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Put Your Book Suggestions Here

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Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« on: September 15, 2020, 08:52:12 AM »

It has been suggested that we start a thread, so members can recommend books for the reading group.

I think that it is a great idea. So here it is!

Just add your book, a brief sentence explaining why, and any other info that would be useful if it is chosen.
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Merry-Go-Round - La Salle Publishing
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2020, 09:08:36 AM »

I thought I'd kick this thread off so my recommendation is Merry-Go-Round (La Salle Publishing) It is giant at well over 100 pages so I'd suggest maybe a free-style read week and choose what you like?
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2020, 10:38:34 AM »

Thank you Mark. It will be interesting to see what cooks with this.
If we decide to use a choice that's posted here in the reading group, please bear in mind that we  don't turn over titles very fast, [working on a 3 week change-over at the moment] so It could take a while to get to your choice. It seems to me that this thread will become a place to recommend books and talk about them, unrelated to existing threads and also unrelated to the comments placed under individual titles. At best it will turn into an interesting resource.   
my recommendation is Merry-Go-Round (La Salle Publishing)
I will definitely have a look at that.
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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2020, 09:14:58 PM »

Andrew picks next.  IF he picks a Western, 3 weeks later, on my turn, I will pick Mark's suggested "Merry-Go-Round 1".  If he chooses something else. I'll pick a Western. 
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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2020, 10:10:18 PM »

Andrew picks next.  IF he picks a Western, 3 weeks later, on my turn, I will pick Mark's suggested "Merry-Go-Round 1".  If he chooses something else. I'll pick a Western.

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The Australian Panther

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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2020, 10:41:59 PM »

I've been approached about adding more persons to the Reading Group selectors.
A little background. For most of its history, the Reading Group has been [looking for the right verb here] done by one person. Mark kicked it off. And looked after it for quite some time and very well. Kracalactaka filled the gap admirably for a while and then Movielover took over for a good long run. Then Crash Ryan took up the Mantle. There was then a gap of about a month. Some of us noticed that. Crash had got rather busy at the time. As you do. So I volunteered.
It seemed to me that at any given time there should be one person co-ordinating the Reading Group, but I also liked the idea of having 'Guest' selectors.
Next step was to have Robb and I alternate. Then I gave a 'guest' selection to Andrew. He and Robb decided that they would share Robb's slot. Robb can at times be very busy. Unlike some of us, he is still working professionally.
So my preference is to leave it at that. One slot, my selection or my one-off guest spot, and the next slot either Robb or Andrew or whoever they like. Anything more, to my mind, is too complicated to keep track of.
Comment on Mark's 'rules' from the pioneer post.
1) Every Monday a book is chosen. At the moment we are concentrating on "standard" US comicbooks. If there is demand then it would be really cool to set up other groups for pulp/non-english etc. But we are initially running with US comics.

Running with that, there have been attempts to review non-english books. So, maybe if there was somebody interested, we could start a new thread say, 'Non-English reading group'
2) One particular story in the book is chosen as the focus of the discussion, but feel free to talk out other stories/pages or the cover. Or related topics 
Robb and I have generally commented on the whole book, but, for mine, anybody joining in is free to comment on anything in or about the book. [No bad language tho!]
but it is planned that once we are "bedded" in Group members get to pick the books.

To that end, at the top of the Reading group Posts,we now have a pinned thread, 'Put your Reading Group suggestions here.' Please use it and we will attempt to use your suggestions.
It seems at the moment, we should look at Westerns for a while.
On my last point, please give me feedback.When I came on board, the time between selections had gotten  longer. I also thought that a decent period of time might be needed to do justice to each selection. So I decided on every 3 weeks. I would prefer not to do one every week,but maybe every two weeks?
Please let me know.
Also, I would prefer to approach people personally to ask if they would like to be a guest selector, but if you would like a slot please use the 'Put your Reading Group selections here' Thread to notify myself or Robb.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2020, 11:07:42 PM by The Australian Panther »
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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2020, 08:57:21 AM »

It seems at the moment, we should look at Westerns for a while.

I mentioned Avon before, but I might as well get more specific with their other Western comics:

Pancho Villa (1950)

Blackhawk Indian Tomahawk War (1951)

Chief Victorio Apache Massacre (1951)

Hooded Menace (1951)

Blazing Six Guns #1 (December, 1952)

Masked Bandit (1952)

Last Of The Comanches (1953)
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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #7 on: October 08, 2020, 09:24:45 AM »

I've been approached about adding more persons to the Reading Group selectors.
When I came on board, the time between selections had gotten  longer. I also thought that a decent period of time might be needed to do justice to each selection. So I decided on every 3 weeks. I would prefer not to do one every week,but maybe every two weeks?
Please let me know.
Also, I would prefer to approach people personally to ask if they would like to be a guest selector, but if you would like a slot please use the 'Put your Reading Group selections here' Thread to notify myself or Robb.

