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Paw's profferings

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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #900 on: January 21, 2024, 12:43:29 PM »

Thanks to DownunderDan, we have information and now a scan of a Kirby comic that, despite a lot of research by Kirby experts, Atlas experts and my staying up late attempts, is seriously obscure and does not appear to have been published in N. America.  It could be an English language translation of an Italian comic for the Australian market.  Or perhaps the other way round, but Italian first is favourite right now.  I need our members to start trying to check all this, pretty please!
DownunderDan found and passed on the information on the book, for which many thanks. I looked at all his work and checked on "certain" sites, finally finding a scan. 
Hope you enjoy it:-
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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #901 on: February 27, 2024, 04:58:17 PM »

Having remembered how to use mass upload, and with many thanks to Mr Tweedy, we now have  a number of issues of the Pearson pocket library, Picture Romance Library from1956
Nice wee comics.
Also, again many thanks to Mr Tweedy, there are new issues of Emergency Ward 10, Highway Patrol, Dixon of Dock Green and 1 issue of the rarer Film Picture Stories, all Pearson pocket libraries.
As the numbering on Pearson pocket libraries is weird and wonderful - some titles are a part of TV Picture Stories and also under their own listing - I've kept Emergency Ward 10 together, for instance.  At some point there will need to be a Pearson's section with all the titles under one roof, but right now for me it's a lot of work which I don't fancy.  If anyone fancies a go, please do ;)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2024, 05:20:40 PM by paw broon »
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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #902 on: February 27, 2024, 07:33:33 PM »

Ok I will :)
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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #903 on: February 28, 2024, 01:54:53 PM »

Thanks Mark.  Order now reigns.
Just to mess with your work, thanks to Mr Tweedy reminding me that there were 2 other issues of Film Picture Library, I created a new section, uploaded the 2 I'd missed and moved the 3rd to the new section.  You'll find them here:-
This short run is also known as Film Picture series.  The info in the indicia changes from FPL to FPS. Another wrinkle in Pearson's i/ds
Also, #1 of Super Detective Library, The Saint:-
« Last Edit: February 28, 2024, 02:30:45 PM by paw broon »
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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #904 on: February 29, 2024, 04:36:39 PM »

On our Buck Ryan page, here:-
and courtesy of Chimp Twist, I'm uploading alternative compilations of the early stories.  First 5 up now.  These are all single tier per page files and very nice too.
The original, upright files I scanned a few years ago were from photocopied multi-tier pages which I bought from ADCCC, and that's not the best way to present newspaper strips, imo.  So these Chimp Twist files are just the ticket.
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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #905 on: March 01, 2024, 04:22:55 PM »

Thanks to Mr Tweedy, we now have Super Detective Library # 43 and 162 - Meet Captain Dack with art by James Holdaway and Buck Ryan with art by Jack Monk.
Plus more of Chimp Twist's alternative Buck Ryan comps.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2024, 05:41:08 PM by paw broon »
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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #906 on: March 01, 2024, 05:36:06 PM »

The first two links are the same.

EDIT: Sorry, hit send before finishing the message. The proper link for Captain Dack is

Thanks for posting this. Interesting to see early Holdaway. For those (like me) who wonder just who Captain Dack is, I found a "bio" at the link below. It seems Dack was created in 1933 by Peter Meriton, writing as John Hunter, for the Thriller story papers. Later he was a repeating guest star in Sexton Blake stories. Holdaway has given Dack extensive corrective surgery. He's described in the papers as "a  huge man, tall and broad, with 'a heavy square face lit up by eyes in which saturnine laughter and considerable cunning shared the honours.' He has giant hands attached to monstrous wrists, and a voice that has shouted down hurricanes."
« Last Edit: March 01, 2024, 05:47:32 PM by crashryan »
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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #907 on: March 01, 2024, 05:41:43 PM »

Thanks crash.  Should be ok now.
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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #908 on: March 04, 2024, 04:37:11 PM »

Seems to me there is some resemblance to Tug Transom. But a couple of other adventurers could fit versions of that description - Bulldog Drummond and Patrick Dawlish (John Creasey writing as Gordon Ashe)
Dawlish is described as:-
"Dawlish was shown as a huge man with a group of hearty, hard-hitting friends, based on the 'Bulldog Drummond' tradition. Drawn by chance into a vicious series of crimes, he decided to solve them himself"
« Last Edit: March 04, 2024, 04:42:53 PM by paw broon »
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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #909 on: June 21, 2024, 04:53:46 PM »

Thanks to Dave for scanning and editing this 100 pager, we now have Grand Comic Album available.
The mix of strips include The Green Skeleton; Kid Champion; Kid Eternity amongst others. 
Downunder Dan is, in a way, responsible for this one as he tracked down an Australian Green Skeleton comic.  After reading it, I began to realise it was familiar and, after a couple of days digging through my collection, I found this album which had a Green Skeleton story.
It's quite a rare thing and isn't listed in the British guide with only a mention on GCD.  If anyone would care to pass the info on to GCD, that would be good.  You'll find the album here:-
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Comic Book Plus In-House Image

paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #910 on: August 01, 2024, 02:44:33 PM »

I've amalgamated Cowboy Comics with Cowboy Picture Library as they are treated in the official guide as the same title.  The numbering continued with the name change happening between #204 & #205.
You will find the section here:-
And, courtesy of Mr Tweedy, we now have 8 new issues available.
Plus, thanks again to Mr Tweedy, 2 new issues of Love Story Picture Library, #45, #51
You can find them here:-
There are other issues on B's site but I'll need time to figure out which ones we need. Unless some kind soul fancies having a go? (An ad for the "Double Knitting Woollies" book in early issues is worth it itself.  I used to wear cardies like that)
« Last Edit: August 01, 2024, 04:44:35 PM by paw broon »
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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #911 on: August 02, 2024, 10:22:36 AM »

Paw, I had to move  the books back as it was causing a problem. I'll PM later :)
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The Australian Panther

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #912 on: August 03, 2024, 12:36:44 AM »


There are other issues on B's site but I'll need time to figure out which ones we need. Unless some kind soul fancies having a go? 

