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Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow

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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #25 on: September 07, 2023, 03:48:36 AM »

The Horrors #11

Spirit of War
Sooooooo... every war after WWII was caused by the ghost of Hitler??? What about earlier wars? Who was responsible for those?

The K-9 Killers..

Lightning Death..!
Okay, slightly more interesting than the previous story.

Paratroop Patrol...

The three True Tales really don't seem to match the horror element of the book title.

Survival of the Fittest
The title seems to be a bit of a stretch for the actual story. Otherwise okay.
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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #26 on: September 08, 2023, 12:20:58 AM »

Popular Teen-Agers #12

Hey! Don't the popular teens get enough attention? How about Unpopular Teen-Agers? The outcasts, the loners, the picked upon, where are their stories???  ;)

Art Instruction ad
"You are in demand if you can draw!"
Ah, the good old days, before AI art came along...

Portrait of Love
What's so special about Gale's face? She looks like every other woman Disbrow draws.  ;)
Maybe this should have been the first story we read, after the horror and war examples I kept expecting her to reveal she was a ghost or this was a dream a soldier in a foxhole was having.  ;)

My Summer Romance
Poor Nancy. Hope she doesn't mind being cheated on by her cad of a future husband.

He Didn't Want Me
The early part of this story had me wondering if Henry had murdered John and was lying to Lynn about him going away.  ;)

My Hungry Heart
Eh, okay.

Love's False Dream
I wonder how the story would have run if Marcy realized it was really his money she was in love with?
At the end Marcy marries Phil and they move to Chicago. So, uh, what happens to her father? "Sorry dad, just like mom I'm leaving you and you'll starve to death. Bye!" (Probably a good idea I never tried writing romances.  ;) )
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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #27 on: September 08, 2023, 01:00:02 AM »

Dude, that would be such a GNARLY COOL comic book.

“Rancid Romance from Super Scrounge”
“Super Scrounge Romance; Heart ache and Despair for the Unpopular Teenager’”

Are you picked on in high school? Alone? Can’t find a date? Round out the experience  with SUPER SCROUNGE’S RANCID  ROMANCE. Because it could only be worse in a comic book.

I would pay for that...
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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2023, 01:25:58 AM »

LOL! Thanks, Morgus! That cracked me up!  :D
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #29 on: September 08, 2023, 01:28:09 AM »

Blue Bolt Weird Tales of Terror #119
The Demons of Doom.

Demons of Docar
Spectacular cover on this book, but actually I like Disbrow's opening panel on the story a lot better. 
This is a variation of the legend of 'Pandora's box. The box is drawn well, I enjoyed the story-telling.
It jarred a bit when the priest came out of the chest. Did he lock himself in the chest with the demons? If so, why did he wait till the box was opened 11 times before acting?   
The Image (1 page)
Also a Jay Disbrow work.
This is a plot that has been used for whole stories and also whole storylines.
Not a bad effort to tell the story in one page and fill us the space in the book, which is what one-pages are for.
Die a weird death.
The first thing that struck me is that on panel 1 page 1, the villain is wearing a dead-ringer for Lex Luthor's first Orange and Green costume. 
I think this story was originally printed elsewhere and the title has been changed
Moving right along,
Weird City.
It seems to me that there was a lot of cynicism involved in producing this particular book.
The book is 'Weird Tales' and two stories have the word weird in the title.
This one is a Jo-Jo story - a Fox features character and obviously the title has also been changed.
There is also at least one page missing, as the jump between pages 2 and 3 is too great, and Jo--Jo would have been introduced earlier, I think.
That said,
This is  an interesting idea. Taking a Jungle character out of the jungle and placing him in a post-apocalyptic environment.  The only other example of that, I think, is Gold Key's Mighty Sampson'. Although Kamandi is a variation on that idea. Planet of the Apes? There is a lot more you can do with that concept.       

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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #30 on: September 08, 2023, 02:29:45 AM »

Jay Disbrow isn't a name I'm familiar with, but looking at page 1 of The Creeping Death I see why you want to highlight him. That's one heck of a monster! I gave the biography a read, and I think he's gotta be one of the only artists on this site who published a webcomic!