I'm glad you brought up the Book Review Period.  Since we've been using 3-week periods, most of the reviews have been occurring during the first two weeks, and nothing happens during the 3rd week.  So, I propose that we cut the review period down to TWO weeks.  One week has been too short a period, as several regular contributors don't see the new book during the first week, or are sometimes too busy, and so they miss that book entirely.  But 3 weeks is too long.   TWO should be perfect.  What do you all say to that?

I agree that suggestions for a particular genre or genre plus publisher, or even reviewing a specific book of your choice should be requested on this thread, and one of Panther or myself will probably assign it for the group. 
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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2020, 10:21:10 PM »

Cutting it down to two weeks would be good.

My suggestion is a comparison between the Mitzi In Hollywood story from Movie Comics #4 and the Stars Fell On Arizona story in Cowgirl Romances #10

Why a comparison? Because they are two different stories, using the exact same artwork.
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2020, 10:46:15 PM »

I like the idea of using two stories instead of just one, when there is some reason to compare the two together. So we will probably get to your choice down the track a little.
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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2020, 12:25:20 AM »

I've been approached about adding more persons to the Reading Group selectors.

So my preference is to leave it at that. One slot, my selection or my one-off guest spot, and the next slot either Robb or Andrew or whoever they like. Anything more, to my mind, is too complicated to keep track of. It seems at the moment, we should look at Westerns for a while.
On my last point, please give me feedback.When I came on board, the time between selections had gotten  longer. I also thought that a decent period of time might be needed to do justice to each selection. So I decided on every 3 weeks. I would prefer not to do one every week,but maybe every two weeks?
Please let me know.
Also, I would prefer to approach people personally to ask if they would like to be a guest selector, but if you would like a slot please use the 'Put your Reading Group selections here' Thread to notify myself or Robb.   Cheers!   

So, have we agreed, then, to make the new time period every TWO Weeks?
« Last Edit: October 09, 2020, 12:39:31 AM by Robb_K »
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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2020, 01:38:59 AM »

OK with me
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2020, 11:49:21 AM »

It seems we all concur. So the Reading Group period will now be biweekly. Which will be handy, given we already have a couple of selections to deal with. So I will handle the next post which will be on Monday 19th I will adjust our calendar accordingly.

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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2020, 12:52:56 PM »

I'm late to the discussion but I'm pleased to see we are switching to bi-weekly.

I put my name forward as a guest selector.

I also have two suggestions:
The first is Judomaster (Charlton). I selected this because it's an example of everything Golden Age: predictable yet fun, short, colorful stories and a reflection of the times it was written it via the 'bad guys' in the story, etc. It also has an interesting and, to its credit, realistic short Judo lesson in each edition.

The second is Captain Atom (also Charlton) as I'm a sucker for superhero comics (my primary enjoyment of comics is nostalgia of my childhood) and CA is another example of a character that has stood through time and survived relaunches, etc. I always enjoy the original take on a character.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2021, 01:36:09 PM by gregjh »
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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2020, 11:33:01 AM »

So we will be having some kind of Christmas theme in the forthcoming choices? Either in individual stories or an entire Christmas-themed comic?
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2020, 01:18:29 PM »

You have been reading my mind. Watch this space.
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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2020, 03:40:03 AM »

Well I think an issue of Toyland Comics would be a good choice, perhaps the second issue.
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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #17 on: December 04, 2020, 05:37:44 PM »

Well I think an issue of Toyland Comics would be a good choice, perhaps the second issue.   

That would be MY slot, and I'd be willing to do that.  Issues #1 & 2 seem more appropriate than #3.  I'll consider it, depending upon what book Panther chooses for the next review.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2020, 05:47:15 PM by Robb_K »
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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2021, 12:00:01 PM »

We only have the Silver Starr story from this book but it is beautifully drawn.
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2021, 12:10:53 PM »

Narfstar, Capital idea!

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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2021, 11:36:15 PM »

We only have the Silver Starr story from this book but it is beautifully drawn.   

If there is a coloured US printing of this story, I'd rather review THAT book.  Or is this an original production from New Zealand, with no colour printing that we have at CB+?
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #21 on: January 31, 2021, 01:57:56 AM »

Well, we can only post a book that is on this site. Silver Starr in colour is really something. And we don't appear to have one here.
Or is this an original production from New Zealand

There is no publishing information on the book that Narfstar supplied a link for. Likely Australian tho. Most locally created Australian comics were in Black and White. There was one giant-size Silver Starr but I'm pretty sure it was a one-off.   
Interestingly, a search for Silver Starr on CB+ brings up the fact that there is a Silver Starr book in the 'Suspect' folder. This is a folder, I understand, where books that have been uploaded but not cleared for the site, for one reason or another, are filed. Ordinary members don't have access to the 'Suspect' folder. So I don't know what issue is held there.
There are only two books on CB+ - one is a very soft scan, the other lacks detail and looks like it was scanned from Microfiche. Still two are better than nothing.             
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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2021, 04:55:44 PM »

I'm late to the discussion but I'm pleased to see we are switching to bi-weekly.

I put my name forward as a guest selector.

I also have two suggestions:
The first is Judomaster (Charlton). I selected this because it's an example of everything Golden Age: predictable yet fun, short, colorful stories and a reflection of the times it was written it via the 'bad guys' in the story, etc. It is also has an interesting and, to its credit, realistic short Judo lesson in each edition.

