Review of Detective Picture Stories 4
Fifty Dollar RideA story with decent action, and some relation to events that happened in The real World, but I wonder if The police would ask a kid to risk his life to help them catch a gangland murderer and his accomplices?
Muss -Em UpYou usually cant go wrong with a Will Eisner story. The art on this one is quite good, as could be expected. Its a very early story from him, so there is little suspense and virtually no surprises. Everything is telegraphed. So, it is not as well told and interesting and entertaining as it could have been with a better story structure and pacing.
Stand-In GirlThe artwork in this story is fairly weak and somewhat amateurish. The story isnt too believable, because a completely unrelated double for someone might fool close relatives and friends from a distance, but a father and mother should know the difference between their daughter and an imposter from close range. The spare-lined artwork, with no details makes it easier to have the two women look somewhat alike. But this plot wouldnt work in real life as it is laid out in this story.
KidnappedA typical, too-often told story of the star of the sports team being kidnapped so that his team will lose the big game, and crooked gamblers, who bet on the other team can win a boatload of ill-gotten money. Of course, the kidnapped athlete frees himself from his captor, helps catch the bad men, and arrives at the stadium in time to turn the expected loss into a victory for his team. And he is a hero. The bad men lose their money, and go to jail. The honest bettors dont lose their money fraudulently. This is a boring, weak story, with everything in it expected, so there is no suspense, and there are no surprises. The artwork is fairly weak as well. So, there isnt a lot to like about this one.
Kane & Abel - Private DetectivesThis story starts off with a bang. The pair of detectives are called to a clients house, and when they arrive, the client lies dead in his comfy chair. An interesting start. The maid and butler are questioned. Abel, Kanes junior partner, is portrayed as a ineffective Buffoon, sort of like Costello to Abbot, rather than the sometimes competent, Watson, to Holmes. The author revealed Kanes figuring out of the case before the ending proves he was correct, so the answer of whodunnit and how it was done was given away a bit early. So, there was a weak attempt at a joke at the end to try to make up for the lack of any surprise, by Abel trying to take half the credit for solving the case. But that provides not the slightest bit of consolation for the reader. The artwork in this story is stylized, not very good, and, thus, not very interesting.
The Case Of The Four HaircutsThis story, by Victor J. Dowling, displays excellent late 19th, early 20th Century engraving style artwork, at a level worthy of some of the very best book illustrators and political cartoonists of that period. The story is a cute tale about a film-flam man, who gets services for free, through subterfuge. So, the hero, who caught him in his act, decides to give him a taste of his own medicine by giving him more of a haircut than he wanted, to teach him a lesson. One might say that the storys morals are wrong, because the man doesnt serve any jail time. But, I dont think that is much of a problem, because he is worse off than when he came to the town, and he will never return there because the business people there are now wise to him and his tricks, and he WOULD land in jail if he tried them there again.
Sapphire Seas - Text StoryThis story is a classic murder mystery on shipboard of an ocean liner. There is a new 2-Page installment in every monthly issue of this book series. There is good suspense in having the detective held captive in the toilet of a stateroom. But, I'm not interested enough to read the following few issues to find out what happens.
Enemy SpyThe artwork on the Human figures is quite weak in this story, but that of the airplanes and ships is decent. This is a typical detective vs. gang of spies tale. It is very straightforward, with no surprises, and the hero doing what heroes do. The story is very typical, but, due to its short length, is not paced well, and has only a very short period of suspense, and everything is expected.
The Will Of Uncle DanThis story has a ridiculous amount of things happen that usually happen over several years, take place in the time span of a couple days, and on seven pages of 3-tier panel rows. The heros uncle is dying and wants to read his will to his two nephews, one of whom tries to kill the other. The hero survives the murder attempt, and is nursed back to relative health by a strange woman who finds him. After a couple days, they are in love, and he plans to return and marry her after racing to his uncles house to keep his cousin from inheriting his uncles complete estate. Of course, he arrives at the very second his uncle is about to give it all to the would-be murderer. His pal policeman takes his guilty cousin away, and the uncle gives the hero his blessing. It is like a fairy tale. The artwork, by Matt Curzon, is passable, but the Human figures don't move very well. I am somewhat disappointed, as I like Curzons Dickie Duck comic strip very much. This story was disappointing, as well, as it is too contrived, not well paced, and too unbelievable.
Teen Age Gags PageThese gags are as dreadfully dull and boring as chartered accountancy is (according to Monty Pythons Flying Circus). Worst gags I can remember ever reading.