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IW/Super Category

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IW/Super Category
« on: May 13, 2009, 06:52:13 PM »

Any chance we can get an IW/Super (and possibly a Norlen/Green) category set-up so we can herd all the issues by those PUBLISHERS out of the other publisher categories? I think it would be a cleaner approach to list the IW issues in a single location and then have a notation about where the material comes from instead of having them scattered all over the place with no clear/centeral reference point to see which IW/Super issues we have on the site.
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2009, 07:18:21 PM »

As for IW/Super - it's a personal thing on my part.  I don't believe reprint books should be separate from the originals they are reprinting.  I do encourage people mention IW in their scan titles so it's easy for someone to do a search for them if they are looking though.

I've no idea if it's possible to cross post a single upload with two links.  The last time I tried to play with the site settings I accidentally shut the entire site down for a night!

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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2009, 07:23:29 PM »

As for IW/Super - it's a personal thing on my part.  I don't believe reprint books should be separate from the originals they are reprinting.  I do encourage people mention IW in their scan titles so it's easy for someone to do a search for them if they are looking though.

I've no idea if it's possible to cross post a single upload with two links.  The last time I tried to play with the site settings I accidentally shut the entire site down for a night!


So what do you do when a book reprints material from two different publishers?
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John C

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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2009, 09:20:41 PM »

I'm also less than enthusiastic about cordoning off IW.  The way I see it, the reprints aren't permitted because they're reprints.  They're allowed because they reprint relevant content and Waldmann filed for copyright on very few (if any) of his books.

I mean, yeah, if you could give them two separate directory listings, sure, it might be interesting to search just for reprints.  But separating them means checking two places when you want to download a particular book, and that's not particularly helpful.
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2009, 09:56:15 PM »

And I favor the IW category as an IW collector and they contain good stuff for here. We have other categories without everything allowed.
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2009, 05:20:02 AM »

Honestly guys, there's already a list of all the IW books somewhere on here.
Is it really that hard to look them up by the original comic name that IW very illegally reprinted using the same plates, etc as the original printer as well?

I'd suggest perhaps an IW section but Without the scans being there - just a list of links to the books in their current folders.  IF I CAN FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO IT WITHOUT BREAKING THE SITE!   :o
Would that be a happy compromise?
A_U - I personally break up a reprint that contains more than one publisher and ALWAYS keep them with the original title they are reprinting.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 05:21:58 AM by Yoc »
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2009, 06:50:23 AM »

Let me weigh in here:  Right now, a lot of IW / Supers are the ONLY versions we have of some Golden Age books.  The originals aren't plentiful, y'know.  And since they tend to be pretty decent reprints in PD of a lot we don't have, the best thing I can think of to do is add the cover of the original, make a note that this is an IW / Super reprint, and put it where it belongs, so fans of a certain book can find it.  If we ghettoized them, chances are they wouldn't.
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2009, 02:27:36 PM »

I like Yoc's idea. I started as a SA collector and graduated to Gold. Some of my first exposure to GA was IW. They are their own little special thing and deserve a spot if possible. IMHO
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2009, 02:28:26 PM »

Honestly guys, there's already a list of all the IW books somewhere on here.
Is it really that hard to look them up by the original comic name that IW very illegally reprinted using the same plates, etc as the original printer as well?

I'd suggest perhaps an IW section but Without the scans being there - just a list of links to the books in their current folders.  IF I CAN FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO IT WITHOUT BREAKING THE SITE!   :o
Would that be a happy compromise?
A_U - I personally break up a reprint that contains more than one publisher and ALWAYS keep them with the original title they are reprinting.


Just because I'm curious. Let's say we eventually have scans of every original issue that was reprinted in IW/Super books. Do you still plan on keeping the reprints organized haphazardly across the site or would it then make sense to create an IW/Super category?
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John C

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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2009, 03:12:35 PM »

I'm not privy to policy, but much like the microfiche reprints, I would personally expect reprints to go away if and when something more authentic comes along.
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2009, 04:03:50 PM »

I'm not privy to policy, but much like the microfiche reprints, I would personally expect reprints to go away if and when something more authentic comes along.

How do you deal with things like some words being changed in some reprints to pass the 1954 Code? Does the reprint issue not hold any value once you have the original story? Unlike a fiche image which is just a poor quality version of the original, a reprint is a new version of that material that could have any number of things altered (text, colors, even certain images "erased").

It strikes me as being slightly odd that reprints are treated as story "fills" and not as publications worthy of their own category.

