Of course, when I saw the title I was hoping for some Smurfs but there you go. Another Passingham masterclass – just look at those two grouped images on page 2 for starters!
I am a bit of a sucker for Journey to the Centre of the Earth type stories. I loved those 70s movies, most of which starred Doug McClure I seem to remember. The science is bonkers of course but the possibilities infinite (as you descend, shouldn’t gravity lessen? – just a thought)
Not a big fan of the Darrows but this one is action-packed. Whilst the story unfolds reasonably in the third act, it feels as though this final act was written by someone else – no longer a comic book, it becomes more of a story paper with illustrations. I wonder if that was the bit added to the original newspaper strip?
Link to the book:
Super Detective Library 054 - The Riddle of the Blue Men