Nice one, jimmm. I wish I had your ability to express some of these points.
I sometimes wonder if some N.American comics fans do lack a bit of perspective. In the U.K. we were used to our weekly anthology titles plus lots of comics which were made to look like American ones, even though, in many, there was no American involvement at all. But here we were also exposed to N.American comics through them brought in as ballast on ships, or you could find them if you were near an American base and later when distribution to newsagents started. So, many older fans here have seen a wider range of drawing styles, storytelling styles, formats etc.
My problem with clear thinking on this is that I tend to pursue the unusual, obscure, different and I occasionally forget that other comics fans have comfort zones and wont be interested in the stuff I track down. But I'd hate to be in a position of relying only on modern American comics for my entertainment but, then again, if you don't have that exposure to, or interest in exploring other material, who am I to object. Fortunately CB+ does a good job in spreading the word, educating perhaps?, and exposing fans to material which they might never discover otherwise.