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Lots of Comics but no time

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Lots of Comics but no time
« on: September 19, 2008, 04:13:43 AM »

I'm Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr, and I just joined.

I figured that it would be better to have a separate topic where people can address me without wading through nine pages of "How did you find us?" entries. Someone (or two) have already asked me about some Fox inside front covers. I'll confess that Fox is not the deepest company in my collection and I'm unlikely to have the issues requested. Sorry.

What I AM open to is the possibility of finding some trustworthy soul in the US who would be willing to scan comics in my collection. I'm NOT a condition freak and most of my comics are not even in plastic bags. I USE them regularly and the thought of not being able to just open up a box and rifle through the books is pretty foreign to me.

Plus, I am NOT afraid to send them through the mail. I'm currently in the midst of a project reviewing the output of the Lloyd Jacquet Studios from around 1943-1948. I'm not looking at the big companies like Fawcett and Timely, but rather Continental, Croydon, Rewl, and the like. Once I've reviewed all of the material in the books and updated my IDs on note cards, I will mail all of them to Arkansas for Hames Ware to review and add to or correct the IDs.

If there is some list member in the San Francisco Bay Area that would be willing to put in the scanning time, I'd be more than willing to provide the raw material - pending my availability, that is. I spend about 1/4 of each year out of the country and we'd have to arrange connections. Otherwise, I'd consider mailing them to a trustworthy destination. If someone would be willing to split the postage costs, that would be very helpful, too.

BUT the offer is there. If anyone is interested, please let me know and also let me know what comic runs are most needed.
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2008, 05:41:48 AM »

This is a very generous offer Jim!

Sadly I'm up in CANADA - otherwise I'd have been more than willing to help out scanning some of these wonderfully obscure publishers it sounds like you are most interested in. 

Soooo, any scanners out there in the Bay area willing to take up Jim on his offer???
Come on people, these kind of offers are as rare as hens teeth!

Fingers crossed someone can step up to the plate Jim.  Take care,
« Last Edit: September 22, 2008, 02:16:36 AM by Yoc »
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2008, 10:07:10 AM »

I MIGHT be able to give it a try.  Let me know what you have and I'll see what I can do.
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2008, 01:14:58 PM »

My have list goes on for about 8 pages. Here's the contents of page 1:
[NOTE - Books still needed on GAC or that are in fiche will be marked in yellow by me.  -Yoc]

FOR THE RECORD, any issue number followed by a "
« Last Edit: December 25, 2008, 08:07:03 AM by Yoc »
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2008, 03:36:29 PM »

This project could keep someone busy for YEARS!

Just curious,
« Last Edit: September 22, 2008, 02:17:09 AM by Yoc »
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2008, 04:25:34 PM »


I'm in the ***** area, so I'm not a real candidate as a scanner.  And, to be honest, I would be worried about scanning somebody else's books; even though I'm careful I've damaged several of my books as I scanned them.  (Most common problem:  popping the centerfold loose.)  I'm perfectly happy to risk and even do slight damage to my own books; I view it as a worthwhile 'cost' of getting the scans out there.  But the thought of damaging somebody else's book scares the heck out of me; even if the owner says it's an acceptable risk I don't know that it would be acceptable to me.

With all that said, let me know if you need contributions to the postage fund; I can definitely help with that.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2008, 02:17:43 AM by Yoc »
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2008, 04:28:55 PM »

Greetings Jim,
The sheer volume of the books you present would seem to necessitate a number of people working together to capture those wonderful books to record here and provide access to the future generations of readers.

I try to provide the best scans I can with the meager tools I work with which ends up taking a bit of time per book but feel it worth the investment as the scans circle the globe and may last a long time if not infinitely.

I say this as I offer my service to help scan some of your books, if needed. for placement here on GAC.

I'm located in northeastern Ohio so this would involve trust as well as postage costs. I would be willing to pay postage costs to and from for the books seeing you have opened your collection to the public and that is an admirable thing.

