I can see tons of potential in a lot of your idea John.
Have you brought any of these up with 'the powers that be' for the library?
Without contacts, that's the sort of thing (I think) that only works out when there's a fully-polished plan. So no, not yet, at least.
XBox tournaments in libraries?!? Really?? Wow.... What happened to keeping things quiet?
I feel guilty borrowing dvds from the library. Playing console games is 10 steps beyond that!
Yeah, I have no idea what's actually going on, but I see the banners hanging.
It's hard for me to imagine any body hanging out here is insufficiently geeky for Johnathan Coulton. (If you don't know who he is, go to Youtube and look up "Re: Your Brains")
That's likely, but it seems like the people looking for "popular" work, especially in the horror and crime books, might be more at home with a Billy Joel singing about his favorite bar than a perky song about furniture shopping or being exiled by robot overlords for the holidays or the secret (and imaginary) lives of NPR announcers, say.