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Need instructions on How to Upload

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Need instructions on How to Upload
« on: March 15, 2025, 05:43:58 AM »

One thing this site seems to lack is instructions on How to Upload. I looked at the Forum, and I see the question has been asked before. The answer usually is , go to
I already found that page, but it has no instructions.

The first field on that page says "Title". What exactly is supposed to go in that field? The name and number of a comic? "Ribtickler #4" ? Or maybe "Ribtickler #4 page 1" ? Why not explain that on this page?

The next field is a button to "Select File". Is it one file per page or one file per comic book? For a single page, is a JPG file OK? If it's supposed to be a file containing many pages, then that clearly isn't a JPG file. What kind is it supposed to be? Why not say so on this page?

The "Description (optional)" field. Is whatever I write here intended to display when people look at the scanned comic? If so, then what kind of information is typically put here?

Then there's "Section" which has a list of the comic series on this site, arranged by publisher. Naturally I would click on "Ribtickler" listed under "Fox Feature Syndicate". Nothing happens when I click on it. I'm guessing the text in the red balloon "Please wait until file has uploaded" explains why nothing happens when I click on "Ribtickler".
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Re: Need instructions on How to Upload
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2025, 10:34:22 PM »


The title is self explanatory, in the case Ribtickler 4.

You can't upload jpgs, the file needs to be zip or cbz.

Descriptions, yes

Click on Ribtickler in Fox in Section.

Click Please wait for item to upload.

Under Select File, there is a line that shows how much has been uploaded, when it hits 100%, click on the green button
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Re: Need instructions on How to Upload
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2025, 05:55:22 AM »

Thank you. That's a good start.

Part of my uncertainty is that, looking at Index Cards for the existing issues, I'm not sure what information is supplied by the uploader, and what is added at the site by people/software.

The Index Card has a field called Title; the Upload page has a field labeled Title. But they don't contain the same information. The Index Card Title is just the name of the comic book and is the same for each issue. The Upload page Title is Name of the comic and number. I suggested "Ribtickler #4", you said "Ribtickler 4". Is "#" not allowed in the Title field? That is not "self-explanatory".

The next field in the Index Card is the issue Date. The Upload page doesn't have a Date field. Does someone on site look at the uploaded pages and determine what the Date field should be? Or is that something I should supply? If so, where? In the Description? As part of the file name? And if I do supply it, should I just use the first month if the date in the comic specifies multiple months?
For example, Ribtickler was a bi-monthly comic. When Ribtickler 5 was published, it was stated to be the "Nov-Dec 1946" issue. But the Index Card merely states "Nov 1946". I presume for quarterly comics (I'm not taking the time to look for examples) "Summer","Winter", etc. are listed that way.

You state the file format should be zip or cbz. I don't expect you to tell me how to create those types of files; that's just general computer knowledge. I do notice, looking at the Index Cards, that there are also files of type cbr and rar (Ribtickler 7).

Are there any "gotchas" about the File Name? E.g. I frequently use File Names with words separated by spaces; in the few I looked at here, the words are separated with "_" or ""-". Would embedded spaces in the File Name cause a problem?

And I presume that the Upload page Description field gets propagated into the Index Card Notes field. Which implies that the Date information is NOT put in the Description field. Ribtickler 5 has Notes that say "Complete! A freddyfly original production!". That came from the Description field, correct?

I don't think I would use that. Interesting info about the comic book I would usually add to the GCD record, since I see that Additional Information at the bottom of the screen is propagated from the GCD. I would probably only use the Description field for something that pertained to this particular copy; e.g. if I was uploading a comic with missing pages - I would say which ones were missing.

I have added all the info I know about Ribtickler #4 on the GCD site, which will be approved before I get the scans done.
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  • Administrator
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Re: Need instructions on How to Upload
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2025, 10:28:46 AM »

A really quick reply

1) We don't use # in names

2) Dates are taken from GCD (Grand Comics Database). Or we figure it out from the issues. This is done by admins. You can always put it in the description and it can be removed after the being input.

3) If multiple month dates we just use the first one. They are mainly used for the Virtual Newsstand

4) By some old convention .rar files are renamed .cbr & .zip files .cbz. They are however straightforward rar and zip files.r

5) Keeping filenames simple is not a bad thing in my book "_" and "-" are cool

6) We much prefer "cbz" but accept "cbr". SO if creating a new file PLEASE make it cbz

7) I have altered "Title" to "Name" in the upload form. Thanks, stops that confusion! 
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Re: Need instructions on How to Upload
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2025, 09:02:08 PM »

Thank you very much. Since it's not often that I expect to get a public domain comic that's not already present here, I'll write up some comprehensive instructions for myself.
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