The second is Captain Atom (also Charlton) as I'm a sucker for superhero comics (my primary enjoyment of comics is nostalgia of my childhood) and CA is another example of a character that has stood through time and survived relaunches, etc. I always enjoy the original take on a character.

I just checked out Judomaster and Captain Atom, as well as Silver Star. Oh my gosh! I love this stuff! I'm adding these to my reading list. The only sad thing is that neither of these are complete, but that's understandable. Still can't wait to start reading them. The art on these comics are just breathtaking! I wish I could draw like that!
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #23 on: March 08, 2021, 09:15:03 AM »

The Reading Group is now up to #240 and, as we now sometimes choose more than one at a time, we are probably closer to #250 books. I haven't been with the reading group from day one, so I apologise if we choose a title twice. If there have been a couple of years at least between the postings, I don't think it matters much.
If anybody wants to compile a list of the previous choices that we could post at the top of the thread and occasionally update, please be my guest.

Cheers, and happy reading!
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Re: Put Your Book Suggestions Here
« Reply #24 on: April 21, 2021, 11:27:44 PM »

Given that it's getting harder to go through the previous threads to see what's been picked before, I thought I'd post an alphabetical list to help people see what's been done. My original list is in Open Office's spreadsheet program so if someone wants a copy let me know and I can email you a copy.

Comic Books

3-D Comics, Little Eva #2   St. John   Week 195
3-D Sheena Jungle Queen #1   Fiction House   Week 195
4 Most v1 #1   Novelty      Week 206
48 Famous Americans      J. C. Penny   Week 103

A Gallery of Girls - Coles Phillips   The Century Co.   Week 283
A-1 Comics #13   Magazine Enterprises   Week 255
Abbott and Costello Comics #12      St. John   Week 064
Acromaid   Cartoon Art   Week 083
Adrift In Space   Koala   Week 155
Adventures in Wonderland #5   Lev Gleason   Week 101
Adventures Into The Unknown #1   American Comics Group   Week 319
Adventures Into The Unknown #21   American Comics Group   Week 319
The Adventures of Captain Havoc and The Phantom Knight #4   Wedderspoon   Week 181
The Adventures of Catman #21   Tricho Pty. Ltd.   Week 310
The Adventures of Peter Wheat #1   Peter Wheat Bread   Week 300
The Adventures of Peter Wheat #18   Peter Wheat Bread   Week 020
Adventures of the Dover Boys #1   Archie   Week 304
Airboy Comics v9 #3   Hillman      Week 042
Alarming Tales #1   Harvey      Week 169
All Fun Comic v3 #4   A. Soloway   Week 144
All Good Comics      Fox   Week 219
All New Comics #2   Harvey   Week 333
All Top Comics #6   Green Publishing   Week 251
All Top Comics #8   Fox   Week 189
Amazing Adventures #4   Ziff-Davis   Week 246
Amazing -Man #15   Centaur   Week 226
Amazing Ghost Stories #16   St. John   Week 186
Amazing Man Comics #11   Centaur   Week 071
Amazing Mystery Funnies v02 #7   Centaur   Week 003
Amazing Mystery Funnies v02 #7   Centaur   Week 328
America’s Astronauts… Conquerors of Space   General Electric   Week 289
America's Biggest Comics Book   Standard   Week 179
Andy Hardy #6   Dell   Week 282
Animal Comics #1   Dell   Week 300
Animal Comics #9   Dell   Week 252
Animal Fables #5   Fables Publishing   Week 278
Approved Comics #2 (AKA Invisible Boy)   St. John   Week 053
Approved Comics #2 (AKA Invisible Boy)   St. John   Week 302
Army Attack #1   Charlton   Week 343
Army War Heroes #22   Charlton   Week 294
The Atomic Thunderbolt   Regor   Week 037
Authentic Police Cases #28      St. John   Week 122
The Avenger #1   Magazine Enterprises   Week 253
Avon Fantasy - An Earth Man on Venus   Avon   Week 178

