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Science Wonder Quarterly 3 - The Stone from the Moon - O. W. Gail

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Science Wonder Quarterly
Date | Number: 3 | Lang: English (en)
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Science Wonder Quarterly 3 - The Stone from the Moon - O. W. Gail (3 of 3)
Book Cover For Science Wonder Quarterly 3 - The Stone from the Moon - O. W. Gail
Science Wonder Quarterly 3 - The Stone from the Moon - O. W. Gail (3 of 3)
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Additional Information
PublicationMarch 1930 | Price: $0.50 | Pages: 148 | Cover Artist: Frank R. Paul
PublisherStellar Publishing Corporation | Editor : Hugo Gernsback
  • Page numbers run 289-432.
  • Contents page states publication on 15 March.
  • Cover illustrates "The Stone from the Moon."
  • Cover art is not credited; the artwork shows no signature. Cover artist taken from Bleiler G, magazine section, pg 579. Miller/Contento lists as (?).
  • Interior art is credited below each art item.
  • An opening essay on page 293 describes the "What I Have Done to Spread Science Fiction" contest announced in the Fall 1929 issue of Science Wonder Quarterly. This issue includes the three second-round winners, with their submissions following this essay. Raymond A. Palmer was awarded the First Prize of $100.00; Conrad H. Ruppert was awarded the Second Prize of $50.00, and Allen Glasser won the Third Prize of $20.00. Their letters are entered here as "prize winner."
  • Story art for "The Stone from the Moon" is credited to "Paul." Art on pages 294, 303, 350, 353, and 356 is signed "Paul"; that on pages 310-311, 327, 332, 336, 346, and 357 shows no signature. The diagram on page 342 is uncredited and unsigned.
  • Story art for "Within the Planet" on page 360 is credited to "Leonard"; the artwork shows no signature.
  • Story art for "Via the Hewitt Ray" on page 370 is credited to "Winter"; the artwork shows no signature.
  • Story art for "The Mechanical Bloodhound" on page 384 is credited to "Ruger"; the artwork is signed "Jno Ruger."
  • Story art for "The Ape Cycle" on page 388 is credited to "Winter"; the artwork is signed "KAW.".
  • Story art for "The Mad Destroyer" on page 406 is credited to "Ruger"; the artwork shows no signature.
  • Story art for "The Thought Materializer" in page 414 is credited to and signed "Paul."
  • Drawn portraits (uncredited) of the authors appear with each story; they are unsigned except for those of Gail, Arnold, and Pratt which are signed "B."
  • "The Reader Speaks" is a letters column.
Page: 293What I Have Done to Spread Science Fiction - essay by uncredited
Page: 294The Stone from the Moon (Complete Novel) - serial by Otto Willi Gail
Page: 294The Stone from the Moon (Complete Novel) - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 360Within the Planet - by Wesley Arnold
Page: 360Within the Planet - interior artwork by Leonard
Page: 370Via the Hewitt Ray - by M. F. Rupert
Page: 370Via the Hewitt Ray - interior artwork by Winter
Page: 384The Mechanical Bloodhound - by Frank Bridge
Page: 384The Mechanical Bloodhound - interior artwork by Ruger
Page: 388The Ape Cycle - by Clare Winger Harris
Page: 388The Ape Cycle - interior artwork by Winter (II)
Page: 406The Mad Destroyer - by Fletcher Pratt
Page: 406The Mad Destroyer - interior artwork by Ruger
Page: 414The Thought Materializer - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 414The Thought Materializer - by F. B. Long, Jr.
Page: 422|422.2Letter (Science Wonder Quarterly, Spring 1930): Started Science Fiction Week (prize winner) - essay by Conrad H. Ruppert
Page: 422|422.3Letter (Science Wonder Quarterly, Spring 1930): The Scienceers Is His Medium (prize winner) - essay by Allen Glasser
Page: 422|422.1Letter (Science Wonder Quarterly, Spring 1930): Developed the Science Correspondence Club (prize winner) - essay by Raymond A. Palmer
Page: 424|424.1The Reader Speaks (Science Wonder Quarterly, Spring 1930) - essay by various
Page: 424|424.2Letter (Science Wonder Quarterly, Spring 1930): The Scienceers - essay by Allen Glasser
Page: 429Letter (Science Wonder Quarterly, Spring 1930): The Cause of Insomnia - essay by Forrest Ackerman
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Internet Speculative Fiction Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this book may be available in their page here
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