Detective Funnies 16 (Part 1)Thanks for these selections, Bowers. It's taking me a while to read them, so I thought I'd at least get the ball rolling with a few comments about what I've read so far.
The Masked MarvelOn the whole, the art is quite good for that era, though there are a couple of anomalies. For example, at the bottom of the second page, there's a pic of the officer being shot by the gangster. But following on from Panther's comment on a previous comic, the angle of the gun is all wrong. The puff of smoke coming from the gun seems to indicate he's just taken the shot. But he's aiming at the officer's post-shot slumped head rather than where he would have been aiming in the first place. There are also some continuity issues. For example, the nationwide alarm about Roche being on the loose seems to come some time after the escape, as there has been a crime spree in the meantime.
It's interesting that they give a lot of the backstory before the Masked Marvel actually appears (almost 6 pages). That seems uncommon for a lot of Golden Age stories I've read, but does flesh out the issue more. It's very generous of the police chief to say that he wants the Masked Marvel's men in charge of the police squad. Also interesting that not all of the good guys survive, thus showing the very real dangers and costs of fighting for justice. I did wonder if the Masked Marvel gave Roche any parachuting instructions before tossing him out of the plane. Seems like a lot could go wrong with that kind of drop-off. An interesting tale overall. I'd read more of these.
Spark O'LearyMy favourite part was how to tried to conceal the whopping big microphone stand so the fake countess wouldn't know she was being broadcast. Um .. I think she noticed

I did like the format of the story though. Spark's broadcast at the end was like a modern-day true-crime podcast.
Dan Dennis FBIInteresting technique of interspersing black and white pages with red and black pages. I guess that was a compromise to doing full colour. The last narration box on the second page is sort-of like 'breaking the fourth wall' in asking the reader who the prison guard is who's lurking in the shadows. We find out as soon as we turn the page.
I'm not sure if the premise was meant to be amusing, but the whole idea of an 'organ of destruction' seemed funny to me, especially when it kind of looked like the Yamaha organs that were popular in the 1970s. We had one of those!
My favourite line? "Realizing he must act before the fiend goes on a rampage of destruction, Dan resorts to his ventriloquism." Say what? Maybe that's come up in previous stories, but I found it hilarious to think of ventriloquism as being one of the tools of trade of an FBI agent.
Not the best writing in this one, as there was a lot of repetition, but it made me smile, perhaps unintentionally.
ComicrimesI liked the one-page Comicrimes features, as it gives the reader a chance to work out the clues. Though I was clueless about the one with the bullets. I live in Australia where most people have never even held a gun. I have no idea what each of those bullets would do - LOL
I also thought the one about the dead thoroughbred had a flaw. The answer is built on the premise that you can bend down under a railing, yet keep your shoeprints in a straight line. But wouldn't most people have to turn a little to get under the railing, thereby breaking the straight line under the railing?
Foggy NightThe action sequences could have been drawn a bit better. I got confused in a couple of points. For example, in the last panel on the third page, the bad guy challenges the trooper to a fight. Then on the next page, the trooper swings the first punch, but the next panel shows the trooper on the ground rather than the bad guy. Then in the next panel, the trooper is on his feet and punching the bad guy. It just doesn't seem to flow well.
Also, the foggy night of the title appeared rather suddenly. There's no fog throughout the story until the last four panels where it's mentioned repeatedly.
That's as far as I've gotten so far. Some interesting qualities in all of them. Will add more as I keep reading.