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Davy Crockett's Almanack
Available Books:7
Latest Book:Davy Crockett's Almanack 1839 | Uploaded: Oct 25, 2013
Categories:Western | Western Heroes
Davy Crockett maybe known as the "King of the Wild Frontier", but after reading these Almanacks, "Star of the Wildest Stories Ever" would certainly be a better description.

Davy Crockett Almanacks and other literature purporting to have been written by him began appearing a year or so before his death at the Battle of the Alamo, March 6, 1836. It is also pretty certain that Crockett didn't have a hand in any of them.

The Almanacks we house here contain ridiculously tall stories ... teaching a pet bear and alligator to dance the polka ... a fight with 2,000 snakes ... being carried UP Niagara falls by his pet alligator. Although there were fanciful tales of Crockett (some of which told by himself) when he was alive, these books published after his death helped cement the myth of Davy Crockett and indeed that of the Pioneering West.

Our 1938 Almanack states that posthumous material and anecdotes were still being discovered along with his own drawings. The later Almanack's "editor" and teller of numerous tales is Ben Harding, an old-timer and good friend of Crockett. Believe it all if so you wish!
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Davy Crockett's Almanack

  Davy Crockett's Almanack 1836 49 Pulpshmoo Sep 25, 2013 62.00 6509 134
  Davy Crockett's Almanack 1838 49 Pulpshmoo Oct 25, 2013 69.00 4367 81
  Davy Crockett's Almanack 1839 36 Pulpshmoo Oct 25, 2013 51.00 6064 69
  Davy Crockett's Almanack 1840 36 Pulpshmoo Oct 25, 2013 54.00 4092 73
  Davy Crockett's Almanack 1841 37 Pulpshmoo Oct 25, 2013 53.00 3764 87
  Davy Crockett's Almanack 1846 37 Pulpshmoo Oct 25, 2013 70.00 3521 65
  Davy Crockett's Almanack 1847 37 Pulpshmoo Oct 25, 2013 62.00 3994 64
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