On to The Creeping Death: like I said, that's one cool monster. And I love the little tiny version in the microscope, it's kinda cute. Not the best idea to just leave a chemical spill around even when there's no monster involved. I love the dialog and captions, they're very 50s monster standard. Though Disbrow is still on the wordier side. And of course in the end our monster is destroyed...but was it alone?

Not much to say about the rest of the issue, aside from the fact that Monstrous Madmen really should have stated on page 1 that it's set in the future. The first two pages look like they're from the 50s and then it's all spaceships and telepathy!

I'll see if I have time to get to the rest of the books. Might not though, I'm on vacation this week!

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The Australian Panther

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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #31 on: September 08, 2023, 12:17:37 PM »

The Horrors of War #11
Spirit of War.
Spectacular LB Cole cover.
The Title font is almost blinding if you look at it too long.
Excellent first page. Hooks you in straight away.
He creates an intensity that never lets up.
Adolph Hitler made sense at the time this was drawn and written. 
The K-9 Killers.
I love stories of the Canine Corps.
Lightning Death..!
A well told true story. Some nice details.
Survival of the Fittest [Jay Disbrow]
Another dynamic first page.
And this story is certainly 'Horrific'
Highlights the craziness of war very well indeed. 
It's a pity that we only have two issues of 'The Horrors'   

« Last Edit: September 08, 2023, 12:21:03 PM by The Australian Panther »
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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2023, 05:39:08 PM »

Are you picked on in high school? Alone? Can’t find a date? Round out the experience  with SUPER SCROUNGE’S RANCID  ROMANCE. Because it could only be worse in a comic book.

I would pay for that...

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #33 on: September 09, 2023, 01:05:28 AM »

The Horrors of War #11
Spirit of War.
Spectacular LB Cole cover.
The Title font is almost blinding if you look at it too long.
Excellent first page. Hooks you in straight away.
He creates an intensity that never lets up.
Adolph Hitler made sense at the time this was drawn and written. 

Spectacular is the word, Panther. The title font has almost a psychedelic effect, like the colour-changing visuals from the Beatles  Yellow Submarine animation movie. The intense colours on the cover for The Demons of Doccar also have incredible visual impact. They'd certainly both stand out in a rack of comics.

Maybe that was the plan? Hit the kids with an eye-grabbing cover, follow it up with  a previously unpublished story, and they wouldn't be asking questions about the rest of the contents ?

Anyhow, glad to see you found something to enjoy.

Morgus has got me worried now...he suggests Disbrow also did Westerns? I'm gonna try and track some of them down!
« Last Edit: September 09, 2023, 01:12:10 AM by K1ngcat »
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #34 on: September 09, 2023, 05:06:20 AM »

Firehair Comics 7
War Drums at Buffalo Bend (11 pages)
Inks: David Heames; Jay Disbrow?

Firehair Comics 8
Raid of the Red Arrows (10 pages) Inks only?!

Blazing Western 5
Law of the Lash (6 pages)
Pencils: Jay Disbrow (signed) | Inks: Jay Disbrow (signed) [Script?]

:)  :)  :)

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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #35 on: September 09, 2023, 07:20:32 AM »

Morgus has got me worried now...he suggests Disbrow also did Westerns? I'm gonna try and track some of them down!

In addition to Panther's list, Bails' indicates he had some work in Fiction House's Cowgirl Romances, Firehair, and Long Bow (no specific issues listed though.)

The list at the GCD have some additional links.
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #36 on: September 09, 2023, 11:05:46 AM »

My list came from using the searchbar on CB+ top right. Undoubtedly we have some of the others on Jerry Bail's list but they are not indexed for the search bar.
Also sounds like a project for an artist/creator archive! ???
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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #37 on: September 10, 2023, 06:40:11 AM »

“Super Scrounge Romance; Heart ache and Despair for the Unpopular Teenager’”

I remembered a cartoon I did back in 2018 that would fit in with that.