(just the archivist in me wondering why)
« Last Edit: May 15, 2009, 04:18:26 PM by archiver_USA »
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #11 on: May 15, 2009, 04:29:44 PM »

I personally place fiche and reprints in the same category.  Fills until the original shows up.
I do have scans of a Canadian version of a FOX book which I do feel is worth keep because there are enough changes to make it unique but the IW books aren't nearly as interesting to me.  Just my opinion.

If and when an IW section goes up and an original showed up to replace one of the IW books currently on the site - I expect we would just move the IW book into it's own section.

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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #12 on: May 15, 2009, 04:35:32 PM »

I personally place fiche and reprints in the same category.  Fills until the original shows up.
I do have scans of a Canadian version of a FOX book which I do feel is worth keep because there are enough changes to make it unique but the IW books aren't nearly as interesting to me.  Just my opinion.

If and when an IW section goes up and an original showed up to replace one of the IW books currently on the site - I expect we would just move the IW book into it's own section.


Now we are getting closer... so what if there was an IW/Super category and the books are stored there and then the fill for the original publisher is just a "virtual" link to the IW book. And that "virtual" link gets removed after an original replacement is posted. Then you don't have to "move" the IW book because its already in its final destination. :)
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John C

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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2009, 04:39:54 PM »

It strikes me as being slightly odd that reprints are treated as story "fills" and not as publications worthy of their own category.
(just the archivist in me wondering why)

Again, it's just my personal feeling, rather than policy, but it's not that I'm dismissing the reprints' value so much as their fitness for the site.  They're not Golden Age books, so they "belong" somewhere else unless they fill a void.

I actually hope that, at some point, we see related sites for Pulp, Silver Age, and other books that've fallen into the public domain, so that there's no worry about books like this falling through the cracks.
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2009, 05:15:43 PM »

How do you deal with things like some words being changed in some reprints to pass the 1954 Code? Does the reprint issue not hold any value once you have the original story? Unlike a fiche image which is just a poor quality version of the original, a reprint is a new version of that material that could have any number of things altered (text, colors, even certain images "erased").

It strikes me as being slightly odd that reprints are treated as story "fills" and not as publications worthy of their own category.

(just the archivist in me wondering why)

Well, in the case of the IW / Supers, they weren't.  Notice on the covers that there is no CCA stamp...they went through small mom-and-pop stores that don't exist anymore, and some of that stuff they featured would NOT pass the then-Code standards.  So I don't think there's much to worry about on that side.
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2009, 04:52:13 PM »

I've split this topic moving the 'era' theme into it's own topic.
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2009, 02:38:57 PM »

As one who likes to see everything scanned, the reprints will always have value but they are not really GA comics and l never really liked allowing them here even though they are usually illegal reprints of GA comics. If we can get a scan of the original l would prefer not to keep the reprint, if members would still like to keep both we could. But no l would not consider giving them their own section, they will stay with the publisher who created the comic in the first place.
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2009, 09:51:14 PM »

Yoc! You the man!
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #18 on: May 27, 2009, 11:58:38 PM »

Great going YOC more karma to you
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #19 on: May 28, 2009, 05:37:32 AM »

Ok guys,
glad you are happy. I did it for you two.   :)

It IS possible to have one upload with two links Narf.
You just paste the first titles URL (the download page, not the actual download link) into the 'Download URL:' spot on the second title.

But doing this was a pain in the butt guys that took hours.  So please lets try to keep it simple for a while.
If you spot an IW reprint that isn't also linked to the IW section please correct it through Narf or myself.
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John C

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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #20 on: May 28, 2009, 12:39:35 PM »

No, no!  Now we must have sections for artists and writers and characters and colors and secret codes!

Yes, I'm kidding.  Nice work in unearthing the feature.  And with nary a system crash, to boot!
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2009, 12:06:11 AM »

If you spot an IW reprint that isn't also linked to the IW section please correct it through Narf or myself.

Avon's Romantic Love #3 is actually the IW reprint Romantic Love #3.  I don't know if it's the reprint of Romantic Love #3 or not.

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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2010, 02:57:46 AM »

Were there any other companies putting out "bootleg" comics like IW/Super?
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #23 on: March 11, 2010, 03:38:59 AM »

Most of IW were not actually bootleg. The stuff they were reprinting was from defunct companies except some Marvel that they got slammed for.
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Re: IW/Super Category
« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2010, 04:21:01 AM »

IIRC, Will Eisner also asked them to quit using the Spirit.
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