Week 2 Rulah Jungle Goddess 24https://comicbookplus.com/?dlid=36327I looked at the first story here, which was the one originally chosen to review, but its such a mess, I'll leave it alone.
The two areas of commentary then as now, were the depiction of African blacks in comics and the unreality of "Jungle' comics.
Obviously the the genre was created by ERB, and is still alive and well. As I've pointed out before. I lived in tropical and subtropical climates for much of my life, and therefore find the idea of people running round Jungles in loin-cloths and bikinis ridiculous. You would be eaten alive by insects and incur third degree sunburn. I tell you from experience, that's no fun, to put it mildly.
However my needs in enjoying a story are good art, believable characters and good story. The art is not bad but the story is too messy.
An aside.
I'm amazed by the Ad for a cigarette lighter in a comic aimed at per-adolescents! Even in that era. And it holds a full pack of cigarettes too.
Scrounge said,
I'm really impressed with how tough the soles of Elsie's feet are. I mean she goes from wearing protective shoes to running around the streets of New York to running around in the jungle and if she stepped on anything sharp we never saw evidence of it.
I'd rather run around a jungle barefooted than the streets of New York. And the soles of your feet do get toughened when you do that.
Paw said,
.Weren't jungle girl comics simply a way to get scantily clad females in front of young lads' eyes?
Again i refer you to ERB. I don't know how many pre-adolescents read comics in the 21st Century, most seem marketed to their big brothers and sisters and even fathers and grandathers.
And the genre is alive and well.
There are current
'Sheena' comics, and when it comes to scantily clad, try
Vampirella and her several clones,
Red Sonia likewise and
Barbarella was back for a while - to name a few.
And I just have to mention
Dejah Thoris, princess of Mars. I haven't read the original ERB books, so don't know how he describes her but all current comic versions of the character - particularly Dynamite's - portray her as basically nude.
Scrounge said,
Looking at Rulah's giraffe-skin outfit bottom with the wide side openings and thongs to hold it in place, my first thought was, "Well, she's not wearing panties."
Well, I grew up on beaches where Bikinis were commonplace so i don't really see the problem.
Paw Broon said,
Well, this is an education
What a sheltered life I've led. I thought this stuff started with the under-dressed heroines of the Flare universe.
Well, Paw, you are obviously unaware of the work Wally Wood did in the last few years of his life.
QQ said
She stays in the jungle as their protector. I have problems with a lot of these types of stories. Beautiful white woman saves poor natives who can't help themselves and is thereafter worshipped by them. And how come the white westerner knows more about surviving in the jungle than the indigenous people who've grown up there? It seems that Rulah is a benevolent goddess, but I'm still not crazy about these kinds of concepts.
We are on the same page there.
As Paw has previously pointed out,
The Phantom is basically a masked mystery man. We don't see him interfere much in the daily lives of the Jungle folk, he mainly protects them bad guys ( and women) He also doesn't always operate in the Jungle.