After a lot of chasing around, and thanks to my friend, Glenn Miller, I finally got in touch with Dominic Regan who gave me permission to scan and upload some issues of his mid '80's ' zine, Paper Empire - later Captain Empire. We now have Paper empire #1 & 3 and Captain Empire #1, which is really the fourth issue of the 'zine but contains only a Captain Empire story and should be read after PE #3.
Well worth checking the notes Dom printed in the 'zine, for an idea of who was about in comic fandom at the time.
Thanks to Dom, one of the nicest blokes in comics.'m now in a position to fill in the gap in the Pantera Rubia series and add substantially to what issues we hold on CB+. It's taken me quite a time following odd, wee leads, but I found them and you can see them here:-