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More Fun Comics
Date | Number: 14 | Lang: English (en)
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Book Cover For More Fun Comics 14
More Fun Comics 14 (8 of 24)
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
   By Kracalactaka
For the 137 of you who downloaded the previous version, well that was actually #9 with a #14 cover. And besides that was fiche (bleh), this is a nice c2c copy scanned from really freaking old paper :)
Additional Information
PublicationOctober 1936 | Price: 0.10 USD | Pages: 1 | Frequency: monthly
SynopsisKids taking apples to teacher.
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Humor; Children
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesInside front cover.
Comic StoryThe Resbian Affair, Part 1 (3 pages)
ContentGenre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Sandra
Comic StoryPrince of Patrania, Part 12 (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Spike; Pincus; Phillip of Patrania
Comic StoryIsland Adventure, Part 4 (2 pages)
FeaturingWoozy Watts
ContentGenre: Adventure; Humor
ContentGenre: Adventure; Fantasy
NotesStory continued from the Dr. Mystic story in The Comics Magazine (Comics Magazine Company, 1936 series) #v1#1 (May 1936)
Comic StoryAdopted by Flint, Part 3 (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Children | Characters: Linda
Comic StoryIn the Wake of the Wander [Part 12] (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Historical | Characters: Captain Grim
Comic StoryDamsel in Distress, Part 11 (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Jack Woods; Pancho Villa; Dolores; Don Miguel
Comic StoryEpisode 13 (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Adventure; Historical
FeaturingFun Club
CreditsLetters: typeset
Comic StoryGold Gulch, Part 1 (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Anthropomorphic-funny Animals | Characters: Pelion; Ossa
Comic StoryEpisode 4 (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Historical
Comic StoryThe Holdup, Part 6 (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Jake; Ed
Comic StoryThe Bedouin Adventure, Part 13 (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Wing Brady; Ali Ben Saad
ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingAlger's Variety Show
ContentGenre: Humor
Comic StoryIn the Wilderness, Part 2 (2 pages)
FeaturingBradley Boys
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Tom Bradley; Jack Bradley
CartoonSailing, Sailing over the Bounding Main (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Humor
Comic StoryDewey and the Pirates, Part 11 (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Historical | Characters: Dewey; the Captain
Comic StoryThe Half-Breed, Part 4 (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Western-frontier | Characters: Jim; Mary; Dan; Marty: Trapper Pete; Pierre
FeaturingJust Suppose
ContentGenre: Sports
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Brad Hardy
CartoonA Remarkable Demonstration of Faith! (1 page)
FeaturingSam the Porter
ContentGenre: Humor
FeaturingTalk about Talkies
CreditsLetters: typeset
ContentGenre: Sword And Sorcery | Characters: Don Drake; Krenon; Betty
Comic StoryFang Gow of China [Part 14] (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Barry O'Neil; Fang Gow (villain); Inspector Le Grand
ContentGenre: Children; Fantasy | Characters: Bobby; Binks
Comic StoryEpisode 3 (2 pages)
FeaturingPirate Gold
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Jeff Roberts; Gregory Roberts
Comic StoryThe Dizzy Gas (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Science Fiction | Characters: Rex Cosmos; Axel Yoke; The Queen (Renee); Capt. Kiddlaw; Joan Shanley; Professor Shanley
Noteslast appearance; title from last issue blurb.
Comic StoryThe Mystery Plane, Part 10 (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Adventure | Characters: Bob Merritt
Comic StoryNew Pants (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Humor
Comic StoryThe Purple Tiger, Part 4 (2 pages)
ContentGenre: Detective-mystery | Characters: Burke
NotesA box in the final panel on the last page promotes the next story: "Fate certainly played a trick on Sandy. But perhaps Sandy Kean knows a couple tricks on his own. Don't miss next issue!"
FeaturingMister Meek
ContentGenre: Humor
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesInside back cover.
FeaturingNew Comics
NotesInside back cover.
AdvertisementAluminum Streamlined Bicycle
NotesInside back cover.
AdvertisementFactory to You (1 page)
CreditsLetters: typeset
NotesAdvertisement from Remington Rand. Back cover.
The data in the additional content section is courtesy of the Grand Comics Database under a Creative Commons Attribution License. More details about this comic may be available in their page here
Comic Book Plus In-House Image
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