Thanks where does this leave us? I say go for it. Of course I am bias because I have the 6 issues of Moon Girl and 4 for Fat & Slats (Which isn't all that great save for a story perhaps in each issue, Marvel Maid for example.) Really it doesn't matter anyways as I am currently posting Issue # 1 on my Facebook page International Comics of the Goldenage (I know Moon Girl is USA but hay we are all "international" to someone). So I'm proceeding to finish editing the other 4 issues. If you want them here great....if not no big deal. But I hope I can share with everyone on a larger scale than I do on FB. After all it is about preservation for me, and the wider it is distributed the likelihood of a copy will always be somewhere. I see it like the Turkish superhero movies of the late 1960's and 70's, except for a scant few, several dozen movies are lost to all time and all that remains are the posters for them to remember them by. That is sad. I don't want that to happen to comics. Especially the ones we're not allowed to post here. Timely, DC/National, and Street & Smith. Those three are ones I post on my facebook group again in an effort to disseminated these books that are "taboo" out there for all to see and save. Just my 2 cents. It's your call guys.
Thanks for listening....
Richard Boucher Mr_Goldenage
"Sometimes you just have to go for it - even if you land in shit. How else will you know you've come up smelling like roses and that you have succeeded in your endeavor."
- Quote from and Old Man I know. :-)