The Barker #1   Quality   Week 041
Baseball Comics #1   Will Eisner   Week 120
Bat Masterson #2   Dell   Week 271
Battle Fire #1   Stanley Morse   Week 172
Between Shots   Percy Crosby   Week 113
The Beyond #27   Ace   Week 209
Big Chief Wahoo #1   Eastern Color   Week 251
Big Shot #52   Columbia   Week 185
Big Shot #83   Columbia   Week 132
Billy the Kid #63   Charlton   Week 152
Billy the Kid Adventure Magazine #1   Toby   Week 152
Black Cat #12   Harvey   Week 080
Black Diamond Western #49   Lev Gleason   Week 076
Black Swan Comics #1   Archie   Week 304
The Black Terror #24   Standard   Week 025
The Black Terror #26   Standard   Week 327
Blackstone Master Magician Comics v1 #1   Vital   Week 029
Blazing West #11   ACG   Week 229
Blue Beetle #1 (1964)   Charlton   Week 262
Blue Beetle #1 (1967)   Charlton   Week 262
Blue Bolt Weird Tales #119   Star   Week 305
Bob Colt #5   Fawcett   Week 171
Bobby Benson's B-Bar-B Riders #5   Magazine Enterprises   Week 166
Bobby Comics #1   Universal Phoenix   Week 105
Border Patrol #2   P. L. Publishing   Week 104
Bouncer #10   Fox   Week 136
Boy Comics #12   Lev Gleason   Week 338
Boy Comics #32   Lev Gleason   Week 196
Boy Detective #1   Avon   Week 338
Brain Boy #1   Dell   Week 015
Brenda Starr #1   Dell   Week 346
Brenda Starr #13   Charlton   Week 346
Brenda Starr Comics #6   Superior   Week 346
Buccaneers #23   Quality   Week 046
Bulls Eye Comics #11   Chesler   Week 298
Bullwinkle Mother Moose Nursery Pomes #207   Dell   Week 256
Buster Brown #1   Brown Shoe Co.   Week 030

Camera Comics #5   U. S. Camera   Week 157
Camp Comics #2   Dell   Week 300
Canteen Kate #2   St. John   Week 054
Captain Aero Comics #10   Holyoke   Week 202
Captain Atom #63   Atlas (Australia)   Week 325
Captain Atom v2 #79   Charlton   Week 069
Captain Easy #1   Argo   Week 126
Captain Easy #1   Argo   Week 291
Captain Flash #1   Sterling   Week 059
Captain Flash #1   Sterling   Week 253
Captain Hobby Comics #1   Export   Week 134
Captain Marvel #66   Fawcett   Week 011
Captain Marvel #150   Fawcett   Week 150
Captain Marvel #1   M. F. Enterprises   Week 188
Captain Rocket #1   P. L. Publishing   Week 111
Captain Tootsie #2   Toby   Week 035
Catholic Comics #10   Catholic   Week 299
Cat-Man Comics v3 #7 aka #17   Holyoke   Week 310
Cave Girl   Magazine Enterprises   Week 127
The Challenger #3   Interfaith Publications   Week 317
Chamber of Chills Magazine #7   Harvey   Week 005
Char Chapman, The Phantom of the East #1   L. Miller ?   Week 123
Charlton Maco Toys One Shot   Charlton   Week 153
Choice Comics #3   Great Comics   Week 270
Christmas Carnival   St. John   Week 260
Christmas Drawings For The Human Race   Harper & Brothers   Week 234
Christmas Drawings for the Human Race   Harper & Brothers   Week 260
Christmas with Mother Goose by Walt Kelly   Dell   Week 050
Cisco Kid Comics #1   Bailey   Week 095
Colossus Comics #1   Sun   Week 077
Columbia Comics #1   Columbia   Week 225
Comics On Parade #27   United Features   Week 267
Contact Comics #12   Holyoke   Week 180
Coo Coo Comics #13   Standard   Week 267
Cowgirl Romances #10   Fiction House   Week 231
Crack Comics #12   Quality   Week 315
Crack Comics #13   Quality   Week 315
Crack Comics #21   Quality   Week 311
Crack Comics #59   Quality   Week 311
Crackajack Funnies #21   Dell   Week 118
Creepy Worlds #61   Alan Class   Week 237
Crime Does Not Pay #63   Lev Gleason   Week 001
Crime Does Not Pay #63   Lev Gleason   Week 328
The Crimson Comet Comic #13   Leisure   Week 325

D-Day #4   Charlton   Week 343
Daffydils   Cupples and Leon   Week 307
Danger #1   Comic Media   Week 008
Daredevil Comics #1   Lev Gleason   Week 085
Dark Mysteries #1   Story   Week 087
Dead-Eye Western #11   Hillman   Week 331
Death Valley #2   Comic Media   Week 280
Dell Junior Treasury #5 - Wizard of Oz   Dell   Week 052
Desert-Dragon Comic   G. T. C. Hubble   Week 318
Detective Dan, Secret Operative No. 48   Humor Publishing   Week 019
Detective Eye # 1   Centaur   Week 141
Detective Picture Stories #1   Centaur   Week 158
Detective Picture Stories #4   Centaur   Week 250
Dickie Dare #2   Eastern Color   Week 338
Dizzy Don #22   Dizzy Don Enterprises   Week 239
Doll Man #8   Quality   Week 007
Down With Crime #4   Fawcett   Week 316
Dr. Anthony King, Hollywood Love Doctor #4   Toby   Week 016
Dr. Kildare #7   Dell   Week 334
Drift Marlo #1   Dell   Week 176
Dynamic Comics #2   Chesler   Week 175

Eerie #7   Avon   Week 014
Eerie #8   IW   Week 332
Eerie Tales   Hastings Associates   Week 117
El Bombo Comics #1   Standard   Week 251
Ellery Queen #2   Ziff-Davis   Week 321
Elmo Comics #1   St. John   Week 326
Exciting Comics #2   Standard   Week 298