Seeing the large number of books you have available and conversations during earlier threads from a month or so back suggesting a group fund to purchase certain books for scanning and placement here on site

perhaps a fund could be developed among the many members to provide the monies needed for postage costs and insurances in respect to the transfer of the books to and fro if you are inclined to use the mails in the event a west coast scanner cannot be found. These are just thoughts to get the ball rolling.

I'm still rather new to the site and scanning having come on board the April of this year I believe it was, but have managed to scan something like 20 or so books and think I have the basics down for doing a presentable scan tho' not of the higher caliber of some scanners that post here.

To sample some of the books I have scanned you could look up KO KOMICS or run thru a thread titled 'Coming Soon'
in the Comics Loaded folder

which is where I place the notice for the bulk of the books I scan to FTP in order to contact Yoc or Aussies so they can place them on site.

The condition of the books is not important to the scan in that many can be doctored up fairly well from the spine wear, tears, ink smears, creases, writing, rat chews and what have you commonly found on reader copies.

What I would NOT be interested in scanning are very fine shaped books that might carry a higher dollar value on ebay or Heritage auction sites in that I would not want to be responsible for opening a higher grade book for scanning and inadvertenly cause a staple crease that might devalue the book.

I have a personal appreciation to the sci-fi and the superhero genre and would enjoy working with those type books over any others but it would seem to better serve the site if Aussie, Yoc, and the other mods were to join heads over what PD books might best be scanned first.

Anyhow, regardless of what transpires, I can say the offer of your collection to scan is appreciated and I'm sure many fellow readers would echo the same.


I'm Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr, and I just joined.

I figured that it would be better to have a separate topic where people can address me without wading through nine pages of "How did you find us?" entries. Someone (or two) have already asked me about some Fox inside front covers. I'll confess that Fox is not the deepest company in my collection and I'm unlikely to have the issues requested. Sorry.

What I AM open to is the possibility of finding some trustworthy soul in the US who would be willing to scan comics in my collection. I'm NOT a condition freak and most of my comics are not even in plastic bags. I USE them regularly and the thought of not being able to just open up a box and rifle through the books is pretty foreign to me.

Plus, I am NOT afraid to send them through the mail. I'm currently in the midst of a project reviewing the output of the Lloyd Jacquet Studios from around 1943-1948. I'm not looking at the big companies like Fawcett and Timely, but rather Continental, Croydon, Rewl, and the like. Once I've reviewed all of the material in the books and updated my IDs on note cards, I will mail all of them to Arkansas for Hames Ware to review and add to or correct the IDs.

If there is some list member in the San Francisco Bay Area that would be willing to put in the scanning time, I'd be more than willing to provide the raw material - pending my availability, that is. I spend about 1/4 of each year out of the country and we'd have to arrange connections. Otherwise, I'd consider mailing them to a trustworthy destination. If someone would be willing to split the postage costs, that would be very helpful, too.

BUT the offer is there. If anyone is interested, please let me know and also let me know what comic runs are most needed.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2008, 02:18:41 AM by Yoc »
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2008, 06:49:25 PM »

The sheer volume really only necessitates that the project will take some time. Heck, they've waited 60+ years, they can wait a few more months. And you needn't be overly concerned with condition. While I would certainly expect eveyone to handle the books with care, I have never paid more than $40 for a comic book in my life - so these aren't the world's greatest copies. In some cases the books have been disbound and each cover and page inserted into a plastic sleeve so they can be reviewed and touched and scanned without further breaking or chipping.

Who cares how long it takes when you're working for posterity? And I tried to find your KO Komics scans with no success, but that simply might be my inexperience at working such a site. I do find it all a bit confusing, since I don't play around in these kind of sandboxes very often. Email me a sample of one of your scans so I can see what we're getting into.

Thanks for the offer.

