Crack Comics # 13The Black CondorSoooo... a general invents a remote control bomb, has a civilian pretend to be the inventor, who fails to sell it to the government, so the general kills the fake inventor and tries to blow up the senate. What?!? Does that make logical sense to anyone? Seems to me that a reliable remote control for bombs would have a practical use in businesses that need to set off bombs (construction, mining, etc.) so the general could still make money. Also members of the military tend to be more patriotic than others and blowing up the senate doesn't seem to be that patriotic.
Art is very dynamic even where it seems the poses don't feel right, but it adds to the dynamism (funny dat). Also some panels reminded me of work by later artists, such as Gil Kane and Howard Chaykin.
Molly the ModelThe first one was okay, but the second one felt like a Monty Python sketch. Also, how can anyone starve with all that cheesecake?
TorOverly simplistic plot.
The Red TorpedoWell, at least there's a good-looking girl in a bikini to look at. (What was it JVJ said about comic book stories? “You actually read the things?”)
Slap Happy PappyEh.
Salt of DoomAh, Golden Age science... Those tasty, tasty dangerous chemicals, drool, what? Waste it on guinea pigs? Are you crazy! Rolls eyes.
Jane ArdenDespite regenerating, Jane recognizes the Doctor. Oh, wait, wrong Doctor.
Alias the SpiderGood thing John Stuart wasn't given an autopsy.
Sorry, Ghost Man, but I think Paul Gustavson draws more realistic looking people than Lou Fine.
Ned BrantWas this a popular newspaper strip or just space filler?
Rube Goldberg's Side ShowOkay.
Madam FatalHot babe on babe action... oh, wait, old woman on man dressed as an old woman action.
The Fire MooseSounds like an animal superhero.

The main character doesn't really do much to figure out or stop the villain. The villain seems to have been hoist on his own petard by his mount falling and one of the bottles of chemicals breaking. Uh, good job, Eric???
Off the RecordOkay.
Space LegionSpace Legion HQ and the interplanetary treasury really need to up their security measures.
That Breath Taking Olympic FinishEh.
The ClockInteresting to have the sidekick dress up as the hero and fight alongside the hero. Maybe they should have titled this, “The Clock Strikes Twice”?