O I know. When I was young(er) I had a home network ethernet cables running all over the place.
I think I had 5 machines (286/386/486/pentium) and I had a dial-up gateway set up on one... the sounds of the modem dialing out is summat that I really miss. It was just for fun and learning. Great games of Doom when my nephews and nieces came around.
But now I just do a directory share or two. Plus 16gb USB keys move stuff around easily enough with out all the hassle
Every machine is here a Dell. OS is Vista, XP and also recently Ubuntu.
I put Ubuntu on a machine which went bottoms up and I had no disk and I am really impressed.
I believe Vista support will be withdrawn a lot sooner then they did with XP. I am not planning on buying a new machine and OS upgrade is really expensive especially as I have Vista Ultimate. I'd be better off buying a new Dell!
As I am a code monkey just punching away and doing a bit of graphics stuff then Ubuntu would be cool for that. And I'll take the Vista machine/license slightly off line and use it for windows apps.
Anyway, that is the thought at the moment.
BTW are there any problems going on I am not aware of?
Best regards,