Trying to get caught up here -- so I'll hit the high points.
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Comic Shop News #1199 (now on the stands) highlights
Moonstone's plans to publish classic pulp characters such as The Phantom Detective, Secret Agent X,
The Spider, and Black Bat (along with
The Green Lama, Operator 5, G-8,
Captain Future, and Domino Lady)...whew...can you tell that something big is brewing for fans of the pulp genre? Moonstone released
The Spider #1 last week, so it should still be available at your retailers. Check it out and consider a brief write up on it for this thread.
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AIRFIGHTERS #1, released today, has Moonstone bringing back beloved
Hillman Comics characters! This giant issue is filled with
new stories of Airboy, Iron Ace, Black Angel, Sky Wolf, including others! However, this issue also brings us
a new tale of Captain Midnight! I am looking forward to reading this one and I hope you will consider hunting down an issue. Get it now!
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Captain America #606 is new this week, featuring "Bucky Barnes Captain America" in intrigue against Baron Zemo. Nothing particularly 'Golden Age' about this issue, but
Ed Brubaker can weave a good yarn when he's not being overtly political, so check it out.
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Batman #700 arrived this week. The powers that be pretty much ignored potential Golden Age themes, but hey, a comic reaches #700 in the USA and I'm happy.

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JSA All-Stars #7 came out last week. However, #6 was so bad that I had forgotten the story that led into #7, so I had to go back and re-suffer through it. This has to be one of the worse comics being published by anyone...only us JSA junkies will even read this schlock.

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Justice Society of America #39 also came out last week. It makes JSA All-Stars look good.

Just kidding!

Nothing can make JSA All-Stars look good!

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Captain America/Black Panther: Flags Of Our Fathers #3, featuring a version of Golden Age Cap teamed up with WWII era Black Panther continues to be a solid production.
INVADERS fans should find favor with this four issue miniseries.
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The Torch #8 concludes the limited series featuring the Golden Age
Human Torch and
Toro in contemporary action. The Golden Age
Vision makes a cameo in this issue. Overall, this is a nice series you should look for in trade paperback shortly.
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The Mighty Crusaders Special #1 should be a nice surprise for the remaining few who are following any of DC's Red Circle send up. This
origin issue features the meeting of The Shield, The Web, Inferno, and what has to be the best modern representation of
The Hangman that I have seen. The story is solid, the art (and coloring) are simply nice and fit this entertaining story. I think that we can look for something good to result in the upcoming Mighty Crusaders series. Recommended.

10 ) In
The Shield, I have been following the backup feature of the new
Fox character. Starting with #7, the new Fox is based in Japan and pretty much holds to a Japanese motif. I like it. In my opinion, this new character would translate well to the silver screen. The
JSA guest stars in #10 (not out yet) so I will comment on the overall Fox story and the JSA segment when it arrives.
Alrighty, I'm caught up!

I invite and welcome comments, concerns, boos and hisses.
Weekly GA Related Swag, this is Boox909!