Famous Funnies #100   Eastern Color   Week 100
Famous Funnies #200   Eastern Color   Week 200
Famous Stories #1   Dell   Week 274
Famous Western Badmen #15   Youthful   Week 048
Fantastic Adventures #18   I.W./Super   Week 302
Fantastic Giants #24   Charlton   Week 262
Fatman The Human Flying Saucer #1   Lightning   Week 224
Feature Comics #50   Quality   Week 311
Feature Comics #141   Quality   Week 311
Fight Comics #39   Fiction House   Week 135
Fightin' Navy #82   Charlton   Week 197
The Fighting Yank #29   Standard   Week 327
Flying Saucers   Avon   Week 309
Forbidden Worlds #60   ACG   Week 216
Four Color #96 - Dick Tracy   Dell   Week 290
Four Color #172 - Christmas with Mother Goose   Dell   Week 234
Four Color #220 - Easter with Mother Goose   Dell   Week 162
Four Color #253 - Christmas with Mother Goose   Dell   Week 285
Four Color #254 - Santa Claus Funnies   Dell   Week 313
Four Color #675 - Steve Donovan Western Marshall   Dell   Week 271
Four Color #675 - Steve Donovan Western Marshall   Dell   Week 324
Four Color #871 - Curly Kayoe   Dell   Week 079
Four Color #1208 - Rocky and his Friends   Dell   Week 306
Four Color #1235 - The Nearsighted Mr. Magoo   Dell   Week 337
Four Color #1253 - Space Man   Dell   Week 309
Four Color #1304 - Nellie the Nurse   Dell   Week 337
Foxy Fagan #2   Deerfield   Week 045
Frankenstein #8   Prize   Week 010
Freelance Comics #31   Anglo-American   Week 174
Frogman #1   Hillman   Week 027
Funnyman #1   Magazine Enterprises   Week 024

Gang World #5   Standard   Week 142
Gene Autry Comics #2   Fawcett   Week 198
Gene Autry Comics #6   Dell   Week 006
Giant Comics #3   Charlton   Week 312
Gibson New Cartoons   Charles Scribner's Sons   Week 236
Giggle Comics #14   ACG   Week 214
Gold Medal #1   Cambridge House   Week 128
Gold Medal Comics #1   Cambridge House   Week 263
Great Action Comics #1   I.W./Super   Week 266
Great Comics #3   Great Comics   Week 270
Green Hornet #7   Harvey   Week 163
Grey Domino #7   World Famous   Week 017

Hangman #7   Archie   Week 266
Hangman #8   Archie   Week 266
The Hawk #12   St. John   Week 324
Hell Rider #2   Skywald   Week 330
Hercules #1   Charlton   Week 121
Hi-School Romance #20   Harvey   Week 340
Hi-School Romance #44   Harvey   Week 340
Hit Comics #61   Quality   Week 311
Hit Comics #65   Quality   Week 311
The Hooded Horseman #25   ACG   Week 067
The Hooded Menace   Avon   Week 247
The Horrors #11   Star   Week 305
Hot Rod Comics #2   Fawcett   Week 192
Hot Rod Racers #9   Charlton   Week 089
Hot Rods and Racing Cars #88   Charlton   Week 192
Hurricane Comics   Cambridge House   Week 263
Hyper Mystery Comics #1   Hyper   Week 063

Ibis the Invincible #3   Fawcett   Week 292
Illustrated Stories of The Operas: Faust   Baily   Week 299
Indian Chief #33   Dell   Week 139
Invisible Scarlet O'Neil #1   Harvey   Week 119
Invisible Scarlet O'Neil #3   Harvey   Week 302
It Rhymes With Lust   St. John   Week 259

Jack Armstrong #1   Parents' Magazine   Week 060
Jackie Robinson #1   Fawcett   Week 243
Jackie Robinson #2   Fawcett   Week 160
Jackpot #4   Archie   Week 075
Jesse James #7   Avon   Week 340
Jesse James #25   Avon   Week 340
Jet Fury #22   Pyramid   Week 201
Jet Power #1   I.W./Super   Week 275
Jet Power #2   I.W./Super   Week 275
Jewish War Heroes #1   Canadian Jewish Congress   Week 317
Jim Dandy #1   Lev Gleason   Week 058
Jingle Jangle Comics #42   Eastern Color   Week 313
Joe Luis #2   Fawcett   Week 243
Joe Palooka #2   Columbia   Week 078
Johnny Starboard and the Underseas Pirates   Vital   Week 110
Jolly Jingles #10   Archie   Week 227
Judge Parker #1   Argo   Week 291
Judomaster #98   Charlton   Week 129
Juke Box Comics #1   Eastern Color   Week 222

Keen Detective Funnies #16 (v2 #12)   Centaur   Week 323
Keen Detective Funnies #20   Centaur   Week 323
The Kelly Gang Rides   L. Clapperton   Week 331
Ken Shannon #3   Quality   Week 055
Kerry Drake Detective Cases #2   Magazine Enterprises   Week 290
Kerry Drake Detective Cases #15   Harvey   Week 210
The Key Comics #1   Consolidated   Week 096
Key Ring Comics - Radior Radior The X-Ray Man   Dell   Week 036
The Kilroys #5   American Comics Group   Week 314
King of Diamonds #1   Dell   Week 280
King Size Comic #24   Young's Merchandising   Week 238
Knockout #418   Amalgamated Press   Week 107
Knockout Annual 1959   Amalgamated Press   Week 261
Kona #5   Dell   Week 013

