Picked up some pretty good stuff this week. Finally got a copy of "The Owl" and really enjoyed it. Yes, guys, Owl Girl is hot! Liked the "Capt. Midnight" premiere issue- some good possibilities here. "Rocketeer and Spirit" was wonderful, with two smart-ass characters playing quite well off each other. I had some concerns that the Spirit's character wouldn't be properly handled, but Waid nailed it! "Black Beetle" 4 was a treat. Also picked up "Half Past Danger" 3 and was pleasantly surprised- you get dinosaurs, Nazis, and a hot chick in black tights. What's not to like? This was my first issue, so I guess I'll have to find the first two. Waiting for "King's Watch" and a pulpy air-pirate title called "Wild Blue Yonder". Cheers, Bowers