Peace, Jim (|:{>


Here is Jim's Timely and DC Lists - Note THEY ARE NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN AN CAN'T BE HOSTED ON GAC.  -Yoc

   Love Tales 52
   Comedy 15, 27, 31, 33
   Gay 18
   Joker 15
   The Kellys 25
   Love Tales 52
   Marvel Mystery 24
« Last Edit: December 25, 2008, 08:18:22 AM by Yoc »
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2008, 07:46:10 PM »

The sheer volume really only necessitates that the project will take some time. Heck, they've waited 60+ years, they can wait a few more months. And you needn't be overly concerned with condition. While I would certainly expect eveyone to handle the books with care, I have never paid more than $40 for a comic book in my life - so these aren't the world's greatest copies. In some cases the books have been disbound and each cover and page inserted into a plastic sleeve so they can be reviewed and touched and scanned without further breaking or chipping.

Who cares how long it takes when you're working for posterity? And I tried to find your KO Komics scans with no success, but that simply might be my inexperience at working such a site. I do find it all a bit confusing, since I don't play around in these kind of sandboxes very often. Email me a sample of one of your scans so I can see what we're getting into.

Thanks for the offer.

Peace, Jim (|:{>

Welcome to the site.

Rez's KO Comics scan:

B. :)
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2008, 08:25:09 PM »

Thanks for pointing the KO Komics scans out to me. Now if I only could figure out why I couldn't find them myself... I'm not very conversant with messageboards, blogs and things. Sorry. I spend most of my time researching from prime source material and recording the information, eventually, on the web, but this is the very first time I've considered looking for prime material on-line. I guess I have a lot to learn about techniques and etiquette. Apologies in advance for any toes I inadvertently step on.

Regarding the quality of the scans, your KO's look just fine to me - eminently presentable and legible. If you want to try to scan a trial box of my books, take a look at what I listed above and pick out a dozen or more issues and send me your snail mail address. There's lots more detail than I recorded, so if there's something you really want to see, just ask. It's hard to predict what I MIGHT have.

Also, if you want to record artists information, I may have indexed the issues on index cards and can provide some solid information and rough guesses in that area as well.

Peace, Jim (|:{>


ELSIE   nn
POPPO   5,7
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 01:28:52 AM by Yoc »
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2008, 11:48:16 PM »


That is an incredibly generous offer and I'd love to see lots of those scanned.  I'm about as far away as can be though -- in CT.  There are several though, I'd certainly be willing to pay postage both ways on to complete (or really help) various scanning projects.

Anchors Andrews (St John) 2-4
Fightin' Marines 6-7
Fightin' Texan 16-17
Strange Terror (St john) 5-6
The Texan (St John) 2-6 8-11 13 14
Weir Horrors (St John) 3 4 6
Wild Boy (St Johyn) 11-15
Nyoka (Fawcett) #2 as the scan here is missing 4 pages.

not explicitly stated, but of even more interest if you have them
Buster Brown #1  (all others are scanned though not positive uploaded here)
Advs into the Unknown 59 76 82 91
Blazing West 18
Commander Battle 1 2 6
Forbidden Worlds 29 30
Operation Peril 1 6 15 16
Soldiers of Fortune 6 13
Spy Hunters 16 18 24

     Dell Four Colors
5 Raggedy Ann
6 Smitty
7 Smokey Stover
23 Raggedy Ann
27 Mickey mouse
38 Roy Rogers
63 Roy Rogers
94 Winnie WInkkle
98 Lone Ranger

and I could certainly put you in touch with scanners like Gambit and others who'd love to scan your Atlas comics particularly the westerns

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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2008, 11:54:07 PM »

There is a SEARCH feature on the GAC site.  It's above the logo banner and to the right.
Hope that helps.
The Portland question I asked seems to miss your attention.
I do know an excellent scanner and perfect gentleman who is used to handling very old books with great care that might be willing to help out if the two of you could arrange to meet.
But I don't want to ask him until I know it would be possible on your end.  He's in Beaverton.

And I myself might take a closer look at your list and make some requests if someone doesn't grab them first.  But I'll wait until I see if anyone else closer or with more expertise than myself asks for them first.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2008, 11:56:00 PM by Yoc »
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2008, 12:50:52 AM »

Yoc, I'll try to cover all your questions this time.
I was just in Portland a couple of months ago, but have no plans to return in the near future. Still, that doesn't preclude meeting your mystery scanner via email or phone. I'm really very open to this idea. The mail doesn't frighten me. I've sold books through the mail for nearly 20 years and have been sending every comic book I've purchased over the last thirty years back and forth to Little Rock to share them with Hames. So put me in touch with your friend and make a list of things you'd volunteer to scan. I might have some of them.

