The Olympics.
This years French Olympics, given what is going on in the world, have been the least capable of grabbing the attention of most people, that I can remember. Except for the scandals.
Lets look at the stories.
Phantom Lady #22 (1949) story starting on p. 11 – Olympic SaboteursThere would not have been a games in 1949, but I checked, there was in 1948.
London 1948 Olympic Games, athletic festival held in London that took place July 29–August 14, 1948. The London Games were the 11th occurrence of the modern Olympic Games.
So, this story is set in the previous years Olympics.
"Remember how the USA triumphed in the recent Olympic games?"
The media loves to emphasis the winners in their country and largely ignores others.
So, in this internet age, if I access a US Newspaper's site, all I get in the US Olympic winners.
If i turn on Australian TV or look at the headline on an Australian Newspaper, it's all Australian winners, no mention of US winners. "
The story - starts off with comedy - then they go to London and the story really starts.
Has anybody noticed that the relationship between Don and Sandra Knight is reversed from the usual?
She's is the Superhero and
he is the romantic interest who can't recognise Sandra even though she doesn't wear a mask. And
he states in front of Sandra that he wishes she was more like Phantom Lady?
That's a trope that's usually Male Superhero, adoring but oblivious girlfriend, secretary, workmate.
I enjoyed the story, but it seems just an excuse to get Sandra to be portrayed doing Olympic sports.
She competes in
(the mens) foot race, High Jump, Boxing and Shotput. I thought she didn't have superpowers? So, was it only the men that drink water before competing?
No explanatiion of which country the baddie was working for, but it's 1948, so we can probably guess.
Also why is the group of baddies a selection of countries?
By the accents, we have British, French and Spanish. And the leader seems to be American?
As some cartoon character used to say, 'Very Interesting. but Stupid." but it was fun, too.