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Science Wonder Quarterly 2 - The Moon Conquerors - R. H. Romans

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Science Wonder Quarterly
Date | Number: 2 | Lang: English (en)
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Science Wonder Quarterly 2 - The Moon Conquerors - R. H. Romans (2 of 3)
Book Cover For Science Wonder Quarterly 2 - The Moon Conquerors - R. H. Romans
Science Wonder Quarterly 2 - The Moon Conquerors - R. H. Romans (2 of 3)
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Additional Information
PublicationDecember 1929 | Price: $0.50 | Pages: 148 | Cover Artist: Frank R. Paul
PublisherStellar Publishing Corporation | Editor : Hugo Gernsback
  • Vol. 1, No. 2
  • Page numbers run 145-288 excluding covers.
  • Contents page states publication on 15 December.
  • Cover illustrates "The Moon Conquerors."
  • Cover art is not credited; the artwork is signed "Paul."
  • Interior art is credited below each art item.
  • An opening essay on page 149 describes the "What I Have Done to Spread Science Fiction" contest announced in the Fall 1929 issue of Science Wonder Quarterly. Submissions from the top three winners follow this essay. Walter Dennis was awarded the First Prize of $100.00; Victor Szanton was awarded the Second Prize of $50.00; Julius Unger won the Third Prize of $20.00.
  • Story art for "The Moon Conquerors" is credited to "Paul." Art on pages 150, 157, 159, 168, 198-199, and 210 is signed "Paul"; that on pages 162, 179, 188, and 214 is unsigned. The diagrams on pages 155 and 185 are uncredited and unsigned. One lunar photo appears on page 184.
  • Story art for "The Osmotic Theorem" on page 234 is credited to and signed "Barker."
  • Story art for "Into the 28th Century" on pages 250, 256, 260, and 264 is credited to and signed "Paul."
  • Story art for "Underground Waters" on page 268 is credited to and signed "Paul."
  • Drawn portraits (uncredited) of the authors appear with each story; all are unsigned.
  • "The Reader Speaks" is a letters column.
Page: 149What I Have Done to Spread Science Fiction $500.00 Prize Letters - essay by uncredited
Page: 150The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) - serial by R. H. Romans
Page: 150The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 157The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [2] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 159The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [3] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 162The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [4] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 168The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [5] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 179The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [6] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 188The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [7] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 198The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [8] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 210The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [9] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 214The Moon Conquerors (Complete Novel) [10] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 234The Osmotic Theorem - by Captain S. P. Meek, U.S.A.
Page: 234The Osmotic Theorem - interior artwork by Barker
Page: 250Into the 28th Century - by Lilith Lorraine
Page: 250Into the 28th Century - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 256Into the 28th Century [2] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 260Into the 28th Century [3] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 264Into the 28th Century [4] - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 268Underground Waters - by A. C. Webb, M.D.
Page: 268Underground Waters - interior artwork by Paul
Page: 278|278.1Letter (Science Wonder Quarterly, Winter 1930): Correspondence Is His Method - essay by Walter Dennis
Page: 278|278.2Letter (Science Wonder Quarterly, Winter 1930): Pounded Remorselessly at Men - essay by Victor Szanton
Page: 281Letter (Science Wonder Quarterly, Winter 1930): A Matter of Personal Contact - essay by Julius Unger
Page: 283The Reader Speaks (Science Wonder Quarterly, Winter 1930) - essay by The Editor
Page: 285|285.2Letter (Science Wonder Quarterly, Winter 1930): Marvelous! Wonderful! Superb! - essay by Forrest Ackerman
Page: 285|285.1Letter (Science Wonder Quarterly, Winter 1930): Better If Written by an American - essay by Jack Darrow
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Internet Speculative Fiction Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this book may be available in their page here
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