Jon, These St. John's are certainly available:
Anchors Andrews (St John) 2-4
Fightin' Marines 6-7
Fightin' Texan 16-17
Strange Terror (St john) 5-6
The Texan (St John) 2-6 8-11 13 14
Weird Horrors (St John) 3 4 6
Wild Boy (St John) 11-15

and Nyoka (Fawcett) #2

Of the others you list, I have:

  Buster Brown #1

  Advs into the Unknown  91
  Blazing West 18
  Operation Peril 1 15
  Spy Hunters 16 18 24

Dell Four Colors
  23 Raggedy Ann

OtherEric -
Condition is not a real concern here. My comics are MEANT to be used and read and scanned and PLAYED WITH.

If the three of you could tell me a little bit more about yourselves it would be a first step in my getting comfortable with the idea of sending bunches of comics off to "strangers." But I believe that this CAN work and it's a great use for my comics that right now are accessible only to visitors here and to the few friends who have taken advantage of my sharing offers.

Peace, Jim (|:{>
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Geo (R.I.P.)

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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2008, 01:28:18 AM »

Yes, I believe with your list it would have to be a joint effort to get them all done. Also as Jon pointed out some on your list have already been scanned and are now up on the site.
I too would be willing to give it a shot with some of them. I live about 30 miles south of OtherEric in Washington state.

These would do for a start:

ALARMING TALES   3 (that would finish the series now up on the site)
CAPT. VIDEO   2,3,5,6
DON WINSLOW   31,67,68
ROCKET TO MOON (one-shot)
STRANGE WORLDS   1,2,4-9,22

You can PM me to set things up would be best on how you would like to handle this. Maybe we could even work something out so OtherEric and I could work on this together since we live so close together to save some on the shipping.

« Last Edit: September 20, 2008, 01:37:37 AM by Geo »
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2008, 01:47:30 AM »

Or course I understand that a lot of the books I own have already been scanned and posted to the site. I was just cutting and pasting from my list to easily make it known what is in my collection.

I really hate to show my age, but IM is not something I do. I'm quite adept at telephone calls and emails and have even been known to write a snail mail now and again. I think, to start the process,
I'd really like to know your name and address and some history of you and comics. Try to calm my misgivings of sending hundreds of dollars worth of comics off to a stranger. If anything, I'm probably TOO trusting, and need curb those tendencies.

We do have some time, though, as I will be leaving for Paris in ten days, which pretty much precludes sending anything before I leave as I won't be back for six weeks. I don't want to leave the comics disconnected from me for that long.

I would just like to know exactly who I am dealing with. Thanks for understanding.

Peace, Jim (|:{>
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Re: List (A) of Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2008, 02:13:02 AM »

Just to make clear the extent of what I'm offering, here are some more details of the comics I have that available for scanning:

FOR THE RECORD, any issue number followed by a "
« Last Edit: December 25, 2008, 07:35:51 AM by Yoc »
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Re: List B of Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2008, 02:13:40 AM »

the rest of them

FOR THE RECORD, any issue number followed by a "
« Last Edit: June 12, 2009, 11:10:51 PM by Yoc »
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2008, 02:36:44 AM »

Well Jim if you look at the GCD you will see my name on the indexer, editor and board if that helps build any trust.  You will see also see my name alongside yours in almost every issue of Alter Ego. The books I really hope you have are Yellowjacket 1, 9 and Blazing 1, Bang Up 2-3, Superworld 1-2 of course Colossus or Green Giant and any Centaur not already here.
I would be also be very interested in scanning Captain Flash 1,2,4 Informer 3-5, Red Band 1or2, Blue Circle 2-3, Cannonball any, The Flame (Ajax)2-3, Black Cobra (any), Phantom Lady (ajax)1,4 Samson (ajax)13-14 Wonder Boy 17, Terrific Comics (et-es-go)1, Spotlight 1-3, x-venture 1 Lots more but what you have of these would be a start.  I am a teacher with more time in the summer and over Christmas.  Let me know what you might be willing to send and we can make arrangements.  Jim Ludwig
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2008, 02:56:10 AM »