It has occured to me that it might be an opportunity to increase CB+'s other languages sections.

Are any of the Indian 'INDRAJAL' comics PD?
Then there is the Dutch Language section. Surely some of those could be 'ported' to CB+?

Then there is both a Spanish and a Portuguese section.
'Captain Jupiter' looks interesting.

« Last Edit: August 03, 2024, 12:43:13 AM by The Australian Panther »
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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #913 on: August 03, 2024, 12:07:34 PM »

Captain Jupiter is too recent I think but I'll check again. A lot of the Dutch comics are reprints of newspaper strips and I believe the copyright still resides with the newspaper publishers.  There are many official reprints of some of these strips on sale.
Martin Toonder material, while excellent,  is too risky for us.
I'll dive into the section when I get a chance. There are some gorgeous strips and they are available on certain sites.
Indrajal and other Indian publishers confuse me.  A lot of titles are KFS reprints but there are a number of home grown titles and characters, mostly relatively recent, ie, post 1960.
Also, while I read French, Italian, a bit of Spanish, and can sort of get the gist of Dutch as long as there are pictures, Indian languages completely defeat me. And as many comics are not in English, I'm  stuffed.

If anyone wants a bit more info, send me a pm. ;)
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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #914 on: August 03, 2024, 10:18:22 PM »

Captain Jupiter is too recent I think but I'll check again. A lot of the Dutch comics are reprints of newspaper strips and I believe the copyright still resides with the newspaper publishers.  There are many official reprints of some of these strips on sale.
Martin Toonder material, while excellent,  is too risky for us.
I'll dive into the section when I get a chance. There are some gorgeous strips and they are available on certain sites.
Indrajal and other Indian publishers confuse me.  A lot of titles are KFS reprints but there are a number of home grown titles and characters, mostly relatively recent, ie, post 1960.
Also, while I read French, Italian, a bit of Spanish, and can sort of get the gist of Dutch as long as there are pictures, Indian languages completely defeat me. And as many comics are not in English, I'm  stuffed.

If anyone wants a bit more info, send me a pm. ;)

Yes, best to stay away from Marten Toonder publications.  I've recently found several Dutch books we don't have here on CB+, including a few Akim(Jungle Adventures), a Bob Crack, De Moker, and Fulgor.  Ive also seen a few French Fulgors on Internet Archive.  I intend to translate all the 1940s and possibly early 1950s Dutch comics we have now, plus those we add.  I'm halfway through translating the 8 Beeldromansen (episodes) of "De Tweede Pimpernel", which I plan to combine into a compilation book, for which I will make new front covers for both the Dutch originals and my new English Scanlation of it. I'll need help with the cover graphics and dialogue/narrative scanlation transfers from Crash Ryan and/or Super Scrounge, and anyone else that can help.
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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #915 on: September 24, 2024, 08:15:54 AM »

It took a while but we finally got Tales That Astonished finished.  A new fanzine that's completely free.  Download it, read it, like it or dislike it, send it to friends (and enemies, I suppose)
This issue has contributions from editor/publisher Chris Smillie, and me.  As we move along, other contributors will hop on board.
You'll find it here:-
We hope you find something to enjoy.
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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #916 on: December 18, 2024, 02:07:44 PM »

Tales That Astonished Christmas issue (#3) is up on site here:-
Please have a read and hopefully you'll find something to tickle your fancy.  All comments, good or bad, gratefully received.
And Chris and I would appreciate if you could comment on your social media or pass a copy on to friends, colleagues.
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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #917 on: December 19, 2024, 02:27:29 PM »

I've created a new section to hold Tales That Astonished.  We currently have #2 and #3.  I'll try to get a copy of #1 which came out about 10 years ago - don't ask!
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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #918 on: February 26, 2025, 04:54:41 PM »

Thanks to Dave Hayward, we now have the complete Dr. Miracle story in Champ comics 18, plus a last page. All from original art. Now, can anyone track down the rest of the content?
You'll find the book here:-
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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #919 on: March 18, 2025, 04:53:36 PM »

A while back, someone was compiling the 4 stories of The Veiled Avenger and I suggested creating a cover with some info.  But I forgot, and forgot who it was. I finally remembered the job and put the comp together.  You'll find it here:-
I'm a bit embarrassed about neglecting it and I'd ask whoever suggested the idea to get back to me and I'll change the attribution.
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neil meikle

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #920 on: March 19, 2025, 07:09:30 PM »

It was me Stephen but don't bother about changing it, I can live without credit. As long as it's posted, that does me. Speaking about credit, I hope you caught my apology for not giving you any for The Sentinels archive back at Christmas, it was a beginners mistake mate.
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paw broon

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Re: Paw's profferings
« Reply #921 on: March 19, 2025, 07:45:34 PM »

Hi Neil. Yes I did. As you say, as long as it's posted.
Anything else you fancy collaborating on?  ;D
I've forgotten where you are but if you're anywhere nr. Glasgow on the 29th, there's a British comic swapmeet on the southside.
While it specialises in Commando and other pocket war libraries, other genres and formats turn up.
Unlike the (non) comic cons  this is very informal and comics only. Often a lot of original art on display. 
« Last Edit: March 19, 2025, 07:55:48 PM by paw broon »
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