC about modern art, and it's excellent.  The 1st part was on Warhol and last night's was on Matisse. Not only an eyeopener but very entertaining and at times, moving.
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2010, 04:21:27 PM »

I have a hard time considering Warhol as a talented artist. What he and Polluck did was not real talent they just got people to believe it was and pay big bucks.
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paw broon

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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2010, 04:49:29 PM »

Interesting!  Businessman first, artist (perhaps) second?  It would be good to read your impressions after having watched the prog.  I came away with a different insight into Warhol.  Mind you, I don't know what you'll make of the Matisse episode and his influence on Rothko.  I've recently seen Warhol, Rothko, etc at Tate Modern in London and, as a complete contrast the wonderful Scottish Colourists show at GMA Edinburgh.  Also, the Glasgow Boys exhibition  at Kelvingrove which, despite the cramped and unintelligent layout, was very worthwhile.  Don't want to get too far off subject so I'll await any further comments - if there are any.
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #37 on: May 18, 2010, 06:29:23 PM »

Sounds like a great series, Paw - maybe PBS will pick it up next year. Last year, PBS aired an excellent series on the Impressionists and the "American Masters" series showcasing artists, musicians, writers and more continues.
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #38 on: May 27, 2010, 02:35:38 AM »

I was just watching Cube Squared / Hypercube on Net Flicks, until my wife decided that she wanted to watch a comedy.
She switched over to TV, then went back to bed.

Before Cube Squared, I was watching some Japanese kids' cartoon with nudity and dandelions.

Before that, I was watching some postmodern (is Kathy Acker postmodern or what) pseudo-softcore porn movie or rather erotic movie about a woman selling tickets at a porn theater and becoming obsessed with one of the customers. Not much to the movie.
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #39 on: June 06, 2010, 08:08:51 PM »

I've just watched parts of the worst ERB adaptation I've ever seen. (Too painful to watch the whole thing!) "Princess of Mars" on the Syfy channel-- where should I begin? The ill fitting latex masks with waggling rubber tusks on the TWO-ARMED Tharks? The obvious zippers on the back of their costumes? A John Carter ,soap actor Antonio Sabato Jr., who cannot even fake swordfighting? (or acting) Dejah Thoris played by aging ex-porn star Traci Lords? The final fight filmed in an obviously Terran natural gas refinery? This production used only a few elements of the John Carter story and twisted them terribly. The rest was a hack writer's self-indulgent piece of crap with a ludicrous ending. The Burroughs family should sue! Leave it to Syfy and Asylum Productions to ruin a great tale. On the brighter side, I've read the big budget Disney version is now filming in the UK. Cheers, Jeff
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Geo (R.I.P.)

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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #40 on: June 07, 2010, 03:25:26 AM »

I've just watched parts of the worst ERB adaptation I've ever seen. (Too painful to watch the whole thing!) "Princess of Mars" on the Syfy channel-- where should I begin? The ill fitting latex masks with waggling rubber tusks on the TWO-ARMED Tharks? The obvious zippers on the back of their costumes? A John Carter ,soap actor Antonio Sabato Jr., who cannot even fake swordfighting? (or acting) Dejah Thoris played by aging ex-porn star Traci Lords? The final fight filmed in an obviously Terran natural gas refinery? This production used only a few elements of the John Carter story and twisted them terribly. The rest was a hack writer's self-indulgent piece of crap with a ludicrous ending. The Burroughs family should sue! Leave it to Syfy and Asylum Productions to ruin a great tale. On the brighter side, I've read the big budget Disney version is now filming in the UK. Cheers, Jeff

About the only thing you left out was: the piles of dead spiders, and the bad special effects when the flying bugs/bees got shot, (green blobs splatting, very cheesy S.E.). 

I can't believe I watched the whole thing!

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« Reply #41 on: June 30, 2010, 02:32:16 PM »

I do not know if the final Survivor was discussed yet. I do not thinks so. Did anyone else hate it as much as me? Makes me wish I would have stayed with my decision to give it up after the start of the second season. But unfortunately I did not.
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #42 on: July 01, 2010, 06:48:52 PM »

Currently working through Tom Baker era Doctor Who, on a break from modern doctor who ;)
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paw broon

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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #43 on: July 01, 2010, 07:03:02 PM »

Nice one, Nyarlathotep, as I love Pyramids, Fang Rock and Talons, among many others.  My favourite doctor is Patrick Troughton.  As an after dinner treat we're about to watch the new Top Gear (on Watch Again), as it was on last night and we were out.
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #44 on: July 01, 2010, 07:08:34 PM »

Nice one, Nyarlathotep, as I love Pyramids, Fang Rock and Talons, among many others.  My favourite doctor is Patrick Troughton.  As an after dinner treat we're about to watch the new Top Gear (on Watch Again), as it was on last night and we were out.

I've not actually seen any of his, I'll have to take a look once I get through Baker and Davidson.
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #45 on: July 01, 2010, 07:16:29 PM »

First two doctors never showed in US. I do not care for 3rd Doctor. Tom Baker is my favorite. I have seen 4th-6th doctor episodes at least twice and pretty much all the rest since. I enjoyed the 5 Doctor episode where it brought the first five together.
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paw broon

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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #46 on: July 02, 2010, 02:28:44 PM »

The first 2 Doctors adventures were in b&w., but don't hold that against them.  Also, the pace of stories is very different from nowadays but we are talking about early episodes which introduced Daleks, Cybermen, Ice Warriors and Time Lords.  In fact, Troughton seemed to spend most of his time fighting Cybermen and the odd Dalek or million, in his inimitable clown like way.  He was so good.
As you know, there are so many b&w episodes missing but many of these stories are available, complete, as audios with linking commentary.  There are a good substitute for stuff you're never going to see.
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #47 on: July 02, 2010, 04:02:16 PM »

I have a vhs tape with a couple early doctor 1 and 2 episodes
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #48 on: July 02, 2010, 04:05:30 PM »

I agree, the black and white era ones often had a very good depth of plot and character, with a very different pacing than the later ones.  The Aztecs in particular comes to mind.

I do remember at least some of Hartnell era episodes were shown in the US on PBS in the 80's.  I recall seeing An Unearthly Child for the first time that way.

Speaking of missing episodes, a company called Loose Cannon Productions has made a number of reconstructions of missing stories using the original audio, pictures, and occasional draft clips.  Pretty neat.
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Re: Watcha Watchin'?
« Reply #49 on: July 02, 2010, 04:07:24 PM »

I have a vhs tape with a couple early doctor 1 and 2 episodes

Was it home recorded, and if so do you happen to know which episodes?  A number of missing episodes have been found on such tapes.
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