Lawbreakers Suspense Stories #15   Charlton   Week 340
Les Aventures De Gordon Pym   Collection LeRuban Rouge   Week 244
Let's Pretend #2   DS Publishing   Week 333
L'il Rascal Twins #12   Charlton   Week 088
Lightning Comics v1 #4   Ace   Week 298
Lion And Sun November 14, 1959   Fleetway   Week 213
London As Seen By Charles Dana Gibson   Charles Scribner's Sons   Week 283
Lovelorn #53   ACG   Week 194
Lucky Comics v2 #5   Maple Leaf   Week 317
Lucky Duck #5   Standard   Week 223

The Mad Hatter #1   O. W. Comics   Week 278
The Mad Hatter #2   O. W. Comics   Week 086
Manhunt Comics #3   Magazine Enterprises   Week 255
March of Comics #3 - Featuring M.G.M Our Gang   Dell   Week 300
Marco Polo   Charlton   Week 294
Marines Attack #1   Charlton   Week 343
The Mask of Dr. Fu Manchu   Avon   Week 112
The Masked Bandit!   Avon   Week 247
Masked Raider #1   Charlton   Week 324
Masterman Comic #1   Streamline   Week 165
Max and Maurice   Little Brown & Company   Week 307
Meet Miss Pepper #5   St. John   Week 092
Merry Comics   Rural Home   Week 031
Merry-Go-Round #1   ACG   Week 230
Merry-Go-Round #2   Standard   Week 230
Mike Shayne Private Eye #1   Dell   Week 217
Mike Shayne #2   Dell   Week 273
Millie the Lovable Monster #2   Dell   Week 140
Milt Gross Funnies #1   American Comics Group   Week 326
Mirakleman #1503   Classics Nederland   Week 205
Miss Cairo Jones #1   Croydon   Week 342
Miss Fury #3   Marvel   Week 297
Mister Mystery #1   Stanley Morse   Week 106
Mister Mystery #7   Stanley Morse   Week 292
Monkeyshines Comics #12   Ace   Week 207
Monster #1   Fiction House   Week 151
More Fun Comics #7   DC   Week 300
Movie Comics #4   Fiction House   Week 231
Mr Risk #2   Ace   Week 084
My Date #2   Hillman   Week 228
My Love Secret #24   Fox   Week 147

Navy Patrol #1   Stanley Morse   Week 114
Negro Romances #2   Fawcett   Week 090
Never Again #1   Charlton   Week 137
New Fun Comics #1   DC   Week 240
New Romances #16   Standard   Week 109
The Night Before Christmas   ?   Week 287
Noodnik #3 (AKA Pinky the Egghead #1)   Comic Media   Week 047

One Million Years Ago #1   St. John   Week 301
Operation Peril #6   ACG   Week 218
Our Place in Space   GE   Week 143

P.S Magazine #1   ?   Week 220
Pep Comics #22   Archie   Week 335
Pep Comics #64   Archie   Week 183
Phantom Lady #22   Fox   Week 329
Phil May's Gutter-Snipes   Macmillan   Week 283
Picture Parade   Gilberton   Week 065
Pioneer West Romances #5   Fiction House   Week 288
Pirates Comics #1   Hillman   Week 274
Planet Comics #21   Fiction House   Week 004
Planet Comics #37   Fiction House   Week 297
Police Comics #6   Quality   Week 284
Police Comics #11   Quality   Week 296
Police Lineup #3   Avon   Week 108
Poppo of the Popcorn Theatre #13   Poppo   Week 159
Popular Comics #40   Dell   Week 258
Popular Comics #41   Dell   Week 258
Popular Comics #42   Dell   Week 258
Popular Teen-Agers #12   Star   Week 305
Prize Comics #39   Prize   Week 254
Prize Comics #49   Prize   Week 212
Prize Comics #52   Prize   Week 254
Punch and Judy Comics v2 #11   Hillman   Week 168
Punch and Judy v2 #1   Hillman   Week 018

Race for the Moon #2   Harvey   Week 289
Real Life Comics #58   Standard   Week 182
Reptisaurus v2 #3   Charlton   Week 038
Ribtickler #1   Fox   Week 032
Ripley's Believe It Or Not Magazine #1   Harvey   Week 049
Robin Hood #2   I.W./Super   Week 249
Robin Hood And Company #34   Anglo-American   Week 317
Rocket Ship X   Fox   Week 098
Rulah Jungle Goddess #24   Fox   Week 002
Rulah Jungle Goddess #24   Fox   Week 328

