Panther, be assured I was not challenging your statements about Rodney Thomson. Saying "you might be right" is about myself, not you. When trying to ID an artist like this I'm always reluctant to come right out and say, "it's A." There's so much backstage history I don't know, and I've followed my share of blind alleys in the past (anyone remember "Kenneth Landau = Martin Landau"?) Plus there are so many odd coincidences to cloud matters. How likely is it that two newspaper strip cartoonists named Richard Fletcher both drew features around the same time and worked at the same newspaper? I find it much easier to say "That's not A." Gerald McCann is not George Evans and never will be, no matter how many times the GCDB says he is.
Anyway, I dug up a few more tidbits about Rodney Thomson's earlier career, all of which support the notion that RT the etcher and RT the centerspread artist are the same person. I've posted this info in a separate topic.