Updated version of The_Funnies_08.cbz uploaded, with much better scans of the FC, IFC, and BC thanks to Jon.
Starting with my current issue of The Funnies (16), I will be making larger scans as Jon requested, at least for that title. I may go back and upgrade the ones I've already done once I get through my stack, but that will likely be a few months. (I have vastly more appreciation for all the scans people have already done; it's not as simple and not nearly as fast as it looks!)
My current list of projects in order, this should take me at least 2-3 weeks:
The Funnies 16
Jumbo Comics 99
The Funnies 17
Authentic Police Cases 33
The Funnies 18
Animal Comics 26
The Funnies 23
Animal Comics 28
The Funnies 24
? (Leaning towards the Jumbo 39)
The Funnies 25
Unless somebody expresses a strong desire for something else I've mentioned that I have, I'll probably start in on the Quality and Fawcett books after I'm done with those.
Oddball question on the Pogo comic book appearances: the first volume of the Eclipse reprints mentions Pogo appeared across 6 titles. Does anybody have a checklist? All I can come up with is Animal Comics, Our Gang Comics, Albert and Pogo, Santa Claus Funnies, and Pogo Possum. Pogo Parade was all reprint and doesn't seem like it fits in the list; Special Delivery wasn't Dell and also doesn't seem quite right. (I would LOVE to see a copy of that, mind you.)