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Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here

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« Reply #25 on: October 21, 2008, 02:48:28 AM »

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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2008, 04:14:24 AM »

Other day some ZiffDavis Amazing Adventures were on ebay, #5&6, and I thought them good scanning material so waited till the end of the auction to place my bid and freakin' missed both bids. Too much jet lag in the puter.
Ya gotta be ready and not just a moment of mad inspiration or you can get yer lunch ate and tomorrows to iffin you are not attentive to detail.
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Catman and Big Shot
« Reply #27 on: November 09, 2008, 10:05:03 PM »

Some coverless issues Catman 22 and 23 I was outbid and Big Shot 5 and 8. I am surprised at how few Big Shot we have and Catman is always a favorite (especially with Kitten) ebay seller
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 10:10:08 PM by narfstar »
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Lots of good stuff
« Reply #28 on: November 22, 2008, 12:12:51 AM »

This guy has a lot of great stuff not yet scanned. You are welcome to outbid me as long as you scan and post it here ;) The only book that I really want for myself is the X-Venture #1 as I have #2. I will be bidding around $23 later as my max and not now high bidder. If someone else goes over that and you can afford to outbid them to scan it please do. I hope to see many of these books here soon.
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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #30 on: December 04, 2008, 12:25:05 AM »

This is a book that on Heritage at VF+ 8.5  sold for $956.00 on April 27, 2008.
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Crack 25
« Reply #32 on: December 29, 2008, 12:59:46 PM »

We have had requests to complete our Quality section. Here is a Crack 25 if anyone has some Christmas money to spend. I am considering his Fantoman and would already bid if not for the high postage. Perhaps someone wants both books and can save on postage. If any bids post here so everyone is not bidding against each other.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2008, 01:02:27 PM by narfstar »
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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #35 on: December 29, 2008, 04:59:55 PM »

BHComics is aware of the site Rez.  No worries.
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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2009, 07:44:15 PM »

So what's your feeling on this seller?

I have bought a bunch of the DVD's and they seem pretty kewl. He's missing some issues too but If you'd like I could copy on disc and send to someone to download.
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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2009, 09:14:56 PM »

Wonder if it might be advantageous to the site if GAC could somehow have exposure on ebay was the thought behind the post.


BHComics is aware of the site Rez.  No worries.
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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #38 on: January 09, 2009, 09:19:52 PM »

I just noticed the Scans on eBay thread. i honestly didn't know about this site till the other day when boox 909 told me about on the SPA forum, if I had known I coulda saved myself some bucks.  :-\
So are all his DVD's scans from here?
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John C

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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #39 on: January 09, 2009, 10:03:51 PM »

That's the theory, given the release times and the contents.  But I don't think anybody here has bought one, since we have the books scanned here.  But since you bring it up, can you confirm this with a spot-check of a couple of issues, maybe?
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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #40 on: January 12, 2009, 04:15:12 PM »

Just bought these on eBay:
Mighty Midget Comics Set of 3 (1943)
Are these scanned?
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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #41 on: January 12, 2009, 04:46:29 PM »

How might one be able to invite the ebay seller 'mkearny' to view GAC?

View any item they're selling or their profile page on eBay and use "Contact Seller".

I am considering his Fantoman and would already bid if not for the high postage. Perhaps someone wants both books and can save on postage. If any bids post here so everyone is not bidding against each other.

I have to apologize to anyone who bid on that book for not checking-out this thread for a while.  I won Fantoman 4 and will be scanning it as soon as some other books arrive.  The S&H that was in the listing wasn't too high considering it was "Priority Mail", however, it took "mkearny" a week to get the book in the mail.  I guess it wasn't a "priority" for him to mail out the books after he received his money.  I also didn't like the fact that he added to the S&H after-the-fact when he sent an invoice for payment for something else I won from him.  I wasn't happy about that and let him know about it, and got excuses about the cost of packing material, which turned-out to be the FREE packaging the USPS hands-out to anyone who wants it.

Bottom line, he's a decent source for acquiring hard-to-find books, but be prepared for "hidden charges" and less-than-spectacular customer service.  Personally, I'm never dealing with the guy again because I don't like being lied to and don't see why I had to wait nearly two weeks for my "Priority Mail" shipment to arrive.
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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #42 on: January 12, 2009, 05:06:16 PM »

As far as I know, the only Mighty Midget we have so far is the Bulletman 11; a quick glance at the Fawcett section backs me up.  These would be fun to see!

Just bought these on eBay:
Mighty Midget Comics Set of 3 (1943)
Are these scanned?
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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #43 on: January 13, 2009, 08:13:09 AM »

I'm sure there are more than just one guys.
Please double check the site for 'mini' or something with the Search function and see if I'm right.

