Hi all,
The process of determining the file contents of unnamed in the unsorted category could be greatly expedited if it were possible to download many files at a time, unattended. Say, select some twenty files, go shopping, come home and check out all the downloaded files for their contents, and post notes for each file in the unsorted section. As things are now, it seems like a lot to ask for volunteers to stand over their machines and select and download just one or two files at a time. There are only so many hours in a day, and in a person's life, and to spend our time on such mindless activities seems pretty inefficient. So, perhaps Serj can assign some kind of access right to certain individuals, enabling them to download lists of, say, twenty files at a time. A lot more work could be done, more quickly, and with less effort and frustration. Can this be done?
Many thanks for all the hard work you folks are putting in on this.