Darren McGavin is NOT an "obscure actor".
The ABC Movie of the Week in the 1970s was a long-running, successful series of TV-movies, all 75 minutes long to fit a 90-minute time-slot... something that just no longer existed once the 80s rolled around.
MGM totally FUCKED OVER Dan Curtis'
NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS-- cutting around 25 minutes out of it just so they could issue it first-run as a double-feature with the previous
HOUSE OF DARK SHADOWS-- Curtis swore he'd never work with MGM again. Good for him.
I've read online that back in the 90s, all the missing footage for
NIGHT... was found and a restoration / reconstruction was planned. And then... geez, I don't know. Seems like we're STILL waiting for it. WTF?
Truthfully, I've read, in gruesome detail, what the full-length story was supposed to be like. And, while it might make more sense, whle it might have better pacing and flow, while it might work better as a work of art... the ending STILL SUCKED and didn't change a bit. So, I'm not necessarily in a hurry to see a film that was basically a 2nd-rate take-off on Roger Corman's
THE HAUNTED PALACE to begin with. First time I saw
HAUNTED..., I recognized the similarities, and realized, right where
NIGHT... ended abruptly,
HAUNTED... started to get REALLY good. I guess while Dan Curtis was good... Roger Corman was WAY BETTER.
So... Curtis did a film based on an at-the-time unpublished novel by Richard Matheson (WHOA!!!), and
THE NIGHT STALKER was born. And... the damned thing got the HIGHEST RATINGS for any TV movie ever at the time. So it was inevitable a sequel would happen.
About a year later...
THE NIGHT STRANGLER aired. And it did pretty damned good, too. In late 1992, while visiting my brother in Seattle, one of the things we took in was the "underground city" featured in the film. I was amused that the tour guide referenced the 1st movie... rather than the 2nd one. Oh well! I suppose for many, the 2nd film tended to be the forgotten one... even though it was arguably better, and, it's the one Dan Curtis directed himself.
Now... a 3rd film was touted... but... things stalled when no agreement could be reached with ABC. Those A** H***s. So, it never happened. Instead, Dan Curtis had it completely re-written, and did
THE NORLISS TAPES with Roy Thinnes (the guy from
THE INVADERS). While I saw the first 2 movies when they were first-run, I have to admit, I never heard of this one until decades later. And then, a few years ago, I saw it on Youtube. It was interesting... but a lot more depressing... and it had an ending that just didn't seem like it could possibly segue easily into a sequel. So I guess it was fated to always be a stand-alone.
ABC still wanted to do more with
Carl Kolchak... but Dan Curtis removed himself from the project, I guess sort of in the way John Carpenter did
HALLOWEEN after the 3rd film.
I read they planned to do a one-hour weekly series,
THE NIGHT STALKER. And I wondered... HOW the hell were they gonna do this? Wouldn't they run out of monsters pretty quick? Wouldn't a series of tv-movies allow for better scripts, more character development, and so on? Understand, I was a huge fan of the
NBC MYSTERY MOVIES, where each series did between 4 to 8 stories a year, allowing producers to weed out lesser stories and flesh out the ones that did get made.
Oh well.
THE NIGHT STALKER premiered, and wouldn't you know it, Philly's channel 6, the ABC affiliate, started FUCKING with the show right from the start. The 1st episode we saw was "
The Zombie". Turns out, the 1st episode was "
The Ripper". Somehow, that one DIDN'T air in Philly. W--T--F???
Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised, as the show seemed much better than I expected, and probably much better than it deserved. Turns out, Darren McGavin got a agreement with ABC to act as the show's PRODUCER. In other words, HE would call the shots. I guess this is similar to what happenbed in the late 80s-early 90s when Peter Falk took over
COLUMBO as co-executive producer, and in my view, the series IMPROVED tremendously. (When Fred Dryer did the same with
HUNTER, that show went into the toilet... but let's not think about that one... heh.)
HOWEVER... behind his back, ABC hired someone else to officially producer the show, and for the entire season, this clown and McGavin (and his wife) were constantly at odds, fighting non-stop. The other guy wanted to drag the show down to how the network wanted it, McGavin & his wife fought hard every week to make it BETTER. It wore them out.
One change nobody ever seems to remember, was that about 2 or 3 weeks in, the name of the show changed from
KOLCHAK: THE NIGHT STALKER. I'm not making this up. I think everyone assumed from the titles of the 2 movies that "Night Stalker" referred to the vampire... here, it was referring to the reporter. Also, McGavin wanted the show to delve into political corruption and the like, but ABC insisted on "monsters of the week". Hmm.
After only 20 weeks, totally worn-out, McGavin & his wife (she guest-starred in the final story as a cop) WALKED and the show ended, several weeks early. And never came back.
The CBS Late Movie in the early 80s ran a MUTILATED version of the show. Every episode was missing the opening theme song, and 4 of the episodes were missing, having been previously RE-CUT by some DRUG-LADEN goon at Universal into a pair of "movies", where 2 completely-unrelated stories were inter-cut to make it look like one big complicated story. This was the exact same SHIT Universal did with the 6 one-hour 1st-season episodes of
McCLOUD, and to this day, it looks like the only place you can get the proper episodes of that are from Australia (Region 4). They didn't include the 2 earlier movies, either.
NOTHING since, in my book, is worth watching or discussing.
Anyway, having been a fan of Darren McGavin since 1972, I couldn't wait to get my hands on his
MIKE HAMMER series. Once I did, I couldn't stop watching it.