Warning! Very cynical & dark, contains cartoon violence and blood. If that's not your cup of tea, probably don't click the link.
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #39 on: September 11, 2023, 03:38:52 PM »

Heh, heh, heh, Super Scrounge.

By the way, forgot to mention. Remember that last page of “Ultimate Destiny” that they published in the Lamiek profile? The one with the monster filling the room saying ‘Hello Howard’? JVJ liked to point out the publisher blew the suspense. it was a six page story that they put out with page 5 and 6 FACING each other.

Anybody with a lick of sense would have put it out with the reader having to turn the page to get to it.

But, we ARE talking about publishers...
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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #40 on: September 11, 2023, 04:50:07 PM »

Heh, heh, heh, Super Scrounge.

By the way, forgot to mention. Remember that last page of “Ultimate Destiny” that they published in the Lamiek profile? The one with the monster filling the room saying ‘Hello Howard’? JVJ liked to point out the publisher blew the suspense. it was a six page story that they put out with page 5 and 6 FACING each other.

Anybody with a lick of sense would have put it out with the reader having to turn the page to get to it.

But, we ARE talking about publishers...

Hi Morgus, yes here it is in Crime Detector #5, with it's last page printed sideways... What, you couldn't afford to give it one more page to get the art right?  :o.

Panther, thanks for the link to Law of the Lash, interesting to see Disbrow doing a Western. Even there he couldn't resist a twist in the tail.  Appreciated.
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #41 on: September 16, 2023, 12:03:36 AM »

Popular Teen Agers #12

Portrait of Love

Terrific L.B. Cole cover.
Robb wrote,
This story suffers from shortness.  It is almost all champagne and roses, with no thorns after Scott sees Gale's face.  There's no tension, and almost no suspense.

It is definitely short and straight-forward.
But they have produced movies with no more complicated plots than this.
I read this in detail. So probably read it at the pace the writer intended.
From the beginning, this could have gone anywhere, which kept me interested.
A number of horror stories start with a similar situation. It could have gone all 'Portrait of Dorian Grey' or a variation there-of.
There is also something unhealthy about Scott's obsession, he is clearly a stalker. I was half-expecting him to go over the top or Gale to be repulsed by him. But no, this is a Romance comic!
Trite, but enjoyable.

On Disbrow,
2000, Disbrow took to the Internet to share Aroc of Zenith, a weekly adventure comic in the vein of Flash Gordon. Disbrow completed 312 strips for Aroc, which wrapped in December 2005. 

Anybody know where I might get hold of that?

Thanks Kingcat.
QQ is back on monday!

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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #42 on: September 16, 2023, 01:56:40 AM »

Hi Panther

Thanks to everyone who contributed, I hope you all found something to enjoy in Disbrow's very individual writing and art style.

Looking forward to seeing what the Quirky Quokka has in store for us on Monday

All the best
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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #43 on: September 16, 2023, 01:57:01 AM »

2000, Disbrow took to the Internet to share Aroc of Zenith, a weekly adventure comic in the vein of Flash Gordon. Disbrow completed 312 strips for Aroc, which wrapped in December 2005. 
Anybody know where I might get hold of that?
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #44 on: September 16, 2023, 09:39:58 AM »

Thanks Superscrounge!

Not an easy one to download I think, and a hell of a long-term reading assignment!

Hasn't changed his style much!
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Re: Reading Group #305 The stories and art of Jay Disbrow
« Reply #45 on: September 17, 2023, 05:19:21 AM »

The thing that struck me was the Sunday comic look, which was actually common in early webcomics. I'm not sure if it was done that way with hope of being picked up by the newspapers or just it seemed traditional to do it like a newspaper comic.

Heck, some webcomics (Melonpool, Sinfest, I think) even tried doing the 6 horizontal strips followed by a Sunday size comic.

Eventually webcartoonists started experimenting with how they present their comics, I went simple with switching to a vertical strip as people prefer scrolling down rather than across, others like Damonk began experimenting with the infinite canvas, and others began adding sound and animation.
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