Saari   P. L. Publishing   Week 127
The Saint #1   Avon   Week 082
Sam Hill Private Eye #1   Archie   Week 273
Santa Claus, Kriss Kringle Or St. Nicholas   E. J. White & Co.   Week 312
Santa Claus Funnies #1   Dell   Week 101
Santa Claus Funnies #1   Dell   Week 287
Santa Claus Parade   Ziff Davis   Week 215
Santa's Christmas Comics #1   Standard   Week 285
Santa's Tinker Tots #1   Charlton   Week 339
Schoolgirls' Picture Library #6   Amalgamated Press   Week 211
Schoolgirls' Picture Library #12   Amalgamated Press   Week 339
Schoolgirls' Picture Library #40   Amalgamated Press   Week 286
Schoolgirls' Picture Library #76   Fleetway   Week 336
Schoolgirls' Picture Library #106   Fleetway   Week 312
Schoolgirls' Picture Library #143   Fleetway   Week 336
Sea Hunt #6   Dell   Week 293
The Secret Voice #1   Ajax-Farrel   Week 131
Seven Seas Comics #1   Leader   Week 177
The Shadow #83   Tricho   Week 330
Sheena, Queen of the Jungle #2   Fiction House   Week 268
Shield/Wizard #1   Archie   Week 248
Sherlock Holmes #1   Charlton   Week 056
Silver Flash #35   Truth And Sportsman   Week 238
Silver Starr Super Comic #6   Young's Merchandising   Week 238
Slam Bang Comics #6   Fawcett   Week 167
Slapstick Comics #1   Comic Magazines   Week 022
Slave Girl Comics #1   Avon   Week 288
Smash Comics #25   Quality   Week 315
Smash Comics #72   Quality   Week 296
Smitty #2   Dell   Week 345
Soldiers of Fortune #7   ACG   Week 089
Son of Sinbad #1   St. John   Week 044
Space Adventures #33   Charlton   Week 232
Space Adventures #43   Charlton   Week 289
Space Adventures #49   Charlton   Week 125
Space Comics (aka Captain Valiant)   Arnold Book   Week 040
Space Detective #1   Avon   Week 269
Space Detective #2   Avon   Week 269
Space Man #2   Dell   Week 309
Space Western #40   Charlton   Week 021
Spaceman #5   ?   Week 091
Sparkler Comics #4   United Features   Week 249
Sparky Watts #7   Columbia   Week 326
Special Agent   American Railroads   Week 026
Special War Series #4   Charlton   Week 232
Speed Comics #1   Harvey   Week 303
Spencer Spook #101   ACG   Week 061
Spitfire Comics #1   Harvey   Week 130
Spitfire Comics #1   Harvey   Week 333
Spotlight Comics #1   Chesler   Week 146
Spy Hunters #3   ACG   Week 281
Spy Smasher #4   Fawcett   Week 331
Star Studded Comics #1   Cambridge House   Week 263
Startling Comics #44   Better   Week 342
Stories By Famous Authors Illustrated #7   Seaboard   Week 284
Strange Mysteries #9   IW/Super   Week 305
Strange World of Your Dreams #2   Prize   Week 009
Streamline Comics #4   Cardal   Week 133
Strongman #1   Magazine Enterprises   Week 073
Stuff and Nonsense   Charles Scribner's Sons   Week 320
Submarine Attack #40   Charlton   Week 068
Super Detective Library #14   Amalgamated Press   Week 276
Super Detective Library #23   Amalgamated Press   Week 276
Super Detective Library #45   Amalgamated Press   Week 336
Super Detective Library #59   Amalgamated Press   Week 293
Super Detective Library #90   Amalgamated Press   Week 264
Super Detective Library #156   Amalgamated Press   Week 257
Super Detective Library #159   Amalgamated Press   Week 290
Super Detective Library #166   Amalgamated Press   Week 257
Super Duck Comics #42   Archie   Week 304
Super Duper Comics #3   F. E. Howard   Week 240
Super-Mystery Comics v2 #2   Ace   Week 099
Super Mystery Comics v7 #5   Ace   Week 170
Super Spook #4   Ajax-Farrel   Week 161
Superior Stories 1 - The Invisible Man   Nesbit   Week 148
Superworld Comics #3   Komos   Week 081
Suspense #3   Temerson   Week 164
Suspense Detective #1   Fawcett   Week 316
Suspense Detective #2   Fawcett   Week 316
Suspense Detective #5   Fawcett   Week 316
Suzie Comics #49   Archie   Week 191
Suzie #50   Archie   Week 097
Suzie #68   Archie   Week 097
Suzie #100   Archie   Week 097
Swift Morgan in Atlantis   T. V. Boardman   Week 072

