The Small Town Murder Conspiracy (6 of 10)
While on vacation, Jim stumbles across a murder plot involving every single person in a small town. Rollin arrives, is told Jim had a stroke, but figures out thru Jim's use of blinking his eyes in Morse Code what's going on. Rollin summons the team, who must rescue Jim, and, prevent the assassination of a Russian scientist in L.A. by a married pair of killers.
Boy, talk about "playing with the format"!
Will Geer (IN COLD BLOOD) is "Doc" (they couldn't even bothered giving him a name?) the man in charge of the conspiracy, who drugs Jim with curare to prevent him moving or speaking. As things progress, Rollin winds up impersonating him. It felt so good when the guy wound up bound, gagged and helpless.
Eddie Ryder (4 episodes of GET SMART) is "Williams", the gas station attendant & repairman, the #2 man in the group. I couldn't be sure at one point if he tampered with Barney's limo, or if Barney was just screwing with the guy. Either way, I was waiting most of the episode to see HIM get clobbered.
William O'Connell (HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER) is the "Instructor", over-seeing the meeting of the towns-people as they learn what their various assignments are. I generally DO NOT LIKE stories where every single person in some small town are all involved in a conspiracy, with the notable exception of that Clint Eastood film, mainly because, when Eastwood's "Stranger" arrives, he pretty much takes over and terrorizes everyone else! So it's an interesting bit of type-casting to see O'Connell was in this, years before that film. Like that film, before it's over, the towns-folk never knew what hit them!