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Davy Crockett's Almanack
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Davy Crockett's Almanack 1841 (5 of 7)
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Additional Information
Reasoning From Analogy

"Reasoning from analogy, you must be a great dunce," - said a man to his neighbor.

"How do you make that out?" returned the other.

"Because you keep an ass in your barn, which disturbs my family o' nights by his braying."

"Then, reasoning from analogy," said the other, "I should say you were born to be hung."

"How do you make that out?" was the question.

"Because there is a pine tree growing on your land as high as Haman's Gallows."

Reasoning from analogy

"I hear Jim has reformed," said one loafer to another.

"Indeed, you may well say that," was the reply - "for he used to get his liquor at the dram shop, where they sell the real slop stuff, and now he buys none but the pure spirit."

"Ah ! well," returned the other, "an easy thing for a man to lead a vartuous life when he can afford it. I had an uncle that was rich, and he never got drunk till after dark when he could tumble upon his bed like a gentleman and get up a sober man in the morning."

Cure For Love

Visit the damsel to whom you are attached, on washing day.

The data in the additional content section is courtesy of Galactic Central.
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