re: grade... Rough edges, blunted corner, cover obviously was cut off-center by the printer, writing in the "O", it looks like the top of the cover is beginning to fade [with a couple of "spots" as well] while the entire right-hand edge has darkened.
The off-center cut in this case is a benefit, as it means none of the right side is missing, but rather that the left side is wrapping around to the back. This is considered much more desirable than to have the off-set go the other way and part of the art be cut off... the writing in the "O" is not counted, as that is what makes this pedigree unique, and as such is a window into time when the distributor/vendor would mark books as they came in... that leaves the slightly rough edges, the blunted corner, and the fading/darkening, all of which are allowable in a very fine minus, or 7.5.
the fascination/obsession with grade IS a direct result of having standardized (yet still somewhat subjective) guidelines for grading. Unfortunately, being born in 1970, this was just the way it was at the time I was introduced to collecting back issue comics... Grade decided value, each grade had and has certain parameters, and learning about the various defects, and what causes them, was part and parcel of my comic book education. I wish I had grown up when a grade difference only meant 20 dollars or so, but instead, I grew up when the difference between a VG and a FN could mean hundreds or even thousands of dollars difference... Like it or not, condition matters, and will always matter. More so as the age of these books increases. Whether or not CGC is always the standard, it will never be a bad thing to have a high grade comic book.
As far as why I buy comics, I buy them because I love them, and their relative grade/value only really matters when I am trying to acquire them... I don't keep my comics in a box, only to take them out every once in a while. They are displayed all around my house, and I draw pleasure from them every time I walk past them. CGC makes nice frames