You must have been posting your list as I was typing mine.
A quick look saw Yellowjacket 9, and a must have I did not think of is Mad Hatter I have never been able to get an affordable copy.  Also would love Bomber, Great and Choice to scan. Will look closer but these are books I really hope get scanned soon by someone anyone! Especially YJ 9 and Mad Hatter!
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2008, 02:59:19 AM »

One more question, Jim.

What does
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2008, 03:06:04 AM »

Those sound like EXCELLENT credentials to me, Jim,
(Plus you have a trustworthy first name!) Since several of the comics I'd send are in the batch that is either in Little Rock right now or en route, it sounds like it's best to wait until I get back from Paris on November 11. Hames is scheduled to return the books shortly thereafter.

My preferred method is using Priority Mail flat rate box insured for $300. It's trackable and requires a signature and only takes about 2-3 days. Between now and my return, if you could make a list of ALL the books you want to scan and send it to me in an email ( with each title on its own line. When I get back, I'll refile all the material that Hames now has and pull those you want. I'll send you an email when I put them into the mail and you can give me an estimate of how long you think it will all take.

FOR THE RECORD, any issue number followed by a "
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2008, 03:19:27 AM »

If you have an idea of how many books fit in a flat rate box I can prioritize.  I am salivating over seeing The Mad Hatter and some other great stuff. BTW do you want books you do not have?  I just scanned and posted a detached cover Calling All Kids 26 and you are welcome to it if you need it since your run ends at 25.  It is not something I collect, just picked up.  I may have some others you would be interested in.  Most of what I have is under $20.  I just paid $40 for a Slapstick to scan and post.  You have a copy so I could have saved the $40 bucks.  Oh well it was from an odd publisher and I got many of my odd books in an effort to get at least one book from each publisher.  I would try to finish the first batch of books over Christmas break and would not mind paying postage to get to see these great books.  If you do paypal it is the easiest way.
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2008, 04:01:58 AM »

To Jon and Narfstar,
You must understand that I'm NOT a member of any other message boards or really conversant in their use. I didn't know WHO you were, though I'm certain there must have been a way to find out. I am really juggling about six comic project balls right this second and the whole idea of loaning my comics out for scanning is rather new and daunting. To try to answer your question, Jon, the "
« Last Edit: September 22, 2008, 02:22:43 AM by Yoc »
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2008, 04:08:36 AM »

The information about these comics NEEDS to be shared and I'm actually looking forward to downloading some books that I've never seen. There are simply SO MANY mysteries yet to be solved in comics and more turning up every day. Just yesterday, I wrote to Michael Vassallo to alert him to two Charlton comics from 1946 and 47 that contained strips with TIMELY characters in them - one even had a Stan Lee job code on it. Totally BIZARRE!

I wound up selling it a few years ago; but I always wondered what the heck was up with the Animal Fun 3D book.  It was from Premier Magazines (a publisher I'm not sure I've ever heard of on another book); but it featured Ziggy Pig and Silly Seal.
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Re: Lots of Comics but no time
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2008, 04:18:29 AM »

Waiting till November is fine (except dying to see the Mad Hatter character) as I would be most open over Christmas anyway. I did the index for Slapstick and posted the scans here.  Now I know who the cover and story artist was I can go back and add the info.  I am working on making an artist ID site.  I have a minor one on Yahoo now.  The one I hope to do will feature several examples of signed or definetly identified work that others can look at to help in identification.  With scans from this site I found out how much early Kubert looks amazingly like Ditko.  I am able to identify some Eugene Hughes and Myron Fass a couple lesser lights.  I hope to use my own site to increase my ability to identify artists.  Enjoy your trip.  JIM
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