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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #44 on: January 21, 2009, 05:47:04 AM »

Bought on eBay: 3 MIGHTY MIDGET COMICS published by Samuel E. Lowe & Co. in 1943. This title was a miniature comic measuring 5x4 inches, contained 32 pages and was colored black, white and red. They usually sold 2 for five cents. The comics were printed on cheap newsprint so all the comics have medium tan paper. The comics in this set are Fawcett Comics characters and each is the first or only time a comic was devoted entirely to the character. Comics and conditions in this set are; LANCE O'CASEY No. 12 VERY GOOD ( nick out bottom spine, 1/8 spine split top spine, small piece missing top right corner front cover, small piece out top left corner back cover and some pages at that spot) MR. SCARLET AND PINKY No. 12 FINE (nick out at bottom and top spine); BALBO THE BOY MAGICIAN No. 12 FINE (tiny nick out top and bottom spine, small piece out bottom right corner front cover, 2 tiny pieces out left edge back cover).

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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #45 on: January 21, 2009, 06:21:06 AM »

Those look pretty sweet. Congrats on a nice purchase.

Bought on eBay: 3 MIGHTY MIDGET COMICS published by Samuel E. Lowe & Co. in 1943. This title was a miniature comic measuring 5x4 inches, contained 32 pages and was colored black, white and red. They usually sold 2 for five cents. The comics were printed on cheap newsprint so all the comics have medium tan paper. The comics in this set are Fawcett Comics characters and each is the first or only time a comic was devoted entirely to the character. Comics and conditions in this set are; LANCE O'CASEY No. 12 VERY GOOD ( nick out bottom spine, 1/8 spine split top spine, small piece missing top right corner front cover, small piece out top left corner back cover and some pages at that spot) MR. SCARLET AND PINKY No. 12 FINE (nick out at bottom and top spine); BALBO THE BOY MAGICIAN No. 12 FINE (tiny nick out top and bottom spine, small piece out bottom right corner front cover, 2 tiny pieces out left edge back cover).

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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #46 on: January 22, 2009, 01:28:33 AM »

Bought on eBay: 3 MIGHTY MIDGET COMICS published by Samuel E. Lowe & Co. in 1943. This title was a miniature comic measuring 5x4 inches, contained 32 pages and was colored black, white and red. They usually sold 2 for five cents. The comics were printed on cheap newsprint so all the comics have medium tan paper. The comics in this set are Fawcett Comics characters and each is the first or only time a comic was devoted entirely to the character. Comics and conditions in this set are; LANCE O'CASEY No. 12 VERY GOOD ( nick out bottom spine, 1/8 spine split top spine, small piece missing top right corner front cover, small piece out top left corner back cover and some pages at that spot) MR. SCARLET AND PINKY No. 12 FINE (nick out at bottom and top spine); BALBO THE BOY MAGICIAN No. 12 FINE (tiny nick out top and bottom spine, small piece out bottom right corner front cover, 2 tiny pieces out left edge back cover).

I've got the LOC and MSAP, Doc,
plus Minute Man, Commando Yank and The Phantom Eagle. My BIGGEST regret in buying these was the atrocious printing. For just being black and one color, the black in my copies in worse than anything I've seen in a comic book.

Peace, Jim (|:{>
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paw broon

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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2009, 05:43:23 PM »

Most of you probably wont be interested in this but I'm going to tell you anyway.  I don't know how to attach scans of my purchases and as they're large, landscape they don't quite fit completely on my platten.
I just received 2 issues of Wonderman, France 1950, no's 11 & 15 of Dynamic, being the 10th and 11th Wonderman titles.  Again, I can't find an email address for the seller but on e-bay France,( the seller is in Belgium) he is messiah 33633.  I realise these titles are no use for the site given the different laws, but anyone who is into non-mainstream heroes might want to take note.  Lovely additions to my collection.
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Re: Ebay Finds and Buys -post your pointers here
« Reply #48 on: February 07, 2009, 05:27:22 PM »

I've been posting some old books, comics and fanzines on eBay lately (Mid-Jan 2009 onward). Just search JVJ Fan to see fanzines, JVJ GAC to see old comics, or just JVJ to see all my posts. I'm always adding new (and different) stuff. Just put up a copy of Heroes' Hangout and a Voice of Comicdom fanzines from 1967.
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Ebay finds
« Reply #49 on: February 26, 2009, 02:13:19 AM »

Mile High Comics has some stuff for cheap on ebay. Many under $5 or $10 or $20

I got some books many more we need. Unlimited books for same shipping
SLICK CHICK COMICS #3 Good Comics Book
CALLING ALL KIDS #12 Fair Comics Book
BLACK FURY #3 Good Comics Book
BLACK FURY #7 Fair Comics Book
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