T-Man #1   Quality   Week 039
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1   Tower   Week 154
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #1   Tower   Week 331
Taffy Comics #5   Orbit   Week 124
Tales Of The Mysterious Traveler #6   Charlton   Week 332
Teen-Age Diary Secrets #4   St. John   Week 156
Teen-Age Love #29   Charlton   Week 233
Teenage Temptations #2   St. John   Week 109
Tex Granger #23   Parents' Magazine   Week 115
The Thing #1   Charlton   Week 034
This Is Suspense #24   Charlton   Week 340
Thriller Comics Library #109   Amalgamated Press   Week 285
Thrills of Tomorrow #17   Harvey   Week 094
Tim Valour Comic #3   H. John Edwards   Week 318
Tippy's Friends Go-Go and Animal #1   Tower   Week 074
Tom Corbett, Space Cadet #4   Dell   Week 028
Tom Mix Comics #8   Ralston-Purina   Week 193
Top Notch Comics #1   Archie   Week 279
Top Notch Comics #15   Archie   Week 248
Tops Comics #2000   Consolidated   Week 043
Tor #1   St. John   Week 301
Torchy #1 Quality Week 245
The Tormented #2   Sterling   Week 138
Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact v15 #1 Catechetical Guild Week 288
Treasure Chest of Fun and Fact v17 #2 Catechetical Guild Week 299
A Treasury of Comics #3 - Bill Bumlin   St. John   Week 345
Triumph Comics   Frank Johnson   Week 318
True Animal Picture Stories #1   Parents' Magazine   Week 145
True Comics #73   Parents' Magazine   Week 329
True Comics #78   Parents' Magazine   Week 012
True Confessions v46 #288   True Confessions   Week 187
Two-Bit the Wacky Woodpecker #1   Toby   Week 070
Two Hundred Sketches, Humorous and Grotesque   Frederick Warne   Week 320

U.S. Marines #4   Charlton   Week 343
Undercover Girl #5   Magazine Enterprises   Week 281
Undercover Girl #6   Magazine Enterprises   Week 033
Underworld Crime #1   Fawcett   Week 316
Unusual Tales #5   Charlton   Week 062

Vic Torry and His Flying Saucer   Fawcett   Week 116
Voyage to the Deep #1   Dell   Week 294

Walt Scott's Christmas Stories   Dell   Week 051
Wanted #49   Orbit   Week 208
Web of Evil #1   Quality   Week 199
Web of Evil #3   Quality   Week 296
Weird Comics #13   Fox   Week 102
Weird Tales #3   Stanley Morse   Week 292
White Princess of the Jungle #2   Avon   Week 268
Whiz Comics #29   Fawcett   Week 329
Whiz Comics #39   Fawcett   Week 314
Whodunit #1   DS Publishing   Week 221
Wilbur #1   Archie   Week 282
Win A Prize Comics #1   Charlton   Week 242
Win A Prize Comics #2   Charlton   Week 242
Wings #67   Fiction House   Week 093
Witches Tales #13   Harvey   Week 295
Witches Tales #24   Harvey   Week 295
Wonder Comics #10   Standard   Week 066
Wonderworld Comics #7   Fox   Week 279
Wonderworld Comics #11   Fox   Week 315
Woolworth's New Christmas Book   Western   Week 184
World's Greatest Stories #1 - Alice in Wonderland   St. John   Week 256
Wow Comics #9   Fawcett   Week 287

Yarns of the Yellowstone   Bill Chapman   Week 190
Young Heroes #36   ACG   Week 023
Your Vote Is Vital!   Harvey   Week 173

Zip Comics #1   Archie   Week 335


Fulgor #7   Week 322
The Second Pimpernel #1   Week 322
The Sledgehammer #1   Week 322

Comic Compilations

Ellery Queen Detective - Crackajack Archive   Week 321
Frank Thomas Archives 1 - Centaur Years   Week 272
Maneely at Charlton   Week 308
Senorita Rio compilation 1   Week 265

Newspaper Strips

Buck Ryan compilation 19   Week 257
Buck Ryan compilation 38   Week 257
Buck Ryan compilation 39   Week 203
Buck Ryan compilation 78   Week 306
Christmas Fantasy   Week 312
Dr. Kildare compilation (1962)   Week 334
Ella Cinders compilation   Week 241
Flip Falcon in the Fourth Dimension compilation   Week 341
Flyin' Jenny 1942 compilation   Week 277
Frantic Stein compilation   Week 277
The Spirit (1940-12-22)   Week 286
The Spirit (1941-12-28)   Week 286
The Spirit (1945-12-16)   Week 204
The Spirit (1947-07-06)   Week 057
Teena 1957 compilation   Week 277
The Yellow Kid 1896   Week 307

Print Stories

A Christmas Mystery For the Silent Three   School Friend   Week 149
A Christmas Mystery For the Silent Three   School Friend   Week 234
Amazing Stories v3 #5   Week 344
Girls' Crystal #740   Amalgamated Press   Week 339
Heroines Showcase #17   Steven R. Johnson   Week 297
How To Draw By Leon Barritt   Harper & Brothers   Week 236
The Lure of the Comics   Farleigh Press   Week 255
The Magnet #1140   The Magnet   Week 312
The Magnet #1350   The Magnet   Week 185
Spy Smasher Serial Pressbook   Republic   Week 320

Radio Shows

Bold Venture Episode 21   Week 293
Dr. Kildare Episode 50   Week 334
The Whistler Episode 499   Week 339

TV Shows

Dragnet s2 ep   Week 234
One Step Beyond (The Devil's Laughter)   Week 235
The Veil (Jack The Ripper)   Week 235
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