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The Bosun and Choclit Funnies 38

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Australian & New Zealand Comics
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NotesTHE BOSUN AND CHOCLIT FUNNIES 38 by George Needham, published by Elmsdale Publications in 1949. Some modern readers might find the depiction of Choclit in this comic offensive, but it is a style of portrayal of black characters common at the time of publication consistent with the then-popular minstrel style of musical entertainment. Despite being listed second in the comic’s title, Choclit is the star of the story and is depicted as an intelligent boy with a great joy in his life. Originally intended as a newspaper comic strip, George Needham had difficulties in finding a newspaper who would run the strip, and he reached an arrangement to convert the idea into a comic book series. A working painter and illustrator, Needham was a little embarrassed by his comics work and initially used the penname George Robb (based on his wife’s maiden name, Roberts) until the success of his comics convinced him to acknowledge them by using his real name (after only two issues). The numbering of the series can be confusing initially: originally, each issue was numbered sequentially from 1 to 72, but thereafter the numbering was by volume and issue number (starting with volume 8 #1 to volume 11 #3). Then the numbering recommenced with #1 and ran to #10 under the new title ‘Choclit and His Little Bruvver Coco’, a run of 121 issues between 1946 and 1958.
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The Bosun and Choclit Funnies 38 (88 of 115)
   By Downunder Dan
I neglected to mention the back-up strip, Peanut. George Needham often includes one or two strips about this character among the contents of this series. Peanut also occasionally guest stars alongside Choclit in the main story as well. Peanut seems always to be out, indulging his curiosity while roaming the streets (presumably of Melbourne, as Needham lived and worked there) wearing a footy jersey. It's a simple concept that